Friday, June 2, 2023

Chapter 10.3 - February 2022 - Kleopatras birthday party

 ~~ Household: Kråke-Karlsen. ~~

Ingrid wakes up early and excited on this first february morning...

«I want to discover a star and name it after me!» she says, before going out to use the telescope, while her mom is sleeping in the back there, dreaming about money.

Morten and Kathrine woke up a little later. Morten heads for his sisters room to play computer games and Kathrine lies down on Ingrids bed to read a book! Yes, her room really is the place this family prefers to hangout...!

Morten in his own room for a change, before playtime is interrupted by a four-piece orchestra of car horns from outside...

This looks a little more like the Jonathan I know, and not so cartoony..

The big event for this month, however, is going to happen in the Motor-Karlsen household. Today is Kleopatras birthday, and she will age up to a teenager!

This is Kleopatra on her way out the door to go to school. «Bye mom!» she says.

Kleopatras mom, Sofie, works as a Kitchen Chef at the Corsican Bistro, so she usually has the first half of the day off when the others are at work or school. Sofie is an oversensitive and grumpy person. She can blame that on her parents...

Kleopatras father, Eivind, works as a Jet Fighter Pilot in the military. He has today off actually, but is still wearing his work uniform.

Since Eivind works in the military, he knows the value of being in good physical shape, and has taught Sofie to appreciate this as well. Eivind has a wish to be her personal trainer, and she has a wish to get pumped up. So I have them get at it. ;)

Walter is doing good so far, downstairs in Kleopatras room playing with the doll house. Walter is 4 years and 8 months old.

Sofie, Eivind, Kleopatra and Walter are part of the Motorsen family and the Karlsen family. The Motorsen family is the biggest of my Sunset Valley families.

Family photos inside spoiler:

Motorsen family.

Motorsen family with name tags. Grey names are married into the family.

Karlsen family.

Karlsen family with name tags.

Sofie: Oh.. I think I did it!

Sofie just reached level 10 in the sports skill. Eivind is very enthusiastic and cheers her on. ;)

Walter needs to use the potty, but he still finds the stairs to be a little scary, so Eivind carried him upstairs.

«I can do this alone» he says. Walter is well trained by his parents.

At the Kråke-Karlsen household Kathrine and Jonathan are practicing their sports skills by playing ball.

Kleopatra comes home from school with really bad grades. Basically, she flunked. Eivind is not happy... «No TV today for you! Go face the wall!» he says. «But dad.. it's my birthday..». Eivind does not reply to his daughter, he's had enough of this sloundering. She better shape up during her teenage life stage...

Since Eivind gave her such a scolding, I'll have him help her with the homework. Maybe that can get her up to atleast a passing grade before she ages up...

Well, that didn't help. She is going to fail! Kleopatra calls over her friends from school and her grandparents lngmar and Eirin to celebrate her birthday. Ingmar and Eirin are Eivinds parents.

Lise-Veronica, her cousin, is the first guest to arrive. Kleopatras reaction is a little inappropriate.

She is more happy about Bjørn-Yngve, also her cousin.., coming to her party.

Eirin Motorsen, Kleopatras grandmother, is suffering from the mental condition that plagues the Motorsen family. Here she is in an argument with one of her demons that no one else can see...

Poor Eirin.. she just wants her demons to go away for once, so she can be at peace and celebrate with her grandchild...

Then it is time for Kleopatra to blow out the candles and age up.

Grandfather Ingmar is not being very attentive... but atleast he is physically present...

Her father, Eivind, is just laughing, like the inappropriates always do..

Finally grandma was doing a little better and could celebrate, too.. here she is alongside mom Sofie.

Kleopatra as a teenager. Because of her dad yelling at her earlier and her poor grades, she will spend her teenage years marked with the hot headed trait... I am hoping it is a trait she will grow out of before reaching adulthood..

Kleopatras hot headedness could of course also stem from her moms grumpiness... where that comes from is something for another chapter, though she has talked about with Ranveig already in Chapter 1.2 - The plan that failed

Grandma Eirin wishes her a happy birthday.

It's not often I see this, four people playing video games at the same time and one guy watching.

Playing video games: Morten (floor), Bjørn-Yngve, Ingmar, Lise Veronica (couch). Watching: Robert Bråge.

Kleopatra, now 13 years old, went outside in the rain to play tag with Robert Bråge (12 years old). 

The parents have already put Walter in his crib and called it a night.

People upstairs are still playing video games. Eirin talks to her grandchild Lise Veronica about the stars. The kid in the front playing with a toy is Kristina Reppe, one of Kleopatras school mates.

Then it gets late and all the kids decide to leave, leaving only the grandparents behind. Grandma Eirin goes into Sofie and Eivinds bedroom to play computer games.. that's going to be popular.

Kleopatra goes to bed in her room. Her birthday gift from her parents was an easel, excactly what she had wished for. Probably time to get the dollhouse out of there. She shouldn't have any interest in that now that she is a teenager.. Walter can have it to play with.

 Actually, all of them (including Walter) is sleeping safe and sound, and isn't bothered by grandmas playing. They must have been really tired. :P

Mission is completed here, so I leave them now, and go back to the Kråke-Karlsen household for the rest of february.. to come in the next update..

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