Monday, June 12, 2023

Chapter 13.1 – September 2022 – Ingrid and her aunt walk into a bar.. sorry, I mean of course a fine establishment...

Some images in this update has been slightly edited, and is not necessarily representative of how it looks like in game.

September is here again, and Ingrid wakes up from her sweet slumber of dreaming about money and books... and herself....and I see she has the same big nose as her aunt Helene... :P

The snobby Ingrid has to do her morning routine and check her appearance in the mirror, before she makes her favorite pancakes for breakfast.

Hurry up and eat, the carpool car is here. ;)

The weather outdside wasn't so good, with a hailstorm passing over town.. yup, autumn is here now.. For the subtropical town of Sunset Valley, september is typically the peak of bad weather season....

Best to run quickly into the town hall when the weather is this bad! Is that a hailstone or a meteorite? :P Must be some serious convection going on...

With Ingrid at work, I take a peak into her mother Kathrines parents house to check up on her other set of grandparents. I find them smooching in the hallway.... Egil and Frida Kråkesen is still in love with each other after all these years..

And this could possibly be where the big nose comes from. ;)

Or maybe this is where.. looks like I have "unconciously" made a lot of sims with very big noses! Well, these elders are the first sims I made for this game, and I do remember struggling in particular with the noses and getting them right, so.... and somehow I never realized they were this monstrously huge!

Ingrids grandmother Frida is a bookworm and former professional athlete. Her life time wish was to have the perfect garden. The omni plants at the center of her garden are her most valued plants. Her grandfather Egil is the founder and retired CEO of the TelComNor foundation (English: Doo Peas Corporate Tower). Ingrids mother Kathrine is at work at the hospital, and her younger brother Morten is at school, but dad Jonathan is home! Playing computer games...

...and whoops, then a message pops out saying the town got a new resident! A young little girl called Emmy Reppe! Kristina and Inge got a new baby sister!

After giving birth, Iselin walks upstairs to Jarle, who is standing next to the ping pong table as if she wants to show him the new baby, but he passes her on the way down, apparently not caring about his newborn girl....

Iselin puts Emmy nto the crib that was generously donated to the family by the town council and meets her husband in the hallways where they immediately begin flirting with each other, and for a while I suspect they might have plans for making another one... :P

Well, not really, because eventually they walk their separate ways to read each their book..


New sim:
Emmy Reppe.
Biological Parents: Jarle Reppe, Iselin Reppe.
Personality traits:
Good, heavy sleeper.
Siblings: Inge Reppe, Kristina Reppe.

Ranveig returned home from her workplace at "The Sunset Valley Gazette" early to spend the rest of the day writing news articles from home, but first she decided to vent her frustration at their new computer system by kicking over the pink flamingo decoration in her garden...


Jarle and Iselin are naturally both super tuned on to their newborn little
girl and her needs... Jarle puts down his book to make sure that little Emmy is properly fed.

Then he puts her in the crib and Iselin picks her right back up for another round of feeding.. something tells me she won't stay hungry for long in that house. :P


Kristina is home from school and engeages her mother in the university slogan dance thing again, before its off to her new job at the grocery store.

Kristina has become a big girl now, and can make her own money. ;) But what about the homework... guess you're gonna have to do that right before bedtime!

Ingrid has returned home from work, and still wants to hang out with her aunt Helene, and since it's Saturday night she invites her over to the Club V.I.P. Exclusif to hang out.

"Looks like we picked the hot spot for the night" Helene says "This place makes me feel like a winner."

Yes, it's good to go to a place that is a little pricey, to keep the average person out...

Helene then asks Ingrid about her political career, and that is a perfect opportunity for Ingrid to talk to her aunt about the most important thing in the world; herself... not so covertly boasting of course...

It fulfills Ingrids wish of doing so, but Helene is not to impressed..

Its raining cats and dogs out here, lets get inside...

This place is perfect for snobs, it's got plenty of red carpets, mirrors and the most excuisite of furniture! ;)

They go downstairs to the lowest floor where Helene has a drink and converses with the bartender, and Ingrid goes to practice tricks on one of the pool tables.

Helene goes to practice another pool trick with a garden gnome on the second pool table. Both of them really enjoy the fine surroundings.. when was the last time you went to a club that had its own fountain inside? ;)

After practicing pool with varying degrees of luck, they go up one floor to the dance area for another drink and discussing the philosophies of social class and Schmarl Barks..
    Helene in particular opposes anything to do with Barksist theory and what she labels as "communism", something she learned from her father... and it is Helene, and Ingrids grandparents, that are most responsible for bringing these ideas onto Ingrid. Ingrids parents, Kathrine and Jonathan, are not really that snobbish at all...

And speaking of family, Ingrids grandparents, Egil and Frida have now entered to club and are slow dancing with each other. This fine establishment is also the perfect spot for Frida, a celebrity in town and a retired professional athlete, and Egil a retired CEO of a mega corporation.

Helene walks through the hallway on the lowest floor with a drink thinking about one of her favorite things in life. Ingrid has gone upstairs to the entrance area to find Mikael and Holly also slow dancing.

And it becomes clear who she is attracted too.. She wants to talk the Mikael and has the action queued up, but he is busy dancing with his Holly and probably hasn't even noticed she is there...

Ingrid stands there watching Holly and Mikael dancing for a good while. Socially awkward much?

Hey! I heard that!

Whoa.... and just as I was thinking the above... uncanny... Ingrid is one of those rare sims (atleast for me..) that actually turns around and looks in my direction! :O And its always that look...

Ingrid doesn't give up however, she continues the self torture by watching them dance... in a way I admire you for your patience, Ingrid, but I think you're out of luck here... Mikael seems to want only his Holly...

But just standing near him brings me such intense joy, I can't do anything else...

I can see the wedding ring on my finger already!

Oh boy...

And our honeymoon is going to be so great! We're going to spend it in Mubai to dine at the finest restaurants available, ride camels in the desert, and enjoy the view of the city from our top floor suite, private swimming pool included, while making love all night... oh, I can't wait...

Snap out of it, please...

Three weeks later...

Oh, he is just so handsome... I have never felt such a pull before.. he's going to be mine, there is no other way...

Well, after a while she finally gives up, at least temporarily, to go down one floor and order another drink...

Give me the strongest, most expensive thing you've got....

Frida has joined Helene to practice pool in the pool lounge on the bottom floor.

V.I.P Club Exclusif as it looks from the outside. There are two bars outside, one on the top floor and one on the entrance floor, and two bars inside, one in the elongated dance area just below the entrance and another on the bottom floor by the toilets and the pool table room.
    Outside the dance area is a chill area outside with a little bit of a garden and some chess tables. This is an early build of mine, made with only base game content (originally). The only thing added are the bars with bartenders. It was all self-service in the beginning. ;)

Holly and Mikael have finally quit dancing too, and she has gone to order a drink alongside Ine Melhus. Ine Melhus was the girlfriend of Asgeir Karlsen (Ingrids grandfather from her fathers side) for a short while when he was still grieving the troublesome divorce from Lucie, but he ended it before it had lasted a year.. she was a fine lover for a while, but a grown woman playing with kids toys is not (second) wife material... was his conclusion... Holly is happy to see Frida there. Its always cool to spot a celebrity.

Ingrid is enjoying another drink on the small balcony by the stairs leading up to the top bar. "I want to be a celebrity too, one day.. like my grandma.. I am hoping my political career will bring me there.. or maybe I should be a movie star.."

"..but I think I will stick to politics for now" she thinks as she runs inside for another drink. "In any case, I need to improve my skills in charisma.. maybe I should read a book or find a course..."

Mikael is at the bar too, now, alongside her grandmother. Ingrid doesn't look at him this time, though, but she has certainly noticed his presence and feels attracted.

Frida has had a few drinks by now, and starts getting emotional and sentimental. "Oh, it is so nice to see you Ingrid, and how you have grown into such a fine young woman! I remember when you were just a tiny little tot and when I was your "Ganma"! And how you would always pull my skirt and ask for "Stawbellies with red" because you were "hungey" !" Ingrid feels a little embarrassed by her grandma and pretends not to hear.

Ingrid orders one last drink by the bar before she begins to think its bedtime. Frida is still pretty athletic and has began to think about her workout routine. "I want to get pumped again, that after workout feeling is my favorite feeling in the world."

Helene has already been at home and in bed for some time after finishing a meal by the top bar, and finally Ingrid also decides to head home.

Once home she takes a bath in her now expanded bathroom to fit both the washer and tumble drier.

(The camera angle is lying here, it is not that big, but it was the only way to get all of it in one picture without going into birds eye view. Take not of this way of taking pictures, Ingrid, if you ever want to sell your house... "A newly upgraded and highly spatious bathroom....")

Well, speaking of birds eye view, here it is anyway. This is what Ingrids house now looks like as she goes to bed. The bathroom wasn't expanded by to much, only 2 by four squares, excactly what was needed for the washer and the tumble drier. I wonder how long it will take for her to wish for another, more silent washer, as it is now located on the same wall as her tv...

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...