Sunday, June 18, 2023

Chapter 14.2 - December 2022 part III: Queen of Rain.

Roxette – Queen of Rain.

Ranveig Motorsen profile:
Date of birth: February 21st, 1978.
Place of birth: Sunset Valley.
Personality traits: Absent minded, insane, genius, charismatic, couch potato, loner.
Favorite tv-channel: Romance Rendezvous.
Education: High school.
Current career: Journalism (level 8).
Lifetime wish: Chess legend (achieved).

Oliver Freddys notes:

The rain hit hard on the road, the typical weather for christmas in Sunset Valley, as we drove past my fathers house. Except for the holiday lights, it was all dark so they were no doubt in bed, which wouldn't be strange given that it was in the middle of the night.

Seeing my fathers house, and even the prison right next to it, is always nice, but I truely don't feel like I'm at home until I start getting this view from the hilltop of the New Town Area. As the car drove us down the hill, I began to wonder if mom and Robert would still be up waiting for me.

In that big big house, there are fifty doors
And one of them leads to your heart
In the time of spring I passed your gate
And tried to make a start

Ranveigs notes:

I know it's quite a drive from university, but I wonder what's taking my Oliver so long. I got a little anxious earlier and kept checking the news to see if there had been any traffic accidents, but I couldn't see that there had been any. I know its silly to worry like this, because usually things turn out just fine most of the time, even though my mind does its best to tell me otherwise..
    After a while of worrying, I figured that the best solution was to distract myself by playing computer games. I'm sure he would arrive in time.. And like I promised, I had made sure to drop off my pick-up truck over at Jarle and Iselins place, so that he could drive home from there after he had dropped off Inge. I just hope he makes it here soon...

All I knew was the scent of sea and dew
I've been in love before, how about you?

Inges notes:

I was super tired after our long drive, and most of all I just wanted to fall face first down on my bed. I still called for Oliver to come inside for one last goodbye, before we went to each our own for a while..

Oliver Freddys notes:

As promised my dear mom had left her beloved pick-up truck over at Inges place, and as I drove towards her house, grandma and grandpa was still hanging out in their garden.

I wanted to honk at them to let them know I was back home for the holidays, but decided against it, since it was already past midnight and I didn't want to disturb any neighbours...

After having parked the pick up truck in the driveway, I noticed the lights were still on in the kitchen, so I knew that mom was still up and waiting for me.

Ranveigs notes:

I'm a little surprised I didn't notice the sound of my car in the driveway (that old truck is anything but silent), but I blame it on the heavy rains outside and eventually being distracted enough by the computer game..

Of course, I was still very happy to have my son back for the holidays, and he was very excited to tell me about him and his girlfriends results for the semester. He just had to make sure I knew about the hours he spent studying to get there.. as if I didn't know about putting hours down to achieve a goal..

Well, I let him have his moment, now wasn't the time to talk of my own struggles, and I'll admit, though I was always proud of my son being determined to work hard and going to university, I didn't like him, well, "running away", with that girl at first..
    It took me a while to warm up to that thought. He is my son, and he has been very insistant that she is a good person through and through. And she probably is. During the brief conversations I have had with her, and if I put my worry aside, well... she does seem like a genuinely nice girl. I'm almost imagining them getting married one day.... well, ok, so here's another admittance from me. That thought, too, has began playing in my mind from time to time.. and it gets a little less frightening with every passing...

I have finally began to embrace it, that my son, my beloved son that was once just a little boy, is now becoming.. or has become, a man. A young man with lots more to learn, but still a man. After he had gone to bed for the night, I had to run to the window and watch the rain for a while. The sound of it soothes me when I get anxious, and I thought just listening to it for a while would help me clear my mind and sleep better..

There's a time for the good in life
A time to kill the pain in life
Dream about the sun
You queen of rain

Robert Bråge profile:

Full name: Robert Bråge Motorsen.
Date of birth: March 17th, 2010.
Place of birth: Sunset Valley.
Biological parents: Ranveig Motorsen, Gaute Chitrakaar-Bråheim.
Siblings: Oliver Freddy Motorsen, Orinder Chitrakaar-Bråheim (both are his half brothers).
Personality traits: Loves the outdoors, genius, absent minded.
Current career: Pupil at Sunset Valley elementary school for gifted children...
Lifetime wish: Undecided.

Robert Bråges notes:

Oliver was back again from university when I woke up. I said hi to him, but he must have been very tired, because he didn't say hi back, so I just went downstairs to have breakfast.

Whenever mom has her days off, she always sleeps for so long so I am always the first to wake up. I wonder why grown ups are always so boring and why they have to sleep so much all the time. I'm sure my dad isn't like this, he's not lame like all the others.

After I had eaten, I went outside to practice on mamas chessboard. She always likes it when I do. She is just like gramps, always playing chess. I think our place is pretty cool, because we have our own pond where we can fish, and mom always finds all this stuff that she brings home. Some of it is a little smelly, so she has to clean it before we can use it. I think she found this chess table, too. I don't think she bought it.

Ranveigs notes:

I'm so proud of both of my boys, and I was happy to find Robert out practicing on the chessboard. Of course, he still makes the odd questionable move.. knight to h3 is certainly a bold sacrifice.

As he was practicing, I got a text from mom reminding me that we were all invited over later for her gift giving party. She had also invited the Reppe family over this year, she thought it was about time for us all to celebrate christmas under the same roof.

I want back to my bedroom to watch some tv, and found my son already there watching the action channel. We discussed universty and our favorite tv shows for a while, but when I talked to him about my favorite show on the romance channel, he became strangely silent and started reading a book instead..

Oliver Freddys notes:

After a good nights sleep in my own old bed and finishing a quick breakfast, I went up to my mamas room to watch tv on the bed for a while. I know, she has two other tv-sets in the house, my mom really loves watching the romance channel..... but the one in her bedroom is the one with the better signal.

I don't mind talking about tv-shows, preferrably something on the action channel, but I always zone out when she begins talking about those sappy romance shows.. give me a break! That's just not my thing at all, so I took out my copy of "Unicorns for Audrey", a book I had been wanting to finish for some time...

Reppe household:

Narrators notes:

On the way up the hill from downtown Sunset Valley and towards the Reppe house, I found Ingrid out on this christmas morning, playing with the gnubb set in her pyjamas. This was going to be her first christmas after she moved out of her parents nest, but as it is a little to cumbersome to be two places at once, she will be left on her own for now.. :P

Kristinas notes:

I was so happy to see my sister back for the holidays. I want to be just like her and go to university to learn painting and writing, too! The only thing I don't get, is why she always have to sob and cry for everything, even when she is happy. She is just * so * sensitive!

Sometimes I am jealous of dad for always hogging the little Emmy, like, he is always the first to hug her, feed her or play with her. It's like he doesn't trust anyone else of us, like we're going to drop the baby or something. It's almost never anyone elses turn, and when it is, then he usually just hands her over to mom! It's like he thinks I'm still just a kid, but I'm 13 years old, I can hold a baby!

Narrators notes:

This is a little funny, because everyone in the Reppe household has the family oriented trait, except Jarle (the father), yet he is most of the time the first one on the spot to attend to the baby's needs. :P

Motorsen Senior household:

Eirin Motorsen profile:
Full name: Eirin Motorsen, née Jensen.
Place of birth: Little Enebakk
Date of birth: July 10th, 1954.
Personality traits: Insane, absent minded, genius, charismatic, absent minded, lucky, flirtatious.
Education: High school.
Current career: Law enforcement (retired)
Lifetime wish: Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler (Achieved).
Spouse: Ingmar Motorsen.
Children: Ranveig Motorsen, Monica Motor-Notesen, Eivind Motor-Karlsen, Knut Kråke-Motorsen.
Grandchildren: Oliver Freddy Motorsen, Kleopatra Motor-Karlsen, Lise Veronica Motor-Notesen, Robert Bråge Motorsen, Bjørn-Yngve Kråke-Motorsen, Walther Motor-Karlsen, Anton Kråke-Motorsen, Thomas Motor-Notesen.

Eirin Motorsen family tree at

Eirins notes:

My.. I mean, our, christmas party was coming up soon, so I just had to send out a reminder to everyone, just to make sure they hadn't forgotten about it!

Oh, I had been looking forward to this for a long time, to finally have both families under the same roof. I always thought that Inge was such a sweet girl, I am sure she will be a wonderful addition to the family.

Then it was time to get out the old trusted duster to make this place look a little neater, and maybe pack
away some of those kids toys to make room for a little christmas spirit.

And all these flamingos that I have collected over the years. It's beyond me why they keep falling over all the time. It must be the wind, or maybe it's the garden gnomes... there you go little flamingo boy, mama is gonna put you upright again!

Christmas music, christmas decorations, and some mistletoe! All should be set now, I just need to do one more thing before the guests arrive..

Pout those lips there mama! You may be old, but I think you still got it! I gotta do that little freshing up and pep talk to myself! Oh, the boys used to fall like flies for me back in the day, you betcha!

Narrators notes:

Hehe, alright then, grandma. ;) Christmas party coming up next..

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...