Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chapter 13.2 - October 2022 - Swimwear and macaroni..


It was another morning for Ingrid, and the first thing on her mind this morning, after dreaming sweet dreams about herself, was work.

And as she ran out the door and headed off to work, the weather hadn't improved much since last month, as it was still raining quite heavily. In fact it was raining so heavily that water was flowing underneath the stairs leading up to the town hall, and down on the pavement. Even for Sunset Valley this time of year, that's a lot of flooding, so I take it the weather was actually quite nasty, and Ingrid can attest to that. "It was really bad" she says "The road was completely flooded in some places, and I was worried that the car wouldn't make it through!"

Anyway, the town also got a new resident. This guy, Hans Ivar Nylenna, just moved into one of the empty homes up in the New Town Area. I got an idea to make new male characters, because I want Ingrid to find a partner and eventually have children.. Well, I ended up making this guy.. however, something tells me he probably won't be quite Ingrids type...

He appears to be very interested in music, so the first thing he did was to get himself a job at the community theatre.

Ingrid was feeling the stress at work, and wanted to entertain herself, so whenever she had her break she went online for some shopping and had the goods delivered directly to her home lot. A water slide, a dart board, a gnubb set and a horseshoe game.

Her grandmother Frida is reading a book in her husbands old home office, from where he used to adminster his business.

The old businessman Egil, is busy playing video games in her aunt Helenes old bedroom.

Grandmother Lucie is being grumpy about the young generations use of social media.. (I believe the leaf symbol actually means social media for sims, because it sometimes shows when they use their cellphones to send messages.)

Grandfather Asgeir has returned from the laundromat, and is headed towards the back entrance and Lucies apartment section. She goes to meet him there, and they sit on the couch together.

He turns on the tv to watch the romance channel with his ex-wife, but she turns it off immediately to play video games! Sorry, he's got no luck there! :P But at least they're sitting in the same room, without going at each others throats, so its good.

Meanwhile over at the police station things were busy as retired police officer Eirin Motorsen had been called in to lead the Sunset Valley offices part in an ongoing investigation of a human trafficking case as she is the most experienced of all the police officers in town, and the only one of them that has reached the top level of the career.

The investigation has been a joint effort between the police offices in Sunset Valley and Sprottenham as well as CRIPOS (The National unit for fighting organized and other serious crimes), and has lead them to find that the central hub of the criminal organization responsible appears to be located in an abandoned peat factory in Sprottenham. (Click here to read the continuation of this part in the Sprottenham branch of the storyline).


While they were busy at the police station, Ingrid, my active sim, is finished at work, so I have to shift my attention..

She goes home and calls over Prison Warden Fredrik Holm-Fredriksen over for a visit.

She wants to invite him over, because he is already a Leader of the Free World, which is what Ingrid aspires to be, so it is all about building connections with the right people. He rings the doorbell, before he goes into the backyard and starts a game of dart all by himself before she gets to go out and greet him and learn that they both share the good trait.

Fredrik Holm-Fredriksen is also the father of Oliver Freddy, currently at university. They play around of dart together which Ingrid wins, and about mid game she starts having negative thoughts about him for a reason I can't grasp...

Afterwards they quickly rush inside, because its still raining quite heavily. Ingrid goes to the bathroom to check her appearance in the mirror, but is interrupted because Fredrik followed her there to hold an enthusiastic speech about the importance of the restaurants in the local community as both workplaces and meeting places for the people.

"It is very important that we as politicians lay the foundations for these places to not only exist, but thrive and prosper! I will fight for the local community! I will fight for the jobs of the people!" he tells her with great vigor and enthusiasm.

Before he begins to flirt with her, and we got a potential metoo case going on here..Don't get into politics! This is what happens...apparently..

Ingrid is not appreciative of this, and they lose their friendship status. Ingrid leaves him to go relax on her bed and read a romantic novel written by her grandfather. He follows her in there to talk about cartoons, and then she begins flirting with him!

He shrugs it off, and informs her that he is married to Pia Holm-Fredriksen before they continue to discuss politics..

Ingrid wanted to buy a mirror worth at least 600 simoleons, and had it delivered to her door. So far she placed in the tiny hallway, thinking she might want to expand her home once more to fit all her new stuff...

She walks into the living room where Fredrik flirts with her again, and she responds positively. They move on, and she insults his intelligence, saying he acts like he has only half a brain.

He responds by saying that its obviously not true! He couldn't have gotten to the level he is at, if he had only "half a brain" They might not be connected the way they should, but he certainly has both hemispheres in there! Then he tries to flirt with her again, and she responds negatively.

Her phone rang, and it was Lisa Bunch, a colleague at work, that called her because she was holding a party. Ingrid is still young and wants to have fun, so a party is a splendid idea, so she tells Lisa that she will come right over.

"Hi, Ingrid" Lisa says as Ingrid rings the doorbell "I decided to make this into a swimwear party" and they both immediately change into their swimwear. Ingrid walks inside and begins discussing politics with Amelia Kjøsnes, a good friend and cohabitant of the Bunch family.

She walks over to Lisa to brag about her gaming skills, learns that Lisa is a snob like her, as well as a kleptomaniac, sports fisher and athletic.

They continue to discuss politics and share a bit of gossip, before Ingrid goes into the kitchen to grab a bowl of macaroni and cheese.

Ingrid actually eats two bowls, even if the first one made her completely full...

"This macaroni was just soooo good" she says "Who made it?"
"Oh, I made it" Amelia says. "It is a special secret recipe from Judy. She always had such a good hand with the family, cooking and keeping the house neat and tidy, bless her soul... Not a day goes by without missing her... I wish you could have tried her version of it! It was the best! Mine doesn't even come close..."

Ylajali is dancing with Marty Keaton, and in the living room Xander Clavell is playing video games in the sofa with Tamara Donner and Eirin Motorsen.

: Can you believe this! Oliver Freddy called me just earlier today, some guy set their kitchen on fire! Luckily it was put out before anything got really damaged, though!

That must have been very embarrassing for the guy that started the fire!
Eirin: Oh, I am sure it was.. I am just happy the fire didn't spread, you know...

Marty Keaton takes a stroll through the living room, and everyone likes Marty Keaton. The old ladies get up to cheer at him. They thinks he is just so delightful. ;)

Tamara is jealous at Ingrid for being so young and pretty, and zooms into the kitchen to start a fight with her! She couldn't get there fast enough, and even did this moonwalk-esque slide across the floor to get there. And Ingrid hasn't even been close to Marty yet!

"Chill, old lady! I haven't touched him, I swear!" Ingrid learns that Tamara is a daredevil, hot headed and charismatic. Well, charismatic, hmm.. that behaviour wasn't excactly charismatic. :P

"That old lady is so funny, I think I'm going to ask Marty for a dance, just to spite her...."

Then her phone rings. Her mother Kathrine wants to talk to her. Marty is not happy to have their dance interrupted.

He goes for a dance all on his own while he waits for Ingrid to finish talking, but she is talking with her mom, and that could take a while....

He is happy when she finally finishes talking and goes back to dance with him for a while..

..before she goes back into the kitchen for a third bowl of macaroni and cheese. Wow, it must have been really good.

She sits down to eat it on the couch in the living room, where Ylajali thinks playing GTA is very fun, especially when she gets to ride the school bus. ;)

Look at those kids! I think school's out for them now! Permanently!

Oh, I think its more fun to play as the police car. I would chase you down in that school bus, easily...

Arrgh! Get out of my way, lamp post!!

Ingrid doesn't engage in any talk with the girls, she is to busy eating those delicious macaronis, before putting the empty bowl in the dishwasher and making the decision to go back home, as she is getting really tired.. eating a lot tends to do that. :P

Once home she finds a surprise in the hallway...
    "Whoa, haven't you gone home yet?" She insults his intelligence again, before taking the wise decision of going to bed..

He's not so wise though, still hanging around outside, to play darts.. but yeah.. that's up to him..

Goodnight.. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...