Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Chapter 11.2 - April 2022 - Leaving the nest.

Morten had been spending his night in the treehouse, and was the first of the family to wake up on this fair spring morning to have a breakfast of hot dog leftovers from yesterday last month.

Ingrid woke up second, and today was going to be a special day for her. The small first timers home that she was going to move into was finally completed. She was already excited to finally get a place of her own.

Of course, it was far from a palace, only a simple starting point for young adults affordably priced at less than 15000 simoleons. The grass around the house had just recently been sown, so it is still a little patchy looking.

Kathrine was excited when she woke up, because today was Love Day, and everyone would have the day off.

She decided to call her mother-in-law, Lucie, to talk as she wanted to make good friends, but her phone call was interrupted by car horns from outside, so she had to excuse herself and change to her work outfit..

Realizing she didn't get the day off and had to go to work, her mood instantly dropped. She kept her sad face all the way downstairs and out to the car.

She asked her colleague if she really had to work on Love Day, and thats when he realized he had mixed up the dates. Embarassed he excused himself and quickly drove off.

Relieved she didn't have to go to work after all, Kathrine got out her phone again to continue the conversation with Lucie.

Later it was time for Ingrid to move out on her own. Mom Kathrine, of course, wanted her daughter to keep in touch, and in addition to buying her the house, gave her an extra 16500 simoleons to spend if she wanted to buy some new items or furniture for the house. They had decided not to spoil her, but as they were pretty well off, Kathrine thought this was the least they could do...

I'm sure it was an emotional moment for the parents to have their first born leave the nest, because as soon as she was leaving they held each other tight and shared plenty of kisses.

From now on, Ingrid alone was my active household.

Bye bye mom, dad and little brother!

Hello independence and adulthood! You're on your own now.. As she moved in, all her old wishes were cancelled, to give her a fresh start. It took her a while to wish for something new, and the only thing she wanted to do in her new home was to sit down and watch the news channel on tv.

The new house was furnished, but only sparsely with the most basic of things. Plenty of room for Ingrid to personalize as she wants, but she has to want something first. ;)

Back at her parents house, Kathrine was preoccupied with thoughts of her daughters move and kept repeatedly walking out the front door and to the edge of the lot, as if she wanted to go somewhere, before turning back around and getting inside again..

She did this a few times...

Once inside it was clear she had mixed feelings about her daughters move. She was sad that she had left, but also happy for her and had the best wishes for her future.

Jonathan dealt with his emotions the way he always did. By keeping them to himselves and cleaning around the house...

The ice cream truck stopped by Ingrids house. She still had no wishes for anything, so I ordered her outside to buy an ice cream, hoping it would inspire her to wish for something, but it didn't excactly work.

She didn't get a wish for something, until she was paid leave money from her job.

While finishing the ice cream, she thought she wanted to buy something to decorate the walls of her new home, but it had to be a picture that cost atleast 100 simoleons.

She went out shopping and found that she thought looked ok inside the store, but once she was home and hung it up on the wall her reaction was a different one.. "What a cheap ugly picture. I want my home to look more classy than this. Hummph!"

She went out shopping once more as she now wanted to replace the cheap refridgerator that came with the house with one that cost at minimum 600 simoleons.

After cheering by the refridgerator for a while, she admired her own reflection in the bathroom mirror and took a bath before she went for a nap, as she was getting a little tired. When she woke up she figured she wanted to improve her skills in cooking. Now that she was living on her own, she could no longer rely on mom and dad to prepare the meals for her...

So she went to the library to study, and as I paused to take the above picture – while the game is still paused – she turns her head and suddenly I feel like I'm the one being watched.


Anyway, she sat down and read the book until she had gone up one skill point before she headed over to the Art Association. Inspired by her grandfather and his paintings, she wanted to see if she also had any skills with the brush and easel.

The sky had turned dark and it was a little stormier now, so doing anything outside didn't seem very tempting.

Once inside she found her friend Therapist Terje Hågensen looking at a picture that her aunt Sofie had painted in her younger days, before she headed into the room right behind him to locate an unused easel.

While she was in there painting and listening to her favorite Latino music, I wanted to find out what her grandparents were doing.

Grandma Lucie was getting tired and already going to bed. For whatever reason, again, in the guestroom instead of the bed in her own apartment section. At 66 years old it wasn't that long ago since she had become an elder, but as she had spent her entire life working very hard at the hospital, and with the strict upbringing she had with her demanding parents, the loss of a brother at such a young age, and not to mention the fighting and divorce with Asgeir which was a very hard time for everyone in the family, it wasn't surprising that she sometimes felt the need to just rest.

Her grandpa Asgeir was seen out partaking in a demonstration against the clowns in office. Later this autumn the people of Simbria will go to the voting booth, and it is very likely this will result in a replacement of the government as the populace had become increasingly discontent with the current state of affairs.

Meanwhile at the Art Association, Ingrids cousin Kleopatra had joined Therapist Terje in watching the paiting by Sofie, Kleopatras mom. Terje tried to engage in a discussion about politics with Kleopatra, but having recently aged up to a teenager she was still a little to young and found politics to be a bit complicated, so she didn't respond.

Instead her thoughts were preoccuppied with cooking recipes and preparing meals, perhaps inspired by her mom and her career at the Corsican Bistro. (Kleopatras mom, Sofie, has the life time wish of learning all recipes. The Culinary Librarian.) The painting they are watching, called "The Tiny Cloud Woman" was painted by Sofie before she married Eivind and before Kleopatra was born.

Ingrid stops painting once she has fulfilled her goal of acquiring a skill point and is so far happy with temporary results. :P

Then she turns to look in my direction again, while thinking about the money she hopes to make in her political career...


Its late now, and she wants to go home for the night. On the way out, as the arrogant snob she sometimes is, she walks right past her cousin without greeting her or even looking at her. Kleopatra stares at her as she walks down the hallway towards the exit...

Once home she goes to bed, very pleased with herself and todays accomplishments.

Her parents and brother have also gone to sleep, and that ends this update. Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

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