Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Chapter 14.3 - December 2022 Part V: Under the mistletoe..

Inges notes:

My Ollis grandma is a funny, cute and strange old woman! After we had eaten our first round and Olli and my sister went to do the dishes, she all of a sudden darted outside! Later when I got a glimpse through the window, I could see her playing with the sprinklers! So cute and funny!

And I overheard my sister talking to mom about how she wants to be a writer, like me! Well, I'm not much of a writer yet! I haven't been writing any on my book, "A miners heart", that I started working on last christmas since, well, I started on it... University and painting has taken up to much of my time, but it was still very heartwarming to hear those words from my sister..

..I just had to shed a few tears again after I had finished my second burger.. I know Kristina will mock me for this later, but I just can't help it.. She always thinks I'm weak and whiny, but my tears are tears of love, joy and happiness, and I just can't hold them in! Nothing could be better for me than celebrate christmas surrounded by my family members, I just feel it so much!

Iselins notes:

Oh, that sweet boy Oliver.. mm, my daughter has made a really good catch there! I know I shouldn't be hoping for it, but...

...I just had to ask him for a slow dance right there under the mistletoe.. and I didn't mind at all that he was clumsy and constantly stepped on my feet..

His cute face and the way he moved his hands everytime he apologized himself.. I know this isn't right, but there's something about that boy...

Kristinas notes:

I had a great time at Eirins christmas party, but my mom can be so embarrassing sometimes! I didn't want to stay there anymore when she started slow dancing with Oliver! I'm not stupid, I know what she's thinking and that's just so gross! I'm just happy there wasn't any juice served at this party as well, because I know mom wouldn't be able to leave that alone either...

Ranveigs notes:

I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but oh.. as I have begun to settle with it not being just a fling between my Oliver and Inge, well... I just blurted it straight out and asked her when they were getting married!

I could tell she was taken aback by the question. I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to... I have been so preoccupied with these thoughts lately.. I just want to know that my son is in good hands! Well, she said "Not for many months yet! Our plan is to finish our degrees at university first..." but it didn't calm me down much at all...

"And children? What if you get pregnant and have children, what are you gonna do then? Huh?" I kept pressuring her, and I'm not proud of this behaviour at all..

I suppose my father could hear me getting a little tense, as he tried to change the topic by expressing the joys of working out, even though I'm sure he has never worked out a minute his entire life..

"I... I don't know, we will.. we're going to get ourselves a house first, and then.." Inge did her best to come up with a response.

"..and then? How are you going to get the money for this house? Have you thought about that?" I continued, still concerned.

"Eirin really knows how to pick the best christmas music, don't you think..?" my father asked, once again trying to change the topic, and I could tell that Inges father was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable too as he thanked my father for being invited and expressed how he had enjoyed the evening. He probably had as he sounded sincere enough, before he said it was probably time for him and his daughter to head back home...

"You know, Ranveig.." my father said with his eyes focused on the video game in front of him "I'm confident that Inge will be successful in her career as a painter and writer, and that there will be no problem for them financially... isn't that right, Inge?"

Inges notes:

Wow! Well, the evening didn't quite end like I had.. expected? Or maybe I should have expected it to go that way? I don't know, but especially since last christmas I have felt this animosity from Ranveig towards me, and I don't know what it's all about..

I know her father probably only tried to keep things calm, but I was starting to feel that these questions were getting a little to unpleasant. I mean, all in all, it was a great evening, and I was happy to be invited and spend time with them, I just wish his mother could be a little nicer sometimes.. so I told them I had really enjoyed this evening, before I excused myself to go home..

Ranveigs notes:

Maybe my father had a point there, that she would do just fine in her arts career, but, that wasn't.. that didn't solve it for me.. I still felt uneasy about it all, and then Inge just excused herself and said she had to leave.. well, I probably wouldn't blame her there, I was.. I did create a bit of an uncomfortable scene there..

"Ranveig, honestly," my father continued after she left "I know this must be hard for you, but I really don't think you need to worry. Even if Inge will turn out to be completely penniless, I know for a fact that Oliver Freddy will have no problem getting a job at the Science Centre. I mean, Monica has pretty much already promised him a position there.."

And of course, I knew very well he was right there. My sister Monica was really doing great in her science career, and thanks to her Oliver has already had a position here already before he went to university... Not only that, I think she is even what inspired him to pursue that career, so... I was never worried about him getting a job and being able to make a living.. but still I always carried this feeling that something awful could happen just around the next corner, ever since.. ever since I myself was a child, and I.. I have always feared for my boy, for my boys, for both of them...

"I.. I guess you're right, I'm just.. so worried.." I did my best to continue.

"Tell me something Ranveig, this isn't really about money, is it?" His question was a mild punch to the stomach and it pushed me back to my dark cell again, yet it also provided a tiny ray of light passing through the bars of its small window..

"I..." I said, as I got up from the cell floor, doing my best to keep standing. I had to stay present in the moment, and not let it pull me down again. "Look, Oliver is a sensible young boy, he's smart." I heard my fathers voice talking and his fingers mashing the plastic buttons of the game controller through the cell window. "He knows what he's doing, and I'm sure Inge is a really good girl, and you know.. It's not like he will.. It's not like he's exiting your life forever, but you know.. and I never really thought I would have this conversation, but you... you have to let him go, Ranveig.." Those last words made me feel my fathers hand on my shoulder as he entered the cell and pulled me back and the stone walls of the cell gradually faded away and reversed back to the dull cider orange walls of my parents living room..

"I know, I'm.. I'm sorry for... I'm sorry for letting it get the better of me...I just want the best for him, you know.." I apologized as best as I could.

"Yes, we all do, but I think it will all be fine.." my father said while lining up his offensive formation on the football game he was still playing..

"Thanks dad, you're ..you're probably right, I should.. I know I shouldn't w-" my sentence was interrupted by my father shouting and banging his hand against the games controller.. "No, darnit! I just got tackled!"

"..oh, well... it's.. it's getting late and we should probably head back... back home. Thanks again dad.. it's been, it's been a nice evening where everyone could be.. could be gathered, and.." I said as I shifted my eyes against Oliver that had been standing there the whole time delivering a rant, from what I could hear, appeared to be about betrayal.
"Oh, don't thank me, thank your mom" my father interrupted, "it was her idea.. and Ranveig if you would ever need....if you would ever need to talk or just... you know....... we are still your parents, we will be here for you..."
Having my parents support is always nice and though it made me feel better for a while, I think there is only so much they can do.. like everything else, I knew that this worry was something I would have to find ways to cope with on my own...

Eirins notes:

Oh my, time really flies when an old lady has fun.. I didn't get back inside until after Robert had left, but I was happy to find Oliver still there, bless that boy! Ranveig was just on her way out as she thanked me for hosting the party and said she was getting tired, so it was probably time for her to leave.

I apologized to her for losing track of time while playing with the sprinkler, but she must have been really ready to go to bed, because she didn't seem to be to interested as she literally yawned her way out. Oliver followed his mom and left shortly thereafter, and then it was only me and Ingmar left.

Oliver assured me it was a great party, but I still felt I could have done better and been a little more attentive.. oh, maybe next time..

After having had all these guests over, the house felt near empty, which I must admit, was a little nice. I mean, having everyone over was good, but.. a little peace and quiet isn't bad either. Only the christmas music was still playing, as I went for another small painting...

Ingmar must have snuck past me up the stairs while I was busy painting, because after a while I could hear a steady additional bass rhythm coming from upstairs that didn't blend to well with the christmas music. I thought he might need an audience, so I followed the sound to find him in the bathroom. I suppose he went in there for the acoustics or something.

One good thing about being retired is the additional time one gets to pursue other interests and hobbies. I never knew when we were younger, that myhusband had any musicality in him, but there he was now, playing that bass almost as if he had been doing it his whole life.

Watching his fingers move around on the neck of that bass made me think about... ahem, well, it made me think about one last thing that had to be done before bedtime.. I was already in the swimsuit, so I put on my most charming smile and all it needed was a little extra sweet talk..

..and he was ready for a kiss under the mistletoe, and maybe some pie for dessert, I thought as I stood there waiting for him with my eyes closed...

Christmas can be a time of year to be a little silly, and I have always said that kissing under the mistletoe makes sparkles appear, and it sure felt like it did...

..and now, dear reader, I think it's a good time for me to end this here with a Merry Christmas and best of wishes to all of you from me and my family!
Until next time!

Narrators notes:

That's alright, because I'll take over from this point on! ;)

Eirin wants her privacy from here, which is perfectly understandable, but I want to show this part anyway! :P

This couple has had their struggle over the years, raising for children alongside their demanding careers, and it is true as Eirin recounted earlier, that they were close to divorce once, but luckily they managed to stick together through it all, and put their love back on track - and it still thrives, which is a very beatiful thing, after all. ;)

So this moment is theirs...

Good night.. ;)

Other happenings in Sunset Valley this month:

The town council has found that Amena needs to find a more suitable home now that her nephew George has moved in. Amena already has plans to do so, and will start looking for a new home in january.

Ingrids parents, Kathrine and Jonathan have been renewing their affections for each other. I found them hanging out at the park, though currently doing seperate things.

A little bit of teen love. Margrethe Holm-Fredriksen, the daughter of the Prison Warden Fredrik Holm-Fredriksen and Oliver Freddys half sister, was observed at the beach with her new (and first) love interest Otto Hillestad.

And some more elderly love. Lucie, Jonathans mother and Ingrids grandmother, is now apparently in a relationship, and appear to be totally comitted to Carlos Opsahl. I was expecting them to be on a date, since I found her at the bowling alley. Well, of course they were in two completely different locations, since he was hanging out outside the Prison Warden Pub in the New Town Area. So... will it last? :P

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...