Friday, June 16, 2023

Chapter 14.1 - December 2022 part I – Reunion

Amena Alnuman profile:
Date of birth: December 20th, 1998.
Place of birth: Almoravid, Genaro Molokai.
Personality traits: Computer whiz, savvy sculptor, brooding, ambitious, party animal.
Education: Bachelors degree in art from Almoravid State University.
Current career: Law enforcement.
Lifetime wish: International superspy.

As november turned to december, police officer Amena Alnuman was dreaming about the arrest of Robert and his crew, and the trial were they got their prison sentence...

Amena was very happy about having made her contribution to solve the case, but there was another thing that made her happy, too..

Amena first came to Sunset Valley about two and half years ago after a terrible happening in her home country of Genaro Molokai. without going into to much detail, there were reasons that forced her to move from her home town of Almoravid.... she has seen some things... and I think it's best to leave it at that...

She had just finished a bachelors' degree in art from Almoravid State University, and was about to continue with her masters degree when everything took a very dramatic turn for the worse... Her mother was a well known painter, and her father a sculptor, and it was also her parents that had encouraged her to pursue the arts as well...

The move to Sunset Valley changed everything and gave her a new direction in life.. she abandoned all her thoughts about the arts, and once she had settled a little more, she joined the police force with her new wish to become an international super spy and see all of the worlds bad guys behind bars...

..but the thing that made her the most happy that day was not locking evildoers up, but a discovery she made during the investigation of the case.. well, the discovery wasn't all good at first.. she had hoped to find her nephew under better circumstances than what she did, but still.. she was thrilled and excited for this journey as she walked out the door and called for a taxi to take her to the airport...

She was travelling north, to the town of Sprottenham to reunite with her nephew George, and take him back home as she was now his legal guardian..

On the way to the airport, the taxi took her past the newly finished fire station that was finally ready to open.. now hiring fire fighters! The taxi continued up the hill, past Ingrids little home and the big house of the Reppe family where it took a left turn before driving past the old Crumplebottom house and heading for the airport...

It was a nice and fair day in the southwestern town of Sunset Valley, but the weather became a lot worse as she approached the airport in Warenford. The pilot warned early on about difficult landing conditions and turbulence as the fasten seatbelt sign was switched on..

And sure enough the landing at the airport was anything but pleasant in heavy rains with poor visibility and strong gusty crosswinds that at times made it appear as if the plane was about to land sideways.. but the pilot did a very good job, and in spite of a severely bumpy ride, the plane landed safely.
    Amena wasn't to easily scared, but she still held on tightly to the seat handles and it was as if everyone on the plane let out a collective sigh of relief as the plane taxed its way to the parking area...

After landing Amena didn't want to waste any time, so she got a rental car and drove off.. as she approached the coast the skies cleared and temperatures dropped as the storm was pushing its way in the opposite direction further inland..

As she approached town, she had to make a short stop by the old peat factory. In spite of the chilly feeling it gave her (it wasn't just the weather), she wanted to have a look at it. Unlike a certain author, she didn't cross the tape, though she could have, as she was a police officer with the badge to prove it..

"So this is where they kept George.. poor boy.. ugh, I better get out of here before I get to angry..."

She got back into the car and followed the GPS direction towards the North Sunderland beach and the orphanage ran by the Westgård couple where she knew George was staying, parked the car outside and walked up to the door to ring the doorbell..

It was strange, for some reason she felt really nervous now. She had of course talked to Wanda just the day before, so she knew she was coming, but she still felt butterflies in her stomach, like she hadn't done in a long time.. "Get a grip on yourself, Amena" she thought to herself. Her feet all of a sudden wanted to make a run for it as she heard footsteps on the inside and the door handle turned to open..

..but there was no reason at all to run here. Wanda grinned widely as she opened the door, and her voice was so hearty and warm.
    "Oh, you must be Amena! It's so nice to see you, welcome to Sprottenham! You must have had a rough journey! I was just watching the news about the storm, I'm so happy you got here, they just closed the airport! George is in the kids room playing computer games, please, do come in!"


"He's right in here, just behind this door! He has talked so much about you!"

George, my dear! I got someone here that wants to talk to you!
George: Not now, I'm busy! I just got to beat this level! Ow ow, jump! Jump!!

"George..." Amena said, pausing as she heard the crack in her voice...
"George, it's me... Amena.. I have come to... I have come to take you home..."

Aunt.. you came.. you came for me!

I knew you would come and save me, aunt! I knew it all the time! I dreamt about it when we were.. when we were in that factory! I was so scared! We were all so scared!

Oh, my boy! Everything is going to be good now! I will take you to my home! To Sunset Valley! It's a lovely place!

I really liked it here too, aunt! Wanda is the best, she is so nice!

Amena: I know, George, Wanda has been very good, but I'll take you home now!

Well, she couldn't take him home right away, with the stormy weather going on and the airport being closed, nor had she planned to. She had travelled pretty far after all, and was invited to stay for a couple of nights before leaving.
    Wanda was very hospitable and friendly, and Amena felt so welcome she almost forgot she was a guest and not part of the household.. though all good things come to and end (I suppose), but the best thing for George would probably be to grow up around what he had of family, and his aunt loved him very much and would no doubt take good care of him, and do her best to make him feel safe and protected..

On the day of departure Wanda had prepared a meal of hot dog for everyone. Hot dogs were the kids favorite meal, and she wanted to make sure that everyone that had stayed there as a guest or otherwise, would leave with their belly full..

Now George, you must promise meto do well in school, and practice your reading! I have never seen a kid your age read as well as you!

Peace of cake! I love reading! I'm going to be an author when I grow up!

Oh, George! It was so lovely having you here for as long as it lasted! I am going to miss you so much! You will be welcome to come back here and visit us anytime!
I'll miss you too, Wanda!

Oh, we can probably come back to visit already next summer, if that is ok by Wanda!
Oh, please do, like I said, you are always welcome here, both of you!

Then that's a promise! See you next summer! Come now, George! I think it's time for us to go back now, we don't want to miss the plane!
I'm coming auntie! Bye Wanda, I'll miss you!
Bye George, I'll miss you too! Take care, do well in school and I'll see you next summer!

There's always a certain melancholy in leaving things behind, and George had many memories from this town.. fond memories from staying with Wanda and the other kids at the orphanage, and some less fond from being held at the peat factory. None of them said a word in the car as they drove by it on the way back to the airport..

Bye for now...

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...