Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chapter 11.1 - March 2022 - Jonathan and Sofies parents, part I - The words unspoken.

Person on picture: Kleopatra Motor-Karlsen.

Last month, I had to stop by the Motor-Karlsen family, so that Kleopatra could age up to a teenager, but now we are back at the Kråke-Karlsen household again, where Ingrid is waiting for the new house to built so that she can move out of her parents home...

Person on picture: Ingrid Kråke-Karlsen.
Last month they had gotten the outer walls up on the house, but no wood panelling, inside walls or roof/ceiling, so lets see how far along they are now..

Oh, now its starting to look like something. The house has a roof, finally. the outer walls have wood panelling, and the inner walls are up. Most of the work should be interior now, and quite possibly they will be done by the end of this month. Of course, its not a big house by any means, as it is meant to be only a starter house for young adults, but atleast it is something new and fresh for our young Miss Snobby McSnob! ;)

Jonathan of course, wakes up to read in his daughters bedroom.. even though they have a reading spot in their own!

Morten goes to school while Kathrine and Ingrid have to go to work at their respective workplaces, the hospital and the town hall. Jonathan has the day off and spends it cleaning around the house. He has the neat personality trait which he inherited from his mom. In addition he buys a new bookshelf and a seesaw.

For some reason him and Kathrine have gotten into buying more kids toys recently...

Now speaking of Jonathans mom, I think it is time for the family to pay a visit to Jonathan (and his sister Sofies) parents and their living arrangement...

While Jonathan does his cleaning, I check up on Jarle and Iselin to see how they are doing. They are expecting a new baby, and are as romantic as ever. ;)

Jonathan gets a wish to learn charisma, so he drives off in his fast and fancy car (..or was that furious?) to town to check if there is a course to attend.

While Jonathan attends his course in charisma, this message pops up. Sofie is Jonathans sister and Kleopatras mother. Police has gotten a little stricter lately, it would seem..

I don't think Sofie would be the one to do anything wrong... Now I want to follow her, just to see what she is up too. Currently she is standing outside the Amundsen and co. Cartoon store (nerd hangout). Not the grocery store as the pop-up said...

She goes home, picks up Walter, and then actually goes to grocery store.... ;)

As she does so, Jonathan is finished with his course in charisma. All his wishes at the moment are related to Kathrine and Morten, so there isn't much to direct him too. You're free to roam mister, show me what you want to do. ;)

Well, he's not doing anything sensible besides surfing his phone and practicing the school uh.. school slogan shout dance thing.. (yeah, I don't know what you actually call that in english...) even though he never went to university... so I send him off to visit his mom and dad, Lucie and Asgeir Karlsen.

Jonathan always had a good relationship with both of his parents, in spite of their fighting and consequential divorce. Like his sister, he lived with his father ever since Lucie was kicked out, but he would often go fishing with her when he was a child and teenager, which was pretty much his only way of meeting and hanging out with his mom.

This monstrosity of a house is his parents home where he grew up. It wasn't all that much when his parents first moved into town back in the 1970s, but as they excelled in their careers and got wealthier, of course, the house also got bigger and bigger....

The garden in front is Lucies garden, as she was, and perhaps still is, an avid gardener and fisher. I don't know, I haven't had them as the active household in a long time.

Jonathans father Asgeir comes around the corner to let him in. As he doesn't walk out the front door, it looks like he has been hanging out inside Lucies apartment. Yes, she does live there now, but in her own apartment with a back entrance...

Their backstory has been mentioned a few times already so I'm hopefully not boring you to much with it...., but their relationship went south after Lucie cheated on Asgeir with Beau Andrews at work... which resulted in fighting in the home, and a divorce where she got kicked out.

Picture: Backside of the house with the main entrance to Lucies apartment.

When they had grandchildren, Asgeir had built an apartment, and offered for her to move back in, given that she lived there. In the beginning he had closed off the rest of to house to her, to avoid any fighting between them. They were still not friends, and would get into physical fights with each other everytime they got near each other.. it was quite difficult to have them reconciliate this relationship! They have remained friends since, but never remarried.

Picture: Backside of the house with Lucies entrance into the backyard (left), and the main backyard entrance (right).

You might not think so, when you look at these old cosy people nowadays, that they used to hate each others guts, but they were quite troublesome... the radical opposite of what I wanted them to be... I wanted to create happy family moments with these guys... They were to be the founding family of my legacy... what a mess it turned out to be..

Another view of their house with the playground area and swimming pool. They may not have had much of a stable family life, but atleast they had money.... If you're going to cry, at least do it in nice surroundings... or well, I don't remember excactly how the quote went, but something like that...

Jonathan shares some gossip with his old man, before he goes inside to the library to read. His father is a writer and a painter, and of course, has a lot of books.
Fact: One of these bookshelves is in fact a secret passageway... However, this is from before I had any expansion packs installed, so I had to do it the slightly more cumbersome way being going into build mode and move the bookshelf everytime the passageway was to be used..

Behind the bookshelf is a secret staircase leading down into the basement... Supernatural was the last expansion pack I bought, so if I make this my active household sometime later, I might change the bookshelf to the passageway it was meant to be. ;)
Anyway, I hear the sound of videogames from somewhere in the house, which probably means that his mother is also home.

And yes, she is. This is Lucie, sitting in her apartment section playing video games.

Looks like Jonathan wants to visit his mom. He has gone out in the backyard to enter her apartment section that way. There are no doors on the inside between the main part of the house and her section.

On the first floor of her section is this tiny hallway, a staircase and a bathroom to the right.

On the second floor is a small kitchen and dining area, as well as her living space with a couch and a tv. Well, there should have been a small dining table here with four chairs, but somehow it has disappeared...

The first thing Lucie does when she sees her son again is to walk up to him and brag about her arcade gaming skills..

They stand there for a while and discuss books and writing. Lucie isn't a bookworm, but can't help but be affected by the rest of the familys interest in anything book related...

Then she picks up the book he left on the kitchen bench to put it back into the shelf. Lucie has always been a neat and orderly person. ;)

She has to walk by Asgeir on the way there. They both glance at each other, but neither of them say a word.

Kathrine is finished with her shift at the hospital, and comes over to visit as well. Asgeir hears the doorbell ringing, but can't pull himself away from the tv to react..

Kathrine eventually makes it inside and goes for a drink... Could probably need to wind down a bit after a stressful day at the hospital, with heart transplantations and other surgeries left and right...

Lucie has become a bit of nerd in her older days, and offends Jonathan for what she thinks is a lack of brains in him.. even if he is a top level scientist!

Nice move, mom...

Kathrine has finished her drink and is now feeling a little buzzed, so she runs out to play with the sprinkler...


Ingrid is finished with her shift at the town hall, and goes to visit her grandparents house as well. I want to see how this family interacts.. Morten attends the boy scouts as his after school activity.

Asgeir hears the doorbell once more, but is still occupied with watching tv. Really, can't you pull your eyes away from that thing? Your son, daughter in law and grand-daughter is visiting! But I guess you were never much of a family man.. huh?

Kathrine takes the opportunity to brag to Lucie about her arcade gaming skills. Mother-in-law is impressed. Jonathan yawns, because he's heard this a thousand times before. ;)

Ingrid the snob finds her way into her grandmothers apartment to check her own appearance in the mirror. The house to the left is the home of Egil and Frida Kråkesen, Kathrines parents, and Ingrids other set of grandparents. We might visit them later.

Ingrid is just like her grandfather Egil, and her aunt Helene. Obsessed with their own appearance and mirrors. ;)

Jonathan and Kathrine is being playful with each other. Mom/Grandma/Mother-in-law Lucie approves.

Lucie is retired from her job as a well reknown surgeon, so when Kathrine starts talking about her job at the hospital, she pays attention with keen interest. Lucie and Kathrine have one thing in common there.

Ingrid has gone to watch the news channel in her grandmas living space. The plaque on the wall is Lucies diploma from the high school in her hometown of Pamtere. Hopefully a town I will get to introduce later. Both Asgeir and Lucie grew up there, before they moved to Sunset Valley.

Kathrine goes for another drink. I'm not sure if I like this...

Lucie goes back to her apartment section. Asgeir and Lucies relationship isn't bad nowadays, but communication between them appears to be at a bare minimum... They prefer to keep to themselves most of the time.. The missing dining table is really visible on this picture (because I kow it was there. :P). I went back to an earlier save, and found it there, so I will put something back here, next time I play...

But I think its good that grandma and grand-daughter get a chance to hangout. The deathfish on the wall is Lucies proudest catch. She had lots and lots more fish in her inventory, but they have been sold to reduce the size of the save file... she sold them because they took up to much space in the freezer...

Lucie wants to play video games again, maybe that is her favorite past time nowadays. To old for fishing like you used to?

Ingrid thinks that Asgeir and Lucie have a very big nice house, but is a bit curious about why Lucie has her own apartment in the same house like she does. She has understood that there has been something going on inbetween her grandparents, but Jonathan has been a bit silent about this part. Even if he has seemed largely unaffected, of course, it was still painful to have his parents fight and divorce like they did...

Lucie pretends not to hear her grand-daughter circling in on the topic of their home situation, so Ingrid instead switches to talk about her job. She really wants to advance and reach the top level of the political career... and perhaps granny has some wise words to share..

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

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