Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Chapter 10.2 - January 2022 - The Kråke-Karlsen family - we need more kids toys..

 Yep, for this chapter I want to introduce a new family for the Sunset Valley branch of the storyline..

This is the home of the Kråke-Karlsen family, by the beach front. The Kråke-Karlsen family is...

The mother, Kathrine Kråke-Karlsen (age: 43)

The father, Jonathan Kråke-Karlsen (age: 43)

The daughter, Ingrid Kråke-Karlsen (age: 19).

The son, Morten Kråke-Karlsen (age: 11)

The Kråke-Karlsen is part of the larger Karlsen family and Kråkesen family. Here are their family photos (click 'Show content'). One version without and one with name tags. Names with grey name tags are married into the family.

Karlsen family without name tags.

Karlsen family with name tags.

Kråkesen family without name tags.

Kråkesen family with name tags.

2nd generation and their spouses on back row. 1st generation (grandparents) and 3rd generation (grandchildren) on first row.

The others just went home from somewhere. Morten hangs out at the park.

Kathrine and Jonathan have already fulfilled their lifetime wishes. Kathrine works as a World-Renowned Surgeon, and Jonathan is a Mad Scientist.... (but he's not really all that mad..)

Ingrid wants to be a Leader of the Free World, but has a long way to go yet.. currently she is only polishing the podiums...

I will probably follow Ingrid for this household, to push her a bit to fulfill her goal.. but I will allow her some leisure too, playing ball with her dad... she currently has no wishes related to her life time goal anyway, so I will just watch her until she gets some..

Morten doesn't have a life time wish yet.

Ingrid and Jonathan are quite sporty, playing until long after dark.

The game notifies me that Inges mother, Iselin (age: 38) has taken her daughter Kristina (age: 12) out to go fishing. When she isn't hanging out by the juice bar..... Iselin is a sports fisher type, and her life time wish is to have the perfect aquarium.

Now, one thing that strikes me about the Kråke-Karlsen family, is that Ingrid is now a young adult, so it should be time for her to move out on her own. She never had a wish to go to university like Oliver Freddy and Inge, but still.

So I take a look around town for available homes suitable for young adults, and find that all homes in town are taken, apart from some at the trailer park at Vaddelmyra.. now it's understandable she doesn't want to live there. Her family is pretty wealthy, they can afford better. 

 So I check with the town council if there are any plans for building new housing specifically for young adults, and sure enough, they can inform me that building is just about to start, but that it is likely not to be finished before summer. So she is going to have to live at home for a while still if she wants to move out. Oh well.... 

 Ingrid going to sleep in her old room.. lets hope they get the new housing finished before summer!

Shocker! The game just told me that Iselin Reppe, Inges mother, is expecting a child! No wonder.. must have been the scented candle that Jarle got for his christmas present!

I locate their home and check Iselins status, and she is indeed pregnant! You're not getting the juice bar back any time soon now.. definately not!


The next day...


Everyone in the Kråke-Karlsen family (except Kathrine) wanted to buy a flower pot, so Jonathan made sure to go out and get one. Jonathan is the one in the family most interested in gardening, probably something he got from his mom, Lucie Karlsen.

Christmas holidays are over, and Ingrid has to get ready for her job at the town hall. Not at all questioning that her father has gone into her room to read a book...

Ingrid is like her grandfather Egil, and her aunt Helene.. a snob that constantly has to check their appearance in the mirror...

"Is that a zit on my chin? I better get rid of it, I can't go to work looking like that!"

And brag to her mom, Kathrine, about her arcade gaming skills..

Before its off to work and school for all of them.

Kathrine works at the hospital at level 8 of the medical career. Oops, she has been demoted in the meantime. She has fullfilled her lifetime wish of reaching level 10, so I was expecting her to be there.. Not good for an ambitious person like her...

Jonathan however, is at the top of the science career as a mad scientist,so of course, he exits via the kitchen entrance.... haha, is that hair really necessary? Please take that wig off.. we all know you have short hair. ;) I'm going to change that silly work outfit of his, because I want him to look like Jonathan, not some stupid stereotypical cartoon character...

While they are at work and school, I hang out in the park to observe the life of the town..

It's pretty quiet, just some random criminal trying ice skating..

Some more people show up to go ice skating. These are Cyclone Sword (I'm just gonna write his name without the silly numbers..), Stiles McGraw and Iliana Langerak.

Jonathan leaves work and drops by the toy store on the way home to buy kids toys.. such as a teddy bear and a costume chest... Hmm...

Kathrine is home from work, and thinks buying the toy chest was a very good idea.

Ingrid is also home, and decides to read a book (she is a bookworm, like her grandfather Asgeir). And then I get a notification from the town council that there is an available home in the New Town Area. It's one of the standard homes built in the 1970s to house young adults moving out of home for the first time.

I inspect it, and see that it is the old home of Monica Motorsen (Ranveigs sister). I think it has seen better days.. I ask Ingrid if she wants to move there. Ingrid says no, she does not. She wants to wait for a better opportunity... It's not the best area, and a fine young woman like her deserves better, she tells me... Ah, these snobs, will never settle for anything but the very best.. but I kind of get that, the homes up there are a little old and worn out...

She is probably waiting for this one being built right next to the Reppe familys house. I see they got a wall up already, but it is far from finished yet...

And since I'm already in the neighbourhood, I take a peak inside their house to see how they are doing.

They're doing just fine. ;)

Morten is finally going home from his boy scouts after school activity, where he just increased his skill in fishing.

Another citizen Mohamed Khaled has also decided the old homes in the New Town Area was no longer something for him, and just bought a new house by the beach front. It is probably Mohameds' old home in the New Town Area that just became vacant earlier (He lived there after Monica, and after it had been vacant for a long time, too.)

Mohameds new home by the beach, with the Wan household to the right, and Monica Motorsens current home to the left.

The game gives me a notification that Robert Bråge just increased his skills in fishing. I find him with his mom, Ranveig, at the Blitzkrieg house (the rebel hangout). I don't know what they are doing there, maybe Ranveig (the journalist) is looking for a story. I see the police is also present... makes sense. Got to keep these young punks and anarchists under surveillance, in case they want to start some trouble... ;)

The game again notifies me that Helene, Kathrines sister, is found at V.I.P. Club Exclusif, an exclusive night club as the name implies, where she just spoke to Ylajali about garden gnomes being alive, before moving on to brag about her gaming skills.. don't talk to that crazy woman about garden gnomes. ;) She has an obsession with them, for a reason I don't understand...

Back to the Kråke-Karlsen household..

"I am happy that my brother has fun playing king, but does he have to do it in my room when I want to sleep?"

Then Kathrine reads Morten a bed time story, before all of them go to sleep.. ..and that marks the end of "What happened in Janurary?" for Sunset Valley... see you next month. :P

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...