Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Chapter 16.1 - March 2023: part VI – Bjørn Yngves birthday

This is the second to last teenage birthday for Sunset Valley this year, as the next one won't be until October (on their timeline) when it's Mortens turn to enter his 13th year. However, there will be two more birthdays before then where a couple of toddlers will age up to children, the next one already next month...(in the town of Sprottenham). With so many birthdays, maybe I should go a little easier on them and not dedicate an entire update for each persons birthday, yet I do feel that these are significant events that should be marked properly. Hmm. Oh well, here we go..

Sim profile:
Full name: Bjørn-Yngve Kråke-Motorsen
Date of birth: March 22nd , 2010.
Personality traits: Easily impressed, genius, inappropriate.
Family tree:


Bjørn-Yngves family lives in this house on 378 Skyborough Boulevard. In my language the adress is Himmelstien 378 which would directly translate to "Heavenly Path 378", hence back in the day the town council thought it to be appropriate to build a new graveyard on an empty lot close by their house..

Heavenly Path Graveyard and Mausoleum, 415 Skyborough Blvd. The mausoleum houses the urnstones of all the sims that have died so far and everytime I see it, it reminds me of the most depressing moment of me playing the sims.. Early on, I played rotationally and with aging off, which meant that I had to make the rounds and take on the role of the grim reaper himself to make sure that everyone who was supposed to die, did so when their time was up... I wept internally for each and every one of them....

Since the family lives so close to the graveyard, it's inevitable that certain eerie sounds accompanied by music is heard during the night.. so I found it natural to follow these sounds and hang out at the graveyard, while waiting for the family to wake up, which resulted in the recording seen above..

The sound of ghosts isn't the only thing heard in the night, because as I check up on this family, they all have a recent bad memory of their house being burgled.. I look around to see if anything is missing, but I can't see anything. I don't have a full overview of every item in their house, so something migh be gone, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

So I just assume that it wasn't anything important, and carry on...

Helene is the first one to wake up, to take care of Anton, and stroll around at home in her underwear. Helene is a bit of a snob that values appearance (to the outside world), but when she is at home with just her family she relaxes a lot more and shows her true self. :P

Bjørn-Yngve wakes up next, and goes into his mom's writing den to cheer excitedly. Helene is also a creative person that enjoys writing, painting and photography. This could be why he is cheering, but I think it's more him being excited about playing king on the chair, like kids always do..

Helene used to work at the day spa, before it became possible to sign up to various freelance jobs for the more ambitions minded sims, and as such she doesn't have fixed work hours, which just allows her to chill in her underwear a little longer..

Not the same for Bjørn-Yngve and her husband Knut, that have to get up and ready for work and school. Knut has gone into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, before going to work at the town hall. The only reason for him working in the politcal career is so that he can take advantage of his charismatic personality and strategic mind.. His real life goal, however, was simply to max out his skills in handiness and logic, which he has already achieved.

The boys eating breakfast. (I wanted to show this one, since they ate at the same time. Of course, they can't sit at the same table... yet...)

Then Bjørn-Yngve hops on the school bus for his last day at school as a 12 year old and an elementary school pupil. Helene and Knut eat their breakfast, and Helene has to subtly ask Knut when he will get his next pay rise, so that she can buy more expensive things for the house..
"Helene, that's not how it works.. I can't ask for a pay rise all the time. I already got one last month..! Besides, I'm a politician... we have to show some restraint, or people might start protesting or even rioting....and we don't really want that..."

Then it's off to work for Knut. Showing restraint or not, he's got a pretty fancy ride, though. A 2016 Lexus IS 350 F Sport to be excact.. fitting for a guy with Motorsen as his last name. ;) My sims like their fancy cars... :P

Helene spends the day finishing up the job of teaching Anton talk, ensuring that he learns all the important things of course. Repeat after me... "Daddy has a really fancy red car, and all the neighbours are really impressed...."

"Don't be afraid of the ghosts you hear at night, they're just people that once used to live in town, just like you and me..."

After finishing the job of teaching him to talk, she goes upstairs to the balcony to finish a painting she started a good while ago, as well as increasing her painting skills. One step towards her goal of mastering painting and writing..

Then it's time to invite everyone for the birthday party. She insists that they wear their finest clothing, jewelry and sparkling diamonds if they have.. let's make it a sparkling party to impress the neighbours and have everyone talking for weeks. ;)

Guest list:
George Alnuman (10 yrs, friend)
Ingrid Kråke-Karlsen (21 yrs, cousin)
Morten Kråke-Karlsen (12 yrs, cousin)
Egil Kråkesen (71 yrs, grandfather mothers side)
Frida Kråkesen (66 yrs, grandmother mothers side)
Lise Veronica Motor-Notesen (13 yrs, cousin)
Eirin Motorsen (68 yrs, grandmother fathers side)
Ingmar Motorsen (70 yrs, grandfather fathers side)
Robert Bråge Motorsen (13 yrs, cousin)
Kristina Reppe (14 yrs, friend).

PS: Eveyone is given the title they have in relation to the birthday child, e.g. When someone is called grandfather throughout this update, that's because they are Bjørn-Yngves grandfather, not necessarily the grandfather of whomever else they might interact with. ;)

Bjørn-Yngve is still at school and won't be home for some hours more, as he also has to attend the boy scouts. This leaves plenty of time for the parents to decorate and clean up the place to make it as shiny as possible.. can't have these kids toys lying around all over the place...

The first guest to arrive is this lady, Valborg Ulstein. She is one of the maids in town. Since my storyline of playing Sunset Valley began in 1977, the original maids Kate Pistachio and Grady Elfman have since retired. Their whereabouts are unknown, if they are even still alive. Well, anyway, this new maid first greets Helene with a friendly smile, before going into a small fit of rage. I'm not sure why, because Helene just cleaned the house! Or maybe that's the problem, because this family doesn't have a maid service.. or maybe she's angry they were throwing a party and she wasn't invited...

The next guest is of a much friendlier nature. Kristina Reppe is probably the least likely of all Sunset Valley inhabitants to actually get angry about something. Even as a teenager, she's just super nice and easy going.

Then comes grandpa Egil. An ambitious snob and retired CEO of the TelComNor foundation that was founded by his father again in the early 1940s. Hs father worked really hard back in the day to get the company going, and it was his business ideas that slowly brought the Kråkesen family from rags to riches. Though Egil was once set to take over the reigns of the company, his father wanted to teach his son the value of hard work, just like he had to, and as such he didn't get a free ride to the top just because he was the son of the companys founder.. When Egil finally took over leadership of the company in 2008, after his father passed away, he began work to make the company an international success, furthering the wealth of the family, of course, greatly helped by his wifes success as an author and later career as a professional athlete, that is. ;)

And here is his wife, Frida Kråkesen, as the fourth guest, along with her grandchild Ingrid, and recent birthday child Robert Bråge. Frida is nowhere near as snobby as her husband or youngest daughter Helene, or her grandchild Ingrid.. Bjørn-Yngve is also seen just having arrived home from the boy scouts. He stands there for a while, watching the influx of people, before he decides to do his homework on the front porch.. He's not absent minded like his mom and grandma, but still.. it looks like he doesn't quite understand that all these guests are there because of him. ;)

Then comes his cousin and Ingrids younger brother Morten, and he seems to have some reason to not be satisfied with grandma, and honestly, I don't know why... I would probably need to have either household as actives to begin to figure out what this is about...

Lise Veronica follows next, and this time she has prepared a meal. It's just a salad, but it's not that long ago since she was just a 12 year old too, so this is fine. ;) Maybe she is trying to improve her own behaviour, or maybe she brought it just to satisfy her own hunger, just in case no one else brought food for the party... :P

I wasn't sure if George would show up, since he completely ditched Roberts party, but here he is now. He probably just forgot about time on Roberts birthday, because he was at the library reading. :P

And then last (for now), comes grandma Eirin alone, because grandpa Ingmar found it more important to be playing bass in the park.. and Bjørn-Yngve figures out his next move, which is to do homework. :P

People gather inside talking, and this might be another reason why the maid is angry with Helene. She seems to have a liking for her husband Knut, and is not shy of letting him know. Knut is wise and makes no advances and nothing more happens between them for the remainder of the party, except everyday conversations.

Grandma Frida is the first one to start the party by dancing on her own in the dining room and a later thought bubble from her revealed that she has been enjoying a few drops of that juice before showing up at her grandchilds birthday party.. no wonder she's in such a good mood, but really grandma, come on! :P

Guess I should have seen this coming... Lise Veronicas friendly demeanor didn't last that long, and she's already insulting the host...

..but one that she would never insult, I hope, is her girlfriend Kristina. Realizing that it won't be to fruitful to continue talking to Helene for a while, she quickly moves over to hand her flowers. Grandfather Egil stands to the left and watches the seance..

He nods and smiles at the girls, but inside he's a little torn... "One girl giving flowers to another girl as a romantic gesture? My oh my... things weren't like that in my youth...."
Now, Egil might have a conservative way of viewing the world, but he's not dumb.. Back in the day in his youth, when he was their age in the latter half of the 1960s, a time when the fight for equal rights for homosexuals was still in it's early stage and it was still risky to be publicly open as a gay person, much more so than it is today... and being a teenager looking to find your place in the world certainly wouldn't make it easier... Egil never really had that struggle though, as he has always been most interested in the opposite sex, but he was still shaped by the times, the pressure among his peers to fit in, and even more so the views of his own parents. In particular those of his father that would have a tendency to lean towards a rather strict upbringing for his own children...

..but that was long ago, and it was far away and Egil doesn't want to be that man, so he does his best, though a little clumsily, to engage in friendly chatter with the girls. Kristina immediately gives the old man the benefit of the doubt. Lise Veronica isn't as accepting and thinks he's being an awkward old fool as she gives him a sly look...

Ah.. but then finally Bjørn-Yngve finished his homework and realized it's his birthday before putting on his finest wear! Mom probably picked that one out, and it doesn't look like the kind of suit to wear while playing outside... but it will sure impress everyone when they see what a classy young gentleman her son is.. right? ;)

Make a wish. ;)

Hooray for Bjørn-Yngve, aging up with perfect grades! ;)

Oh.. oh..

"Well look at you!" Ingrid is amazed of her 'new' cousin. :P
Bjørn-Ynge inherits the charismatic trait from his father (Knut) and grandmother (Eirin).

Then it's time for.. cake and salad, and the grandparents, Egil, Frida and Eirn mentally gang up on Bjørn-Yngves father Knut.. Especially Frida (in the middle) is very displeased and loudly lets everyone know... he's just so inappropriate. Not dressing up propertly, and pointing and laughing at his own son.. "You're such a disgrace of a father!"

Knut couldn't care less though, as he leaves the party behind to go upstairs to get banned from yet another internet forum...

The guests chaotically gather around the table eating their food of choice in their own way, when Lise Veronica has something to say.. "Something smells in here.. it smells like trash.."

Frida jumped a little at the mention of the word 'smell'.. "Can they smell I've been drinking? Oh.. I hope not. Of course they can't.. it's probably the smelly plate over there... I have to say something about it, so that they won't think it's me.."
Frida: Oh, yeah, hehe.. it's probably.. hehe, it's probably those dirty dishes over there...

Helene: Oh, sorry about that! I'll take care of it right away!
"How embarrassing.. I can't have a party with smelly dishes all over the place.. what will people think? I should have paid more attention.. I hope this won't hurt my social standing..."

Bjørn-Yngve is perhaps the best behaved person at the party. He really doesn't make much of himself, just calmly sitting there observing everyone and eating his cake.. Frida is booing at Ingmar for having the wrong attire. Ingmar often comes of as inappropriate sometimes to the point of being rude, though there usually isn't much thought behind any of it.. and that is the problem. Ingmar is the most absent minded of anyone here. Always lost in his own thoughts, he's usually not present anywhere, even if he is. :P

The rest of the party continues with more eating, dancing and booing at each other. Lise Veronica is showing off some of her moves in the front here. Eirin asks Egil how things are at the office. Egil has retired from his postion as a CEO, but he is still on the board of directors and still attends weekly meetings. The company is his life, and he just couldn't leave it completely...

The uninvited town maid Valborg has really enjoyed her stay, and thinks its time to head home. Ingmar is probably thinking the same... all these parties with all these people he has to attend all the time, when he would be much happier just spending time at home, all alone...

Well, grandpa Ingmar finds an excuse to leave the party behind for a while, as he comes to think about the little man upstairs. The youngest member of the family Anton just woke up from having slept through most of the day, so grandpa is on the spot to let him out so he can go play with his toy box.

Downstairs Kristina has gone to slow dance with Robert. Lise Veronica either hasn't noticed, or doesn't care, because she's still happily dancing along by herself in the dining room. :P

Looks like the party is approaching it's end, as Bjørn-Yngve decides to go to bed and some of the kids downstairs are leaving. Well, good night, I hope you enjoyed your birthday. ;)

Ingrid goes to play some video games with grandpa on the couch, before he calls it a night and goes home too.

Finally with most of the guests out of the house, Helene loosens up a little and finds some time to dance as well. Eirin teases her about it.. "Sensational news! Helene danced at her own party! Read all about it in todays edition of the Sunset Valley Gazette!" (Eirins daughter Ranveig works as a journalist, so a quick phone call after she gets home might actually result in this happening... :P)

The elders were the ones that held out the longest at this party, as Frida, Eirin and Ingmar were the last ones to leave. Helene can sleep well and need not to worry about any rumours or loss of social standing as everyone really enjoyed this party and will only have positive things to say about it. ;)

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...