Friday, June 23, 2023

Chapter 15.3 - February 2023 part II – Lise Veronicas birthday (continued).

Ivar (thinking): I know I probably shouldn't be thinking this, but Ranveig is actually kind of hot.. No, no, no, that's my wifes sister! I can't be thinking that! It's wrong! But what if... just what if.. no! No! Get a grip on yourself, dude..

Yeah, please do. You've been eternally faithful up until now, please don't ruin it..

It looks like life has it's thing with always trying to put a spoke in whatever wheel it can find, because here is this guy, the uninvited guest Petter Lande trying to flirt with Monica. Well, it's good that she doesn't bite..

Then he goes on to dance with Lise Veronica instead. Mother Monica is keeping a watchful eye... "I'm not sure if I like this guy. I think he's a bit of a creep..."

Bjørn-Yngve to the left and Morten to the right is fighting over which one of them is the king of the round table, while Ranveig eats some kind of porridge and tries to have a conversation with them about detergents. As if kings care about detergents! They have servants for that kind of thing! :P

Robert Bråge and George is hitting it off in the kitchen, with George telling a funny story about the outdoors life, even though he is not particularly outdoorsy himself. He knows what it is though, because he has read all about it in a book, of course! :P

Ivar gets a dance with his mother-in-law Eirin, before he has a birthday gift to give for his daughter.

Lise Veronica: Aww, dad, is this one for me?

(thinking): "I hope it's something cool, so Kleopatra won't think I'm a complete dork..."

Lise Veronica: What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! Thanks a lot dad! This means so much to me!
She got a stereo, so now she can hang out with Kleopatra in her room to listen to the latest rebellious rock music, or whatever teenagers like to do. :P

And of course her father would give her a stereo so she can listen to music. Music to him is life, as he would say, you can't have a perfect body and a perfect mind without it. ;)

Petter Lande, the uninvited guest, is now in the kitchen dancing with Kristina..

Lise Veronica and her dad goes out to discuss music for a while, before she commands him to start cleaning up. I thought it should've been the other way around, but it's her birthday party, so I guess she has the right to do so, atleast for this one evening. ;)

Then she retreats to the bathroom, but not to use the toilet.. all her pranks have worked successfully so far, so she thinks, why not try it again and see who is the next victim...

While she was preparing the prank, she could hear talking from outside, so she runs out the backdoor to check out who it was, hoping that one of them would need to use the bathroom soon..

Sure enough, one of them did, and it was mom again that was the unfortunate one to be pranked. Well, you've got a teenage daughter in the house now, so expect more of this in the years to come! You might want to keep an eye on your daughter there, because maybe before you know it, she'll be taking it a few steps further by flooding the school or something...

Kleopatra heard some interesting language from inside the bathroom and figured out it was best to leave the party so she wouldn't be around to get blamed for whatever happened in there... Not that she would ever do something like that at anothers house, of course. ;) Kristina politely thanks Petter for the dance and says she should go as well. Of all the teenage girls, Kristina is probably the least likely to do pranks. She wants to go home because she respects her parents and (usually) doesn't want to stay out for to long after curfew (unless she has made an agreement with her parents to sleep over at a friends house, which she hasn't in this case.)

When Monica emerges from the bathroom, all drenched in toilet bowl water, Petter Lande is there to compliment her and ask her for a dance. She feels flattered but declines, so he goes to ask Ranveig instead, and sure enough, she could dance with him. Though she would much rather have that dance with Ivar, Monicas husband, as she exclaimed shortly after entering the party earlier...

"We have so much in common. I would like to get to know you better." it seems there is a mutual attraction between them.. but Ranveig, you can't do that! You can't wreck your sisters marriage, now that it has been going so well for so many years.. Think about it..
    Now, Ranveig has always been a bit of a hopeless (and unlucky) romantic. Though she has two children, she has never been married, as both of her relationships then went sour after a while. She has never really found the love that she wanted, and she would often dream away watching the romance channel on tv.. maybe it's still not to late.. just don't go after the man that is already married to your sister...

Ranveig finishes the dance with Petter and decides to leave the party, but not without casting a long glance in the direction of Ivar on her way out...

I hope she can get over it, because Ivar is happily married to his Monica, and I want it to stay that way! :P Now all the adults and teenagers have left the party, and only the kids, George, Bjørn-Yngve, Morten and Robert Bråge are still left.

George is playing with a toy boat in the kitchen, Morten and Robert Bråge is playing video games and Bjørn-Yngve is immersed in a book.

Finally the children also leave through the opposite end of where they arrived. In through the front door, imagination sets in and before you know it, doo doo doo, they're goin' out the back door. ;)

After the teenagers left, the birthday child had retreated upstairs to read a book. Feeling to mature to hang out with the less than 13 year olds already, hmm? ;)

With all the guests now out of the house, Monica and Ivar thought they could have a romantic moment for themselves, but then Ranveig called... She wanted to talk to her sister about something, and it appeared to be important..

Monica: Hi, Ranveig. What's up?
Hi, Monica.. I was.. there's no uh... there's no easy way for me to say this, but I saw..
Monica (guessing in which direction this could be heading):
I'm... I'm listening..
I'm uh... I mean, you know those.. those.. the uhh.. the vo.. the vo..


Monica: Ra.. Ranveig, are you okay?
Yes.. n-no, yes, no... no, I'm not okay! None of us are! And that's what... that's what I want to talk to you about...

Monica: I don't understand...
Monica, don't... I know you do... everybody knows...

Ranveig: ..and it doesn't stop with us, it just keeps going on..
What do you...?
You know, earlier this evening.. seeing Lise Veronica celebrate her birthday.. it was just like seeing myself when I was younger...

Ranveig: I'm sure she can hear them, too...
I uh...
Listen! You have to take her to the doctor, Monica!
But I...
If it makes it easier, I'll go with you.. we can all go together..
But mom..? Mom always... what will mom s-..?
Mom!? For once, Monica.. to hell with... It's not about mom.. It's about your daughter! It's about our children, it's about us..... .... and mom, it's about mom too...

Monica: But will you..? Who's gonna..?
I'll.. I'll call the doctor and get an appointment... do we have a deal?
Yes, uh.. I think so... and I'll bring.. I'll bring Lise Veronica, and we'll go.. go together...
Yes, I promise, we'll go together... and we'll get... we'll get through this.. I'll let you know when..
Th.. thank you, I..

Don't uh... and you know you're a really great mom, you know that? I mean, the party was pretty awesome, your daughter is lucky and.. we'll get through this..
..and in case you didn't know, you're such a great inspiration for my oldest son, too.. he has always looked up to you, and you should have seen how thrilled he was when you landed him that job.. it's because of you he's now at university, as the first one in our family.
Oh! I didn't know.. I never thought myself I would end up working in the field of science, but.. well, I guess mom is a bit to blame there for me.. She was the one that taught me gardening..

Monica: Maybe it was just her ramblings, but she was the one that lead me to the idea that maybe.. maybe it was possible to do cross breeding you know?

Monica: I thought that sounded pretty insane, you know, until I read a brochure from the Landgraab Industries that they actually were about to develop a program for just that! Can you imagine!

As the conversation shifts to more lighthearted topics Monica feels better and less anxious about Ranveigs idea to actually go to the doctor, something they both know they should have done a long time ago. Even though, or because, they've known each other their entire lives – or atleast Monicas entire life – the sisters have a lot to talk about, and they keep talking until Ivar thinks its time for everyone to go to bed for the night...

Lise Veronica had finished reading the book, and overheard the conversation from above. She wasn't excactly sure what the first part was about, and why her mom sounded so nervous, but she understood from the context that she was talking with her aunt, Ranveig.

Tired from a long day, she finally decided to go to bed in her everyday wear, and I see, she might want to go shopping for some new clothes, because that outfit looks a little similar to her cousin Kleopatras outfit..

..and soon everyone in the family was sleeping safe and sound, with Monica dreaming about receiving roses in a vase from her husband, and her husband dreaming about sleeping.. :P Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...