Monday, June 5, 2023

Chapter 11.1 - March 2022 - Jonathan and Sofies parents, part II - Picturing the present.

Ingrid eventually gets bored of her grandmas lack of answers and video game playing, and goes to play chess with her grandfather instead.

Then Asgeir notices he has a lot in common with Kathrine and wants to get to know her better.. romantically speaking. No, come on man... so your own marriage failed miserably, but leave your sons marriage alone!

As Asgeir is busy talking with Katrhine, Ingrids action turns into solo chess practice.

Asgeir wants to know if Kathrine is as good at cleaning around the house as his ex-wife. Kathrine is not to happy about this question.. "Why on earth would he want to know that?"

Then she, oddly enough, decides to flirt with him. That is not well received, because Asgeir being a more straight forward and pragmatic person has never really been into such...

Morten is now finished with his after school activity, but has no interest in visiting his grandparents. He was about to go there by my direction, but he turned on his bike and went home instead. "I'm going to invite Kristina for a visit" he tells me. Kristina is the little sister of Inge (Oliver Freddys girlfriend, both currently at university). Morten gets some happiness points when she promises to be over in a few minutes.


At the same time it starts to rain, so everyone at the Karlsen mansion goes inside.

Ingrid wants to take a picture with her dad, to memorize the event of visiting her grandparents home. She chooses to take the picture in the kids section where Jonathan and Sofie used to play when they where children. And thats when I notice that there used to be a painting on that wall...

Asgeir is a painter as well as a writer, and has painted a lot of paintings. I look around the house, and see that all the paintings are actually gone.. (I did find them in an old backed up file, so they will be restored some time later.)

And Ingrid suffers a routing error, and gets transported right back home, but that didn't really happen, so I send her back...

In the meantime, I look up Ranveig, Oliver Freddys mother, to check up on her and see how she is doing. I locate her at the bowling alley in a group of other people, where she just ordered a surprise stew. How are you doing?

Oh, I'm doing.. alright.. but I had this strange dream tonight.. I woke up at home, and thought everything was as usual, except the house was very empty, not even Robert Bråge was there..

Ranveig: And when I walked out the door, I was.. I don't know where I was, but everything looked different..

Ranveig: I turned back and.. my home was no longer my home, but some other building.. and.. I don't know, I was in a completely different place..

Ranveig: Some semi-desert looking town with only brick buildings and surrounded by this wall.. It felt claustrophobic.. like some indescribable darkness loomed over this place...and it was all empty..

Ranveig: I walked around feeling lost and looking for people, but there was nobody there..

Ranveig: And it didn't feel like a dream either, it felt so real, I thought it was actually happening..

Ranveig:I walked around in that strange town for what seemed like hours, until I somehow passed out.. and when I woke up.. again.. I was in my own bed, and it wasn't until then that I realized I had only been dreaming..

Ranveig: I have always had these weird dreams ever since I was little, I don't know.. but most of them don't feel like this... It was.. I don't know.. kind of eerie...

But other than that I'm doing.. I'm doing fine.. thanks for asking..

Back at the Karlsens residence, Ingrid had just returned in the doorway and the sometimes grumpy old Asgeir was now suddenly mad at his son for not visiting more often...

Jonathan apologizes before asking his father how his days has been...

Oh, its good, the usual, you know..

Jonathan knew his father well, and was familiar with his grumpy mood, so that he could sometimes be a little.. argumentative was something he was accustomed too..

Kathrine calls her daughter outside to have their picture taken. She wants a memory of this visit as well.

And then they do the same thing again, this time with Ranveigs parents (Ingmar and Eirin Motorsen) house as a backdrop.. Yup, all the original elders lives on the same street. ;)

Lucie finally shows her face downstairs, and to my surprise, she actually flirts with Asgeir. So there is some romance left between them after all! And Asgeir, the usually unflirty one, even flirts back! Would you look at that!

Of course, it was only a brief flirt, it didn't last very long, but I am very pleased nonetheless!

Lucie goes into the library, to interrupt Jonathans chess practice. She has something on her chest that she wants to deliver. She doesn't dive right in, but circles around the topic somewhat, and comes with a half-hearted apology for how things happened between her and Asgeir back then..

Jonathan is overbearing, and accepts. He has always had a close relationship with his mom, and has a lot of good memories from everytime she would take him fishing when he was a child and a teenager. Thoguh his father wasn't the easiest of people to share a roof with due to his grumpiness, Jonathan will never fully understand why she would cheat on him though, but he never really held any grudges about it...

Then I get a notification from the game that Sofie, Jonathans younger sister, has improved her skills in drum playing to level two. I check her location and find her practicing in the basement at the Blitzkrieg house (the towns rebel hangout).

And Kathrine wants to have her picture taken with Asgeir, her father-in-law. Its important to saviour these family moments when you can, even if your family isn't perfect. Well, whose family is perfect anyway? ;)

And now they are all (except for Ingrid upstairs checking her reflection in the mirror..) gathered in the library This room was also where Jonathan and Kathrine had their first kiss, when they were dating as teenagers... Asgeir was being grumpy again. Jonathan was offended, but Lucie just laughed it off this time..

Lucie tries to reconciliate the relationship... They are "just friends", but there are a few romantic interactions between them, still.. after all these years and with everything that has happened between them...

Asgeir doesn't reject and happily smells the flowers.

Jonathan wants another one for the photo album. "Smile dad, you grumpy old fart!"

Lucie is an over emotinal person, and has to shed a few tears of happiness over her sons visit. (The pictures on table behind Asgeir is Ingrid when she was a toddler).

Asgeir brags to Kathrine about his grandchildren, apparently proud to have snobs in the family...

And speaking of snobs, Ingrid is finally finished admiring her appearance in the mirror and meets up with the rest of the family. Her mom wants to take another picture, but the flash hits them both right in the eyes. ;)

Asgeir brags to Kathrine about his grandchild Walter. Walter is Sofies son.

The rest of the night its just lots more bragging about grandchildren and picture taking, with mixed results...

Kathrine has become especially occupied with the picture taking...

Everyone is starting to get tired, but Kathrine and Lucie still find time to walk over into Lucies apartment for a friendly pillow fight.

Ingrid, just one more picture in this bathroom upstairs...

Ow, the flash mom.. the flash!

Jonathan is feeling the lack of energy now, and he has work tomorrow, so it is time for him to go home...

Kathrine is reading a book, "Illusions" in Jonathans old bedroom. "I will go home after finishing this book", she says, "Its getting late for me too"

Lucie is also getting very tired and goes to sleep in her.. umm, goes all the way up to sleep in the guest room. Not her own bed, but umm.. as long as she is getting a good nights sleep, of course, she can sleep whereever she wants...

Asgeir is still up, drinking coffee, but maybe its bedtime for him soon as well...

He used to spend his nights up writing in his younger days, just like this... Maybe he could be a good mentor for Inge, Oliver Freddys girlfriend, because she aspires to be just like that.. an illustrious writer pulling all nighters, just like Asgeir.. because somehow they think that will fuel their creativity..

Morten has since long gone to sleep in his treehouse...

Kathrine finished reading the book, time to find Ingrid and go back home to get some sleep...

Come along, Ingrid, we're going back home!

"Bye grandpa!" Ingrid says on the way out.

And that ends this visit and seals this update... nighty night. ;)


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If you bothered to go through all that, congratulations! Here's an additional old youtube video of my sims for additional time wasting!

About the video:  

The video begins with a rare and very old video clip of the founder of the Sunset Valley Chess Club, H.K.H. Høigaffel. The excact timing is unsure, but it has estimated to be from 1843.

Then it quickly jumps forward to 1993 and Eirin Motorsen, Ranveigs mother. You can see the teenage Ranveig in the back, as well as her younger siblings, Monica, and one of the twin brothers, either Knut or Eivind. It could be Eivind that later ended up marrying Sofie, because he is the one interested in chess, but I could be wrong about that.

1994 - Frida Kråkesen, Kathrine and Helenes mother is absent minded and burned something on the stove... Frida Kråkesen had two lifetime wishes, the first one being to have a perfect garden..

1995 - Ine Melhus was Asgeirs girlfriend for a while, following his divorce with Lucie, but he dumped her after a while, because she was to childish....

1997 - Kathrines parents dancing in their workout room... notice the mirror in front of the treadmill. ;)

1999 - Asgeir Karlsen as an adult, and Sofie Karlsen as a teenager.

2000 - Three childhood friends. Kathrine is now a young adult. The other two are still teenagers. Excuse the cameraman here, he was still learning...

2001 - Eirin Motorsen, Ranveigs mother, digging through trash cans looking for clues about criminals. She is now retired, but worked in the police career.

2001 - Egil helps Helene with homework.

2002 - Helene ages up to a young adult.

2002- Erin Kennedy had moved in with Mortimer Goth in her older days. This was around the time when Mortimers parents died of old age. Erin died some years later.

2003 - Holly Alto grieves over her recently deceased husband. She died not to long after this, and her grave is placed right next to his. Yeah, this video ends on a sad note.. :(

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...