Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chapter 1.2 - The plan that failed

Broken is the promise, betrayal
The healing hand held back by the deepened nail
Follow the plan that failed

- Metallica, "The God that failed"

The next day, as if by fate perhaps, Ranveig was phoned up by Sofie Motor-Karlsen, now married to her brother Eivind, and asked to hang out at the bowling alley. Ranveig didn't think twice before answering that sure, they would meet up. She had wanted to talk to Sofie herself.

It rained alot this spring, and this day wasn't any different. They met outside the bowling alley and talked about the rain and the weather for a while, before heading inside to play a round.

Even though Ranveig thought of this as a good opportunity to have a talk about the old days, she couldn't help letting her competitive instinct take over once the game started.

This fired up Sofie, and certainly, she wasn't going to let herself get beat. All in good sport, though, of course. The match ended with Ranveig as the winner by 29 points, and after that they sat down for a meal and a drink.

"I was thinking about you just the other day" Sofie began. "I was thinking about the time when we were children. Those were some... interesting times..."

Sofie took another sip from her drink before excusing herself to the bathroom for a while. As she came back, she sat down at the opposite end of the table before jumping straight into it.

"So...how are things at home for you?"

Ranveig: Oh, they're not to bad. both of my boys are doing well in school, and I think Oliver Freddy is making himself a new friend, if you know what I mean.

Sofie: Oh, I think I know excactly what you mean. That's so sweet!

Ranveig: And... for you? How are things?

Sofie: Oh yeah, me and Eivind are doing good. I just got promoted at my job, and I'm now a sous-chef at the restaurant, and Eivind is not far from his dream of being an astronaut. And our children are just lovely, both Kleopatra and our little Walter. Oh, and just the other day he finally figured out how to use the potty by himself, I'm so proud!

Ranveig: Yeah, but I meant... between you and Eivind? How are things?

Sofie: Well, truth be told, and you know what he's like.. he has his quirks..

Ranveig: Oh, I can imagine. It runs in the family.. that's we are like, us Motorsen folks..

Sofie: ..but I have made it my vow to stay faithful, and that I shall keep. Besides, and I say this with all my heart, he is an excellent father for our children and also... let this be between us, but your brother is really good in bed! Sometimes it helps to be both a little inappropriate and insane!

Sofie: But most of all, I am going to stay faithful for the children. Because I know how it hurts when...

Sofie could feel the lump building up in her throat and that sinking sensation in her gut. The sense of panic, confusion and lack of safety.

Sofie: I was only a toddler when they divorced. It was... I still remember the shouting and the screaming. The.. yelling and the threats they gave to each other... I could barely talk yet, but I understood... and I'm sure everyone else knew as well.

Ranveig: Yeah, I think my parents knew. Well, I knew too, somewhat. The rumours did circle around. I must admit though, I was a bit shocked when your parents divorced. I didn't know it was that bad, but I can see now that it was probably for the better at the time.

Sofie: Yeah, my dad just couldn't handle it anymore one day.. after she started a physical fight with him in the library. That's when they finally split and mom moved out. I didn't really know my mom until I was almost a young adult. She didn't visit us for years. And I was really mad with her at first. How she could cheat on my dad like that, and everything.

Sofie: I mean, I know he could be a bit grumpy and hard to deal with sometimes, but... that doesn't make it right... it just doesn't. And with Beau Andrews of all people... the fat, lazy slob!

Sofie: I don't really know how they did it, and it sure took a long time, but at least nowadays they are friends. Somewhat, I think. But I still see it from time to time, and I'm sure Jonathan does, too.. that sometimes when we have family get-togethers, she will prefer to hide away in the next room..

Sofie: He told me she did that just this christmas at his house. When everyone else opened their presents, she was upstairs playing computer games! She didn't come down until she had to, when it was her turn. Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

Ranveig: Yeah, I get that, but at the minimum they are living together again. So it looks like they are trying.
Sofie: Well, they live in the same house again now, but they're not really living together. Mom has her separate apartment. Though they have settled the peace and are not fighting anymore, and they can have their grandchildren over for a visit without any trouble...

Sofie: Oh, I'm sorry for all my blabbering about this. Some conversation, huh?

Ranveig: Well, I am glad we could have it. Honestly, it sets things a bit in perspective. You were always the popular one in school. Especially you and Helene, and well.. I won't say I downright envied you, but there were moments I wished to be in your shoes, without thinking about how it could be at home for you.

Sofie: It wasn't bad at home after mom left, just.. empty. Dad was a good father for me and my brother, though all that happened didn't really help his grumpiness. But still, we had everything we needed and then some. Some days though, it was quite the facade to put up... but yeah, that's what it was like back then.

Ranveig: Yeah, I guess...sometimes though its interesting how things do not always go as planned. Maybe it's just me being crazy again, but every now and then I feel as if there is someone watching over us and whoever that is, actually has it planned for us.

Sofie: Oh no, I think I know excactly what you mean, because I feel the same. And yet plans still fail, it seems. I always felt growing up, that I was meant to live in a traditional happy family where everything was easy and happily ever after and all that. Well, it couldn't have been more wrong!

Ranveig: Yeah, I thought the same. And that I would grow up, get married and live my life just like that. Oh, we could probably go on about this all night, and I would love to continue this conversation with you again soon.

Sofie: Yeah, it's getting late, and I should probably already have been home! Eivind has likely gone to bed by now, as his shift always starts really early. I just hope he remembered to put Walter in his crib...

Sofie Motor-Karlsens family tree.


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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...