Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Chapter 16.2 – April 2023: Part I – The Motor-Karlsen family.

It's back to the beachfront houses again, because just across the street from Motor-Notesen familys home lives the Motor-Karlsen family.. with another family member whose birthday is coming up soon. ;) However, I will follow them for a day first, before doing the birthday celebration, so as to not have to many of them back to back. :P

The one to age up soon is this young fellow, Walter Motor-Karlsen. A relatively unwritten page so far, as he has mostly just made an appearance here and there because he had to for various family photos.. :P And of course, he's not sleeping, but wide awake..

These are his parents, Sofie and Eivind Motor-Karlsen. His mother Sofie appears to have developed an uncanny ability to sleep with not just one, but both of her eyes wide open... on high alert, in case her toddler should need something perhaps? Or something else should happen? Or maybe she's in a state of sleep paralysis... Hmm, interesting...

..waiting for the sandman, but the sandman never came...

She looks a lot more relaxed whenever she is hugged by her husband (or vice versa), but as soon as he turns away, her eyes are wide open again...


Her husband, Eivind, aspires to be an astronaut, and as such he has chosen a career with the military (which means he is the first one that has to wake up because his job starts early). He really hopes to achieve his goal of viewing the Simtopian Planet from space.. They're not just sending anyone out there, one has to pass rigorous health examinations, and of course, be in perfect physical (and mental) condition. He's not that far away from his goal, as he's already flying high as a jet fighter pilot on level 9 of his career. Well, he certainly has his physical condition under control, so that shouldn't pose a problem..

Starting the day with a healthy salad. Must not gain to much weight... Now, Eivind is the brother of both Monica and Ranveig (and the son of Eirin), and as such he has also inherited the same, err, mental affliction, but since he made it so far in his military career, it can't be that bad for him..

On his way to work, he exited through the balcony door, because they had just finished expanding the house with another new bedroom for Walter, which meant moving around a few things.. and somehow the builders had forgotten to put the front porch stairs back in place... they realized their mistake a little later, and came back to fix it just before Kleopatra, the teenage daughter of the house, had to go to school... ;)

Kleopatra can often be a little grumpy, if not downright hot-headed, but it looks like she wakes up with a good mood today... Good morning. ;)

Well, it was a good morning.. until she went upstairs to have breakfast and heard the sound of her younger brother crying..

In the meantime, Sofie had woken up to the same sound, but she wasn't grumpy about it, like I expected her to.. Instead her sons crying made her think of band aids, but no one had suffered any injury here.. He was just hungry, so it was good...

Sofie thought about the birthday gift she wanted to buy for Walter, as she went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself..

Cooking is one of Sofies favorite things, something she had to teach herself early, when she lived at home with her dad and older brother Jonathan... With her mom absent from the household, she sort of took on the role as the mother of the house, and decided to do the cooking after she had enough of her fathers burnt toast.... Sofie didn't really know what a mom was until she became one herself... but that's all in the rear view mirror..
Sofie started her career as a teenager working in the vegetable section at the local grocery store (so many interesting ingredients..), before she got a job right across the street at the Corsican Bistro once she became a young adult. Sofie takes great pride in her cooking skills, and all of the recipes that she has memorized.. She is definately a walking library of culinarity.. :P

Kleopatra uses the front porch staircase to go to school... An expanded section of the hallway and Walters new bedroom is behind her, above the entrance to their new garage that they also built in the basement of the house.

Translation of pop-up: "We have so much in common. I would like to get to know you better."
Someone is throwing curled paper balls torn from their notebook at Kleopatra from the back of the classroom making a romantic advance on Kleopatra when she is in school. I think his name is Otto Hillestad, son of Haldis Hillestad. She is a single mom living with her son in the lot called The Cormorant at 180 Wright Way. I don't know much about this family, I have only seen them around town occasionally. If Otto is serious and not just being a teenage dir.. uhmm... goofball, maybe we'll learn more about them eventually. :P (..and perhaps they'll hang out and listen to medieval torture instrument music Iron Maiden, maybe..)

With Eivind and Kleopatra out of the house, Sofie and Walter would spend some time on the couch in their sleepwear playing video games and watching the cooking channel...

..until Walter gets tired and has to sleep.

Then Sofie goes back to playing computer games, with the cooking channel still on in the background. :P

Eivind gets home from work and wants to upgrade the computer in their bedroom, but it's broken so he has to repair it first.. His attempt of doing so is unsuccessful, and when it zaps him, he decides to call a professional to do the job instead...

Kleopatra returns home from school, and Sofie wants to go fishing to catch some fresh ingredients for her cooking.. She waits for the weather to clear up, but it doesn't seem to want to, as it pretty much just rained all day..

Kleopatra is inspired by her mom and wants to learn the cooking skill, so she goes to make the most advanced thing she knows.. hot dogs. ;)

"Hmmm... how long should these be in here?"

Still haven't gotten her first skill point, she tries to step it up a notch by making tofu hot dogs this time..

Sofie notices her daughters cooking, but doesn't say much about it. "It's better she experiments in the kitchen, instead of being out doing mischief... I don't want to see my daughter turn into another case of wasted youth... but really, do we need all these hot dogs?"

Kleopatra isn't done cooking, however, as she moves on to make macaroni and cheese. :P Probably the most simple dish anyone can make, but atleast it serves a purpose and she obtains the skill point that she wanted. ;)

Kristina, Kleopatras classmate and friend, has also been out improving her skills, as she just reached level 4 in writing...

Kristinas older sister Inge better watch her back now, Kristina is gaining on her! ;)

Kleopatra eats a bowl of her macaroni and cheese while spending some time watching the cooking channel, when she thinks of another skill she wants to learn.. and she knows just the place to do it..

Kleopatra: I'm heading out mom! I'll go bowling with uh.. Margrethe and some other friends.

Sofie: Ok, have fun and don't be out to late.. I suppose you've already done your homework?

Kleopatra: Yes, mom.. todays homework was really easy, I finished it at school already....

Liar liar! Kleopatra doesn't go bowling at all...and she hasn't as much as looked at her homework.. instead she goes to the rebel hangout, for one specific reason..

She has heard that if she goes to the Youngmob cafeteria on the first floor and talk to the man behind the counter, she can buy a starter street art kit.. and if she buys an energy drink with it, she'll even get a special discount. ;)

It's illegal in the Kingdom of Simbria to sell energy drinks to anyone below the age of 16, but the cafeteria employee didn't excactly ask her age, and he probably didn't care about breaking the rules either... and neither does Kleopatra, as long as mom and dad doesn't find out.. :P

Energized by the energy drink, she goes into the cafeteria bathroom to practice another skill.. The police, if they found out, would usually frown upon this kind of activity, however, the rebel hangout is governed by kids and young adults with a more... anarchistic way of thinking... and so they allow their guests to practice and pretty much do what they want, as long as they are not actively actually destroying something..

Wish granted. ;) And no police in sight...

It's not a very advanced piece, she could do with a little more practice, but Kleopatra is still happy to have left her mark. - in Chuck Berry red. ;) Maybe with some practice she'll be able to use colours she has never even seen before...

And now, energized by her recent work of art, she ran up to the second floor of the building where she met someone I wasn't expecting her to find there...

Her aunt Helene... I'm not sure how hanging out at the rebel hangout is gonna help with her social standing.. ;) I don't think her desired social circle will approve...

..or maybe that's not so important when there's an opportunity to brag about her husbands red sports vehicle.. their very own paradise by the dashboard light...

That is of course the stupidest thing Kleopatra has ever heard, and just as quickly as she made a new friend in her aunt, she lost one again...

..but she was still energized by the drink, and kept on doing what she came there for, to dance throughout the night, as she watched Lisa Bunch set a strange example of flirting with elderly..

She kept dancing until suddenly the energy ran out, and she decided to head home, with almost perfect timing, only a short moment after the curfew came into effect..

..where she could creep in the shadows and sneak into bed without anyone noticing... mommy and daddy was sleeping in the moonlight. Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...