Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Chapter 16.1 - March 2023: part V – Robert Bråges birthday

This year is gonna be heavy on the birthday celebrations, and now it's time for Ranveigs youngest son to celebrate his..

Sim profile:

Full name: Robert Bråge Motorsen
Date of birth:
March 17th, 2010.
Personality traits:
Loves the outdoors, genius, absent minded.
Family tree:

Family relations among my sims are sometimes a little complicated, as Robert Bråge only has half-brothers, and his brothers again have each their half sister (not included in this tree, because they are not related to Robert Bråge directly...).
– Morning Moments -

As this day began, the birthday child was sleeping in his bed at his and Ranveig (and Oliver Freddys home) at Mosquite Cove, dreaming of one his favorite thing in the world..the outdoors..

Ranveig, the hopeless romantic with two failed relationships behind her, did what she usually does on her days off.. wake up and turn on the romance channel... And just like with her sister Monica, this is actually the first time I see Ranveig in her sleepwear.. Before she used to always sleep in her swimsuit. In fact, her swimsuit was her favourite outfit for most occasions, except for when she was actually swimming, go figure...

..but she is also quite the wonder woman, doing really well in her journalism career, battling her inner demons while fulfilling her goal in life to become a Legend in the world of chess, and being a good mom raising two children all on her own..

Ranveig is no doubt really proud of her achievements as a top ranked chess player, but her biggest pride and joy in life is her sons. She would do anything for them, and with her oldest son at university studying science, she has academic hopes for her youngest one as well..

..and though he has of late taken up an interest in writing science fiction, so far the outdoors is where he says he belongs.. He's not the biggest fan of school, and would rather go swim in the ocean than do his homework. However, mom insists, no swimming before all the homework is done! Luckily for him, the genius trait have been passed down through the generations from his grandma and his mom, so his homework is usually done almost in no time, and he almost always gets an A in school..

So mom lets him off the hook, and won't push him to hard. She doesn't want him to grow tired of school, but she's not giving up her hopes of him going to university one day too...
    Besides, his interest in outdoor living is a golden ticket to somewhere down the road perhaps make him interested in learning about the natural sciences, so instead she promises once again that they'll go fishing later in the pond by the science center..

..but when he asks about her regular visits to the doctors office with aunt Monica and cousin Lise Veronica, she becomes silent. He knows what it is though, he has read the description on her pill box in the medicine cabinet... but he still has lots of questions. Since both his mom, his brother, his grandmother, his cousin, and even both of his uncles seem to have it.. he wonders, is he going to get it too?
    Ranveig doesn't know the answer to that question, but she sure hopes he doesn't.. The truth is that he can get it, and as such the periods around age transitions are always a little nerve wrecking.. Is he going to inherit it? Or is he not?

Ranveig didn't want to think to much about that now, and decided to distract herself by heading outside to do a solid workout instead..

Robert Bråge finished a plate of moms french toast for his late breakfast, before he went outside to practice some different openings on the chess table. Ranveig never encouraged him directly to follow in her footsteps to become a chess player, but since he both has the genius trait and his seen her play and all the prices she has won, it has still inspired him to see if he can make it too. And what can be better for the outdoors loving wonderchild than to practice chess out in the open air? ;)

Robert Bråge is similar to both his parents in many ways, and as such isn't one to rest on his laurels. The young mind is already full of ideas, and though he is currently only 12 years old, he has already started writing his first science fiction novel. He writes a few more pages which he sends in to the publisher, which rewards him the standard sum of 15 simoleons for the job.

Ranveig was upstairs watching kids cartoons on tv, when it was time to invite people for his birthday party.

Guest list
George Alnuman (age: 10 yrs.) - friend
Margrethe Holm-Fredriksen (age: 14 yrs.) - friend
Morten Kråke-Karlsen (age: 12 yrs.) - friend
Bjørn-Yngve Kråke-Motorsen (12 yrs.) - cousin
Kleopatra Motor-Karlsen (14 yrs.) - cousin
Eirin Motorsen (68 yrs.) - grandmother
Ingmar Motorsen (70 yrs.) - grandfather
Kristina Reppe (14 yrs.) - friend
Bjørn Sveum (child, exact age unknown) – friend
Leni Wennewold (child, exact age unknown) – friend

Guests were invited/sorted by social relation (minus the grandparents, they had to be invited either way).

Then it was time to prepare for the party. Ranveig hung up some lights outside, hoping that the weather would hold up. With this many people, she thought it would be to cramped to celebrate inside.. and of course, she went out and bought a birthday cake, a buffet table and ordered pizza.. and went outside to pick up this flamingo, even though it was already standing upright. Just in case. ;)
    Then she went upstairs and cleaned the toilet, before going downstairs again to turn on some music, just in time for the first guest to arrive..
- Arrival of the guests -

..and the first guest is.. a complete stranger. I have never seen this woman before, but her name is Anna Furulund.. She probably knows of the family and somehow heard of the party, but she isn't on top of their friends list. Maybe she is a new inhabitant of the town, just looking to make some new friends.. well, I suppose, and why not? :P

Bjørn Sveum, one of Roberts friends from school is next. Another person whom I don't really know all that well, but atleast I have seen him before, so he's not a total stranger. He was also invited to Lise Veronicas party.

Then comes the grandparents, Ingmar and Eirin. Roberts other set of grandparents (Jørund and Leonora on his fathers side) werent invited, because they live in a different town further to the north called. An old mining town called Dole Plains, right by the Appaloosian Mountains. ;)

The next guest is Margrethe Holm-Fredriksen, a friend of the family and the daughter of Ranveigs ex, Fredrik Holm-Fredriksen. She comes along with a random stray dog and the pizza delivery.

Margrethe is quickly followed by Kleopatra Motor-Karlsen (Roberts cousin) and Kristina Reppe (a friend of the family).

Then comes Bjørn-Yngve and Lise Veronica (both cousins). Lise Veronica is a little bummed she didn't get an invitation... "..I thought we were family? How come Kristina was invited, and not me?"

Iselin Reppe, Kristinas mother (in the pink/purple hoodie) also shows up uninvited, and it looks like she has neglected her own personal hygiene.. Grandma Eirin smells this, and finds it so appalling, she almost leaves the party, but luckily she changes her mind shortly before going off the edge of the lot..

"She should've showered before she got here, but I can't leave my grandchilds birthday party just because of one smelly guest..."

Ranveig picks up and serves the pizza, while people gather in groups, some inside and some outside the house.

Then finally Morten has arrived as the second last of the invited guests to show up. Leni Wennewold showed up some time later, but by then there were already many things going on at once, so I missed it. ;)


    Another uninvited guest is this guy, Hogne Nielsen, inappropriately flirting with the new unknown woman, Anna Furulund. I don't like it, and it makes me think Ingrid should find a better boyfriend.. after all, Ingrid is one of the sims I care about, not these random people. ;) ..but I'll keep my hands off, and let her/them figure this out on their own... (..but I hope she finds out and confronts him about it..)

- The main event -

Well, anyway, not the clock is there, and it's time for the major event. ;) Margrethe is first on the spot, cheering enthusiastically. It does t takes a while for everyone else inside the house to realize what's going on and join in, though.

Lise Veronica, Kleopatra and the stray dog joins in. Robert Bråge doesn't really want to wait, so he makes a wish before deciding to blow out the candles.. No time to wait for mom..

..but then Ranveig finally shows up, after she managed to escape a conversation with the smelly Iselin Reppe.

Ranveig is happy that her son has already become a genius, now she just hopes he doesn't get the unfortunate trait of the family. There is still a chance that he can inherit it, either directly from Ranveig or that it will be passed on from his grandmother (but still through Ranveig).

Sim genealogy
Whenever one of my sims age up, they can inherit any of the traits that their parents have, but also any of the traits that their grandparents have. This is because the traits of a parent will always be passed on to the child, but from the adult stage, they can only have a total of five active traits, usually. All other traits will be considered dormant or passive, but can still be passed on to the next generation. This means that sometimes a trait may appear to skip a generation. For instance, Ranveigs mother Eirin has the lucky trait as an active trait, but Ranveig does not, however, she may still pass this on to any of her children.

The likelihood of inheriting a trait increases of both a grandparent and a parent has the same trait, and likewise, it would increase again if both parents have the trait, and so on...
In Robert Bråges case, there is a total of 17 unique traits he can inherit from his parents and grandparents on both sides. The total trait slots from all of his parents/grandparents are 30, but since many traits are shared, there are only 17 unique ones. Excluding the three traits he already has, that narrows it down to 14 inheritable traits, on 21 different trait slots.
However, traits inherited directly from parents has twice the probability of being inherited, compared to traits from his grandparents, so in practice it will be in this case 14 traits on 29 slots (parents slots are counted twice). I hope you're still with me.... ;)
'The unfortunate trait' is found in his grandmother and mother, though now passive in his mother since she went to the doctor, which means the likelihood fo getting that trait would be 3 out of 29, or just a little over 10 percent. So there is a chance, but not to high...

"Oooh... here we go..."

"Heeey, this is almost like snowboarding..."

    "Well... this is me now, I hope you like it...." Robert Bråge didn't get the lucky trait, but he was still lucky, as he inherited the charismatic trait found in both his mom, Ranveig, his grandmother Eirin, and his grandfather Jørund, so he had a higher chance of getting that one (4 out of 29 or roughly 14 %).

    Hooray! Time for cake! ;) Grandfather in the background decides to play some bass, however, I think he's doing it more because he knows the effect those low notes has on his wife, and not because he wants to celebrate his grandchild...

Ranveig can breathe a little easier now, as her youngest son, atleast so far, hasn't inherited 'the unfortunate trait', as she chooses to stand by herself eating her cake.. "Hmm, there was one thing I forgot.. to have enough sitting space for everyone, but it's ok.. I can stand over here, and I'll try to remember it next time.."

Robert Bråge practices his new found charisma by telling a funny story to grandpa. ;)

Ranveig complains to her mom about having to do the dishes, with so many guests over at the house eating..

..but Eirin doesn't offer her daughter to much sympathy, and commands her to start cleaning up right away. A mother will always be a mother. It doesn't matter that Ranveig is 45 years old and has achieved most of her life goals already, which includes having two children of her own... Mom still isn't finished raising her child! ;) Only difference now is she can't impose a curfew on her and tell her to go to bed! :P This is probably where Ranveigs sister Monica got her parenting skills from...

    ..but just like Ranveig is proud of her sons, Eirin is also very proud of her oldest daughter Ranveig, and her achievements. She knows her daughter has had a pretty hard life, and that only makes her more proud.

    Downstairs Lise Veronica is showing off her smooth chicken dance moves by dancing with Hogne Nielsen, before she goes outside to discuss her favorite food with her aunt Ranveig. :P

    "My favorite is grilled salmon. What's yours?" "Surprise stew has always been my favorite, ever since I was a child." The mood is pleasant, until Lise Veronica shows her mean side..

    "Surprise stew? Ha! What a stupid low grade dish! Is that all you can make? You're stupid!" Ranveig: Whoa...

You need to learn to watch your mouth, there! You can't just call people stupid like that out of the blue! Keep this up, and I'll have a word with your mom....

    Yeah, Lise Veronica sometimes is a handful to deal with.. she'll probably grow out of this with time, lets hope... She seems quite unlike her girlfriend Kristina, which is much nicer, because instead of being offensive, she just helped out doing dishes inside, and even took out the trash.. now that's a good guest! ;)

Why can't everyone be sweet like you? :P

- Ending -

    It's still early in the evening, but the party is coming to an end soon. The uninvited lady (and the stray dog) has already left, and now grandfather Ingmar is also leaving, along with Kristinas mother Iselin, and Bjørn Sveum, one of Roberts friends from school. The verdict from everyone is really positive, though, and this party has been most enjoyable. ;)

Ranveig has squared it up with Lise Veronica outside. Threatening to tell Monica made her calm down.. She didn't want mom to come pick her up again. ;) Ingrids boyfriend Hogne Nielsen also left the party, which leaves only Robert Bråge inside with his cousin and his grandma watching him play video games. :P

Not trying to paint a bad picture of Lise Veronica, she is a nice girl too a lot of the time, but she definately is quite sassy on occasion as well. Her cousin Kleopatra in the back there probably isn't a saint all the time either, for her own reasons... but atleast everyone has really enjoyed the party so far. ;)

Robert Bråge eventually got tired of aging up, and went to bed almost remarkably early. Well, I guess celebrating ones birthday can be a little exhausting. Then I thought it was only Ranveig, her mother, Leni, Morten and Bjørn-Yngve (he's outside on the porch playing with a toy) left, until Margrethe suddenly comes walking down the stairs.

She is usually not among the most reclusive, yet she had snuck away to watch tv upstairs after the candles got blown out. So I forgot about her for a while, but hey, looks like she had fun too.

The kids eventually leave, and now it's only Ranveig and her mother Eirin still left inside. Ranveig then asks her mom for a hand with the dishes and cleaning up, but then she remembers that her husband is at home, probably waiting for her, so..

"... I had a really good time, but sorry, I gotta go..."

Ranveig enjoys some quiet time by herself eating her favorite meal, before she prepares herself to clean up everything and unleash a metaphorical meteor strike to send home Bjørn Yngve, that appears to have gotten stuck in the jurassic period still playing with the dinosaur toy on the porch...

When she walks around cleaning the house, it has finally quieted down enough so that she can hear water running from somewhere, and that's usually not a good sign.. She locates the source in the bathroom upstairs. Of course, someone clumsy had just managed to break the bathroom sink..

..but luckily Ranveig is pretty handy, just like her sister Monica, so she fixes the sink all on her own without calling for someone to repair it, and decides to upgrade to be come unbreakable while she's at it..

Phew! It's been a long day for Ranveig, but finally at two in the night she gets her well deserved rest too.. good night. ;)

Now prepare yourself for another birthday, because only five days later (on the sims timeline) the toy dinosaur paleontologist child Bjørn Yngve will have his 13th birthday and Sunset Valley will get yet another teenager...

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...