Saturday, June 10, 2023

Chapter 12.2 –July 2022 - Chess, books and family.

Mother and daughter, Iselin and Inge Reppe, are right where we left them off last time. Iselin talks about her own pregnancy, and is a little curious about her daughters plans in that department, too...

They keep talking about kids, future plans, money and science while wathching tv until the clock strikes three and their tv is turned off by the Magical Mr. Overwatch..

Hahah, oh I wish I had caught their reaction when their tv was turned off! :P
A simultaneous raising of hands and "Urrrghh!!" from both of them! :P Time to go to bed.. ;)

- The Motorsen Family -

In the Motorsen household over at the Mosquito Cove, Ranveig wakes up to look at Oliver Freddys ribbon from high school; "Strongest candidate to take over the world". Besides her completed life time wish of being a chess champion, her sons are her biggest joy and pride in life. She loves them both, with all of her heart and then some, I'm sure...

Robert Bråge wakes up to practice some chess outside, and wishes to buy a book in logic. His logic skill is already very high, so he buys the third book in the series, named after the numbers of pi.

After practicing chess for a while, he darts off to the bookstore to buy the book, which he reads on a bench outside.

No doubt is their mother a great inspiration for both Robert Bråge and Oliver Freddy, because Oliver Freddys next wish is to win a ranked game of chess... so while his mother walks upstairs after breakfast to watch the romance channel – an area of life where she hasn't been to successful – Oliver Freddy invites over the next ranked chess player.

The next ranked player is Deng Osman, and he is already booing at Oliver Freddy as they sit down at the chess table, in an attempt to intimidate him before play, perhaps...

The play their game while talking, but it appears they end it without finishing, because I get no notification about who won or lost, and Oliver Freddys wish of winning is not fulfilled.

After Robert Bråge finishes reading the logic book, he finds his grandfather, Ingmar Motorsen outside the store, and goes to the parking lot behind the grocery store to throw ball with him. There are a few traits that run in the Motorsen family..

- Motorsen Family Genetics -

Both of Ranveigs parents, Ingmar and Eirin, have the genius trait. Ingmar in addition has the inappropriate trait and poor Eirin has always struggled with her insanity ever since her childhood years...
    The genius trait has been passed on to Ranveig as well as both of her children, which probably explains their chess craze. The insane trait has been passed on to both Ranveig and Oliver Freddy.
    The inappropriate trait is dormant in Ranveig (she doesn't have it, but can pass it on), but is active in Oliver Freddy (he has it).

- Pool Party -

While Oliver Freddy was playing chess and Robert Bråge was throwing ball, Ranveig got an invitation to a pool party from Mikael Bastiansen. She accepts it as she has no other plans for the rest of the day.

However, Ranveig can thank her father for the loner trait, so she finds the amount of people by the pool a little intimidating. So instead she walks inside to find her mom, Eirin Motorsen, to discuss their favorite tv-shows.


Robert Bråge finds his cousin, Lise Veronica Motor-Notesen, outside the convenience store to talk about cartoons. Lise Veronica is the daughter of Ranveigs sister Monica.

With so many mentions of people from their family and their complicated double names, I find it necessary to link to the Motorsen family tree if you need an overview.

- The Reppe Family – The library, books and complicated family relations...

The Reppe family has chosen to hang out at the New Town Library, where they have picked up each their book to read.

Iselin has been at the shelf to pick an autobiography written by Bebe Hart-Bunch; "My crazy parents, Gus and Dorie", Kristina has chosen to read "Attacked by Pumas" by an unknown author (could be Asgeir Karlsen).

Jarle has picked up"The Black Hole Generator" a science fiction book written by Asgeir Karlsen and Inge has chosen to read "Quantum Quanterium" another science fiction book written by Asgeir Karlsen (I think.. he has written so many books, I'm not sure. :P)

Then I get a notification that someone is being extra lazy today. For some reason, Amena Alnuman is late for work. I find her on her bicycle (that she just bought to get in shape) racing by the library and on to the main road, hurry up!
    Amena is usually very strong willed and determined with her police career... she wants to catch as many criminals and bad guys as she can... It has almost become somewhat of a personal mission for her...She is usually not lazy at all, so something important must have caught her up, to prevent her from going to work..

Amena and her colleagues are cooperating with The Simbrian National Crime Investigation Service (SNCIS) to bust a league of criminals dealing with human trafficking, smuggling of illegal goods and supposedly child labor.... So far their clues are pointing in the direction of a certain small coastal town on the countries east coast...

Anyway, back at the pool party Ranveig has found her way back outside to chill by the pool where she spends the rest of the party, only getting up to switch between different chairs.

Jarle has now sat down to read a book about his main interest, gardening. The library has a splendid view towards the home of the Holm-Fredriksen family and the prison in the background...

Kristina spends the time wisely at the library finishing her last bit of homework, before she goes to the computer to look for a part time job after school. Kristina wants to learn how to cook, but the restaurants in town have no available jobs for a teenager, so she sends in an application for a job at the grocery store to work in the fruits and vegetable department. At least she will be working with food. Sort of..

Kristina finds fellow teenager Margrethe Holm-Fredriksen at the library, and they discuss family, primarily Kristinas family... Margrethe is Oliver Freddys half-sister and daughter of Ranveigs ex, Prison Warden Fredrik Fredriksen.

Ingrid Kråke-Karlsen has finished her shift at the town hall, and has invited three of her best friends, Lisa Bunch, Ahmed Mohamed and Therese Longva out for a game of bowling. but the only one joining her is Lisa Bunch.
    Ahmed and Therese turned her down, saying she could call them back in three hours. A little detail, but the contractor has already began work on expanding her bathroom, and hence she has had to move her parking lot a little. You can sort of see where the new outer walls are supposed to be.

They stand outside the bowling alley for a while, talking about movies, when Amena is seen on her bike again, this time heading for the beach to relax and watch the sun set after a busy day at the office...

Lisa and Ingrid walk inside for a game of bowling, and I think judging from how the game appeared to go and their reactions that Ingrid ended up being the winner.

And Lisa is a bit of a sore loser..

After playing, Carlos Opsahl decides to entertain them by randomly pulling out a drumkit.. he has spent the afternoon there flirting and kissing with Victoria Andrews (watching to the left) while Ingrid and Lisa played bowling.


The Reppe family has finally left the library to go home, where Inge suddenly has a few angry words to say about the current politicians and how unfriendly their politics are for artists, students and writers and other free thinkers...

Jarle has a more peaceful approach to life, as he tends to his little garden.

Oh, well not everyone of the Reppe family is home. Kristina had decided to pay a visit to the bookstore to browse through the shelves for anything new and interesting, before standing outside the theatre doing the university slogan dance.

Kristina is still young, thinking about many different things and trying to figure out what she wants. One moment, she is interested in food, the next moment gardening and fishing, and now she wants to be like her sister by writing books and going to university and being a rebel... so it is hard to say yet what will become of her, she is all over the place. :P

She does get a bit of a kick now, being out after curfew and possibly being hauled home by the police.. but eventually she caves in and goes home on her own accord before that happens...

Or maybe because she figured she was hungry and wanted mamas food. ;)

Jarle and Inge is still awake upstairs playing ping pong for a while, and Iselin is downstairs reading a book before everyone goes to bed and this month ends.

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...