Sunday, June 25, 2023

Chapter 16.1 - March 2023 – part II: Boundaries.

Rebel Heart by Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone, better known as just Madonna. ;)

This happy little fellow was the first to wake early, early in the morning to play with the building block toys that are still in his sisters bedroom.. This is why they are building a new bedroom for her, because if he should get hungry now, guess who's gonna wake up early again..

..but trying to figure out how these building blocks work (and taste) is so much fun, he didn't notice he was hungry, and big sister got to sleep in just right.

Mixed feelings... "I love my little brother, he's really cute when he's playing with those toys, but why does it have to be in my room? Ughh..." Well, hang in there, you'll get a new one eventually..

She is a responsible sister though, and takes her brother down to feed him and watch a little bit of tv before school. Some peace and quiet with mom and dad still sleeping!

Well, not for long, because here comes mom. And I'm thinking.. what is that? What are you wearing? This is actually the first time I see Monica in her sleepwear.. Before she just slept in whatever she wanted.. swimwear, outdoor wear, it didn't matter, but since they went to the doctor, things have normalized a little, and how she actually uses the right outfit for the occasion. :P

The idea is that the insane trait (in this family) will be "cured" into the eccentric trait, since that's what I originally wanted her mother Eirin to have, I just didn't have the expansion pack with the trait at the time she was made. However, something has happened that have given several of my sims six personality traits instead of the usual five, so in CAS when the insane trait was removed, there was no available slot to add the eccentric trait, so she didn't get it. I think this has something to do with university life and reaching the top of social groups there that rewards an extra trait slot, but I'm not really sure. I think eccentric would have fit really well for a scientist like Monica, but I guess she's gonna have to climb the ranks of some social group again to get it.

Lise Veronica tries to engage in conversation with her mom about the program they're watching, but Monica doesn't talk back. She still looks a little grumpy from yesterday.. who is the child here? Well, it's supposed to be the one on the right...

    "I don't know what's up with mom lately.. she got really grumpy yesterday, and this morning she wouldn't talk to me. She just came down to watch tv, care for Thomas and then go off to work, as if I wasn't even there. I don't get it.. doesn't she like me anymore? She's my mom, she has to. Well, maybe I did say some things yesterday that I shouldn't have said.. The tv isn't really that bad, and I was just trying to make some jokes.. I don't know.."


"I just need to cross off one more prank on my list. It's probably not a good idea to do any more pranks at home, or mom won't let me go to the ball! I have to go to class now, but I'll see if I can't sneak away when the teachers aren't looking to do something.. I'm not sure what, but I'll probably figure something out.."

Since Ivar works afternoons in the music business, he has a different sleep schedual from the others, getting up late and staying up late. He still had some time for breakfast and playtime with Thomas, before he had to go to work and leave the house to the maid and the babysitter..

The maid and the babysitter is not the same person, but that doesn't make a difference for Thomas, as long as it's an adult or at least older person that can take care of him. The maid was reluctant to pick him up first, but after he asked her five times for a hug, she eventually caved in..

The actual babysitter didn't care about Thomas at all. She was much more interested in talking to the maid, and she seems to be interested in cleaning too. Maybe they should have switched roles...

Monica has advanced for enough in her career to have relatively short workdays, so she gets home early and then the useless babysitter is paid and dismissed...

Monica still has a desire to upgrade things, though, so she goes to have a look at the kitchen sink.. "Hmm, I wonder if I can apply some of the same techniques on these faucets as we just did with the sim stopper fence.. if I somehow can make these more durable as well.. I don't really like to have water splashed on me... Maybe I can even prevent Lise Veronica from being able to do pranks with the kitchen sink..."

At the Sunset Valley School for Gifted Children, the bell rings and the school bus honks. Some kids are staying for their after school activities, and the rest of them are going back home to their mom and dad.. all of them, except one.. "I tried to sneak off to do a prank, but the teachers were always watching, so I didn't get to do one.. Maybe later...*

* - Silly, but the option present to do a prank was there before she entered the school building, but disappeared as soon as school was over. The action was even queued up, but when she finished for the day, it just.. went away like that...

"I didn't want to go home either, in case mom was still mad at me, so I sat down behind the school to do my homework.."

    "Then I got hungry and needed something to eat.. I don't get to much in allowance, so I didn't want to go to a restaurant, it's to expensive for me. The Blitzkrieg house is really nice, because they have really cheap food there, so that's where I went. I think it's a good place for young people to stay, and while you're there, you can just do whatever you want. They literally have no rules, as long as you're not being mean and starting fights."

Picture: The Blitzkrieg house, the local rebel hangout in Sunset Valley.

    "They have books there, too, that you can read. Sometimes there may be some interesting books there. It's kind of like.. you can take a book home with you, if you just replace it with a book and nobody will care. If you take a book, you will always have to leave one behind, and this way there will always be some new books to read. There's a lot of cook books here and books about politics and things like that. I like the books that are about protesting the best. I want to be in a protest one day, because I think the adults, they just don't know how to run the world properly. They only think about themselves and how to make more money and then they just get old and die. I don't want to live like that, I want to care about the animals instead."

"There was an old woman there too. I didn't know that the elderly also like to hang out here. She said she was happy about the younger generations coming to this place. Apparently she was one of the people that first started this place or something, by just.. taking over an abandoned building and turning it into a place for young people to hang out Like she just stole the place and said it was hers? She really liked to read as well, and she recommended I read a book called "Critique of Political Economy" by some guy. I think she said Gnarl Barx or something, but I don't know. I don't really understand politics, and I'm not old enough to vote. I wouldn't know who to vote for anyway. I think it's all a little complicated. She looked just as old as grandma, and I wondered why she wasn't in a home for elderly people already!"

    "I have never been in this building before. Mom always told me it wasn't a building for children, but I'm not a child anymore. I wanted to explore more of it, so I walked up the stairs to to the second floor and I found this room with some refridgerators, a couch and some other stuff. I don't know what this room is for, but I thought the couch would be a perfect place to do my last prank."


    "This place had a basement too, and when I walked down there I found what looked like some music room, because there were lots of instruments in there. Kleopatra was also there, with her friend Olivia from school. I don't know Olivia that well, and I heard her mom likes to steal stuff, so I tried to keep away from her."

    "Kleopatra told me someone must have been talking, because when she came home from school today, her mom was acting a little strange. She thought her mom must have figured out about the pre-party somehow, because she was asking lots of questions about the school ball, and insisted that she should drive her there. I didn't dare tell her that it was probably my mom that had told her. Next time I'm going to keep it a secret and not tell my mom anything!"

    "I tried to tell Kleopatra that we could try to sneak out and go anyway, but she said it was to risky now that her mom knew and everything. She said she'd heard about kids even going to juvenile court for not listening to their parents, and she didn't want to risk that! I didn't know they could send kids to court, is that legal? But Kleopatra said she didn't want to go anymore, and if she isn't going, than I don't know if I will either, because I don't want to go there alone."

    "I like this place though. Someone had even lit up a huge bonfire in the backyard, so that everyone could stay warm outside also after dark. I have never seen such a huge bonfire before, I think this place will be my new favorite hangout."

    "I didn't want to go home yet, so I went back upstairs to that room on the second floor. That room there was interesting, and I wanted to see what was behind those doors there."

    "The door on the left actually had a bathroom with a bathtub. It looked a little special like someone had been getting creative in there. I wasn't sure if it would actually work, or why there was a bathtub up there, but I was getting a little smelly so I thought I could try it out."

    Back home mom was starting to get a little concerned.. Her father had finished his evening shift, it was already dark out..

    "Ivar.. do you have any idea where our daughter is? It's friday night and she should have been home by now.. I just hope she's not hanging out with those older boys..."

Relax, she'll probably be home soon.. didn't you used to stay out late when you were her age?

Well, sometimes, but this is different... I'll call her. She should be home now.

Back at the Blitzkrieg house, Lise Veronica had gone downstairs into the music room when her phone rang...

Lise Veronica:
Hi.. hi mom...
Monica: Where are you? You should've been home now. It's late, and I'm worried about you.
Lise Veronica:
I'm uh.. I'm over at a friends house....

What friend? Where are you? Who is that playing guitar in the background?

Lise Veronica:
It's uh.. it's Kleopatras mom! She just bought a new.. guitar, isn't that c... cool, mom?

Monica: Really? Why is she playing guitar for you at this hour? Can I talk to her for a second?

Lise Veronica:
Uhh... n... no, she's uh.. busy... She uh.. has to finish the song first..

Hmm, you're not really there are you?

Ivar (in the background): She's probably at the Blitzkreig house.. I used to go hang out at a similar place when I was her age and had fought with my parents...

Are you at the Blitzkrieg house?

Lise Veronica:
N-no, mom... Kleopatras dad is about to make us uh.. chicken, and we're just about to uh.. eat.

Monica: What, in the dark? I don't think so. I can see their house from here, and all their lights are off... Stay right where you are, I'll come pick you up!

Lise Veronica:
But mom...

Looks like I'll be out for a few minutes. I'll be right back...

    Monica runs out the back door of their house and gets in her car, to drive to the Blitzkrieg house. On the way there she drives past the Motor-Karlsen home just next door where Kleopatra and her family lives, and sure enough it looks dark and quiet, so Lise Veronica probably isn't there. She's not 100 % sure that's where her daughter actually is, but where else other than the Blitzkrieg house could she be? Apart from the gym and the pubs that she can't get into anyway, there aren't to many places to hang out at this hour, and she's not very likely to be at the gym...

    She runs into the house and down into the basement where she knows the music room is, to find Lise Veronica now practicing the drums.

Lise Veronica! Put down the drumsticks, you're coming home with me!

Lise Veronica:
But mom.. It's friday night and there's no school tomorrow.. can't I just stay out a little while longer? I have already done my homework, I did it earlier today..

No, you're coming home with me. Bedtime is bedtime, and you shouldn't be out now.

Lise Veronica:
That's not fair mom! I'm not a five year old, you don't have to treat me like a baby!

You're still to young to be out at this hour, so that's not up for discussion! Now come with me and get in the car, I'm taking you home.

Lise Veronica:
But mom.. I was just learning to play the drums!

The drums aren't going anywhere. Now you're coming with me, or I'll forbid you to go back here!

Lise Veronica:
Fine then, but this is dumb!

Just get in the car. Well, Monica isn't giving her much of a choice, so if she wants to go back to those drums again, she has to follow... of course, this doesn't go by without people noticing, and it seems gossip is already spreading..

Translation of pop-up textbox: "Some say that Lise Veronica Motor-Notesen has a guilty conscience. Can it be true?"

Back home Monica tells her daughter to go to bed for the second time, before Lise Veronica once more lashes out at her moms, in her eyes, lack of intelligence..

Enough! You've been out all day without letting us know where you were going, you don't come home at night, and you refuse to get in the car when I come to pick you up! And on top of that, you're now going to insult me and call me stupid! Go to your room!

You have to understand, we're not doing this to be mean or because we're stupid.. we're your parents, we're worried about you! We just want to know that you're doing well, and that nothing happens to you.. you know?

Lise Veronica:
Maybe... but I thought I could stay out longer since I became older? And I'm sorry about the thing I said about the tv earlier, it's actually not so bad.. I'm sorry mom, but I just want to be like the other big girls, you know.. why aren't their parents there to pick them up?

Well, I can't really tell you that.. Maybe it's because they're older, or maybe because their parents just don't care as much?

Now listen, if you can prove to me now that you can be responsible, always let me know where        you're going and for how long you're gonna stay and be home in time, I might just let you stay out a little longer eventually... but you're gonna have to prove it to me, first. Again, I'm not doing this because I want to be mean, but you've gotta learn to act responsibly and care for yourself properly, before I can begin to let you off the hook. You got that?

Lise Veronica:
I think so, mom...

Good! And don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed!

Lise Veronica:
Ok mom...

Phew! Well, finally she went to bed, and peace could be restored in the Motor-Notesen home. It seems she can be a bit of a handful at times that one, but hmm.. I'm sure she'll grow into a decent adult being one day! She's definately still very young and has a lot left to learn! :P

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...