Friday, June 16, 2023

Chapter 14.1. December 2022 part II: Sunset Valley friends.

George felt outside himself for a moment as the taxi took them towards Sunset Valley. It was as if his life was a movie and he was watching it at the cinema with the camera panning overhead as the scenes unfolded. In his short life he had already experienced things most people wouldn't even dare to think of...

..but those times were now gone, and this was the place were his new life would begin. Sunset Valley, a relaxed slow moving town on the southwestern edge in the biggest, most powerful nation on the planet.. When he came to himself, his eyes moved back and forth staring out the window, trying to absorb as much as he could about this new place...

"What's this building? What does that building do? Where is the school? Where is your house, auntie? How far is it?"
    Questions were plentiful, and Amena patiently answered them one by one as the car turned to the right and drove up the hill past the old mental hospital on the left and towards The New Town area where she lived..

"This is where I live, this is my street" she said as the taxi turned left between the small "Only Fitness" gym and the New Town Library. "My house is the last one on the left side of the road.. It's not much, but I'll start looking for a bigger place come next year..."

Once inside, George immediately sat down to do his last bit of homework. School was important to him, and he wanted to give a good impression to the teachers at his new school in Sunset Valley, so he certainly couldn't show up on his first day of school here with unfinished homework!

Amena wanted to socialize and decided to call over some of her friends for a small get together. Had she known any kids, she would have invited them over for George to have someone to hang out with, but as it were, all her friends were well into the adult years...

"I have to serve the guests something" she thought as she went to her kitchen to prepare an autumn salad... "People eat enough junk food as is, and I believe its vital to stay fit and healthy. I'm sure they'll understand and appreciate this...."

Iliana Langerak and Bebe Hart-Bunch showed up first. Iliana came empty handed, and Bebe had brought her spicy hot soup.

VJ Alvi and Leighton Sekemoto showed up a little later. Iliana expressed her admiration of the police force in solving such a difficult case as they did, and getting the criminals behind bars. Leighton for some reason was of a different opinion, booing at her as he went towards the kitchen to taste her autumn salad...

VJ sat down in the sofa, and quickly wanted to teach George about the importance of being strong, fit and a fast runner.. VJ was one of the first to make friends with Amena as she came to Sunset Valley, and even though he is a criminal and she could put him in jail anytime, she has still maintained close contact with him. Part of her feels for him as she knows he struggled with his mom leaving at an early age, and hopes to one day persuade him to change course in his life..or else...

Bebe Hart-Bunch also knows a thing or two about having a troubled childhood, something which she eventually ended up covering extensively in her autobiography
"My insane parents, Gus and Dorie", published after their passing of course, to avoid any lawsuits that would no doubt follow...
    Like George, she had an interest in writing from an early age, so they quickly found common ground as she encouraged him to practice and hone his writing skills.

A dual exchange of flowers as Bebe appears to fancy the much younger VJ*, and Leighton wants to leave a good impression with Amena, in spite of having some issues with something she has done in the past..
*technically VJ should also have been an elder by now, but he is one of the few sims that I overlooked when I played with aging off and forgot to age up properly..

Whatever is happening between Amena and Leighton is either only in the beginning stage or not particularly serious, because as Amena tries to give him a romantic hug, he backs off, though their relationship doesn't suffer from it.

Amena goes to peer through the window for a while. She can see the prison from her home, and does a cheer when she thinks about the ones locked up in there...
    Prison is where they belong, and though she had no say in what happened at the trial, she was always a strong advocate for them having the strictest punishment possible.. Of course, it wasn't known from the start, or she might have been relieved from the case, but she was also personally involved in it, too...

She is not the least bit shy about her joy of locking bad guys up...

And having George safely with her in the household should bring even more joy, as she walks over to him to make funny faces. She has confided most everything in Iliana, her closest friend, and she is now as well very happy for both Amena and George.

"That soup Bebe brought was really spicy, I need water! Lots of it and quick!"

After everyone had eaten atleast two full meals each, it was time to sit down and watch tv, to Bebes great annoyance, seeing as how she is a proud member of the Sunset Valley Luddite society and generally holds the belief that watching tv numbs and dumbs the mind..
"A stupid kind of forcefed entertainment... what happened to reading books?"

Bebe had no interest in sticking around as everyone gathered around the idiot box, so she thanks Amena for inviting her over and says she had a good time, though, before she heads out the door as the first one to leave for the night.

Amena is now in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes, when George has caught on to VJ being a criminal and clearly shows his disapproval..

George then sits down to watch the kids channel, and Leighton tries to block his view by giving flowers to Iliana...

VJ for once has a point that it's rude of them to do so when people are trying to watch tv, but they don't seem to care much. ;)

Iliana shouts a few mild obsceneties (there are kids present so she holds back..) at VJ telling him to mind his own business, before she heads home.. It was getting late and VJ and Leighton also said it was time to go home, and Amena decided to practice her cooking skills by making a mac and cheese.

Both her and Georges belly were already full, so it wasn't because they needed to eat..

She left the mac and cheese out on the bench to turn bad during the night, before George went up to her and told her a funny story about the one time he caught a jellyfish with his bare hands....supposedly. ;)

Then its bedtime and Amena offers to read him a bedtime story from the level 1 handiness book. She is ambitious not only on her behalf, but also on behalf of George, and if she can teach him some skills through storytelling, then why not? George appears to be entertained by this fascinating story about the hammer that wanted to upgrade the toilet before falling asleep...

Nighty night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

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