Friday, June 30, 2023

Chapter 16.2 - April 2023: part II – Walters birthday.

                                    'Chain Reaction' - Edwin Dolinski (Sim City 4 soundtrack).

Alright, brace yourself for another birthday party, because this time it's Walters turn.. After this one though, there won't be anyone transitioning to the next age group for a good while. :P

Sim profile:
Full name: Walter Motor-Karlsen
Date of birth: April 14th , 2017.
Personality traits: Easily impressed, insane.
Family tree:


Now before we can really start.. I like that the first thing I see is Kleopatra dreaming about evading the police. ;)

Eivind is the first to wake up, because of his sleeping schedual that is adjusted to his work hours. He is happy and excited to pick up his son and let him out of the crib.."Happy birthday, Walter! Today is gonna be a special day for you..."

Both Eivind and Sofie have the day off today, perfect for preparing to celebrate Walters birthday. Walter walks into the bathroom to play with the toilet... and Eivind decides to spend the quiet early morning moment upgrading the computer, to prevent it from breaking again... Sofie has some interesting dreams in the back there.. "No, no fighting... please, don't fight..."

Sofie was only a toddler when she overheard her parents fighting from the room next door, the day before their divorce.. The situation had built up steadily for a while, with their fighting constantly getting louder and louder until it exploded that one day and the fists came out..

Her older brother Jonathan wasn't at home when it happened. Since he was a child and had the option to move around a lot more freely than Sofie, he rarely was, and with good reason.. Home wasn't a particularly good place to be then for a while..
Now, I didn't just sit there and watch this back in the day. I tried to fix their parents relationship, but it just couldn't be done. Then just like now, I played rotationally, and when I returned to their household, it had gotten so bad, even the positive, friendly interactions that I tried, resulted in them disliking each other even more... There was really only one way this could end...
And it all started when Asgeir, their father, was invited over to his neighbours house for a barbecue.. Egil had something to tell him, something the entire town knew, except Asgeir.. that Lucie was having an affair at work, with Beau Andrews.. and Beau was still married to Victoria! Another marriage that went south shortly thereafter...

When Sofie wakes up, she's not feeling to well and she wants to spend some time on her own. She goes to pick up Walter from the bathroom and place him on the bedroom floor alongside his dad, still working to upgrade the computer, before she tells him she'll head out to Bjerkedammen (Pinochle Pond) to go fishing for a while..

Over the years, the town council have upgraded several of the lots around town. The cabin in the background was built in the early 1990s, and it features beds, a small bathroom and a dining area, as well as a barbecue grill and a park bench outside. And it's free to use for all Sunset Valley residents, all year round.

Sofie has another idea with going fishing. She wants to catch a fish using live bait, and then prepare a meal later using that fish.. but first, she has to catch the bait... there is a wild salad plant growing on the edge of the lot, where she can go to harvest salad to use as bait until then..

She stands there trying her luck all the way until sunrise, until finally she gets her bait, a gold fish. Sofie doesn't know it, but she reminds me a lot of her mom after she got kicked out of the house following the divorce, because this is excactly what Lucie used to do back then, to go fishing. Lucie never visited the house afterwards and her father never spoke any of her, so Sofie never really got to know her mom until she became a young adult and moved out on her own.

While Sofie is up there fishing and catches another fish, a kissing gouramis, using the gold fish as bait Kleopatra wakes up and she looks really sad too. This looks like a bad morning for the ladies of the household..

I didn't catch the moment when Sofie caught the kissing gouramis, since I watched Kleopatra get out of bed to eat breakfast, but I can only assume that Sofie was really happy, as it fulfilled her wish of doing so.

Sadness returned to her face though, as she packed up her fishing rod and decided to head back home..

Kleopatra was already on the school bus by the time she walked in the door. This didn't look like a good day at all for Sofie..

Maybe some housework would distract her from bad thoughts (She is used to that..)

It was excursion day for the kids at school, as they were heading up to the mausoleum at the Pleasent Rest graveyard, and look who sat down next to Kleopatra.. I can't tell if she enjoys this or not, though, but someone definately finds her interesting...

Running towards the mauseloum. Running ahead of her is her cousin Bjørn-Yngve that had his birthday party last month.

Back home Sofie was watching the romance channel with Walter, when he told her in his own way he was getting tired and wanted to go to bed..

He needs the rest so he can be awake for his birthday party later. Putting him to sleep changes the look on Sofies face and she finally smiles a little..

..but it doesn't take long before she's back to muttering and feeling grumpy again as Eivind walks over because he wants to give her a hug. It's spring, things are floating in the air, and love day is soon coming up...

Sofie rewards him with a small kiss on the mouth, before they have a friendly conversation about the former national league football player Hillmund Norzing that went on an expedition to climb the Simalayan mountains where he unfortunately came across a yeti (allegedly) on the way down and uh.. well... after which Sofie likens it to an almost fictional story before she continues to flirt with Eivind.

The mood is all fine and good until Eivinds demons 'finally' succeeds in overcoming his willpower to get the better of him, and he delivers an inappropriate critisicm of their son..

..which unfortunately doesn't end well, and they go each their seperate ways and doesn't really talk to each other for a while. Apart from when they have to cooperate to invite guests and decorate for the upcoming birthday, neither of which seem to heighten Sofies mood much..

Being grumpy or sometimes in a bad mood is something Sofie has inherited from her father. So it happens from time to time that she's not excactly feelling like she's on top of the world, but this is the first time I've seen her consistently look this sad. Even when she goes to the kitchen to prepare a meal from the kissing gouramis she caught earlier, something that she wishes to do.

..but we'll get through this day, even if it feels like a bit of a drag. Atleast cooking is still enjoyable. I'm also sure you can square it out with your husband later, I mean, you've already been married for longer than your parents were...

See, Sofie, that looks nice! A perfectly well cooked meal of Dim Sum with a fresh fish from this morning as a main ingredient! ;)

Sofie: Oh.. atchoo...!

"Of course I just had to sneeze all over it.. guess I won't be serving this one to the guests, I don't want to be responsible for someone dying from eating my food... is this the day where everything is supposed to go wrong? I guess so.... sometimes I wish I could just trade in this lemon of a life and get my money back..."

Whoa there, Sofie.. ! You were just unlucky.. it was probably just some pollen in the air that you made you sneeze.. whatever has happened, in the near or distant past, isn't your fault anyway, there wasn't really anything you could've done about it, so don't be so hard on yourself, ok...? Phew, that was a bit heavy, but we have to move on to more cheerful matters, as your sons birthday party is about to begin soon, and the guests are already on their.. uh..

..well, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. May I introduce to you Sofies mom that just decided to get married for the second time on her grandsons birthday... the timing couldn't have been better..

Some more guests that are on their way to arrive, from back left to front right (relation to birthday child in paranthesis): Ranveig Motorsen (aunt), Mohamed Khaled (friend of the family), Helene Kråke-Motorsen (aunt), Asgeir Karlsen (grandfather mothers side), Otto Hillestad (he's a stranger to Walter and wasn't invited, but he has Kleopatra as his love interest...), Monica Motor-Notesen (aunt) and Jonathan Kråke-Karlsen (uncle).

Ivar, Monicas husband (in the back talking to Sofie), and the grandparents on the fathers side, Eirin (in the back in the blue swimsuit) and Ingmar (not on this picture), was also invited. Eivind has picked up some rumours about what Kleopatra did just yesterday at the rebel hangout.. He promises not to tell Sofie that she lied to her about bowling, but at the same time he warns her not to get in any trouble with the police...

Especially since Eivind works in the military, he doesn't want a daughter already getting in trouble with the law... "If I catch you again lying to your mom or me and vandalizing public property, I'll have you grounded with no telephone.. you gotta follow my rules when you're in my home... is that understood?"

These grandmothers, I don't know what's up with them.. Grandma Eirin does something I think is wildly inappropriate, handing over flowers to Jonathan. The worst part is, he accepts them like a fool and flirts back...

Well, it could be that grandma Eirin was just being clever, and used her flirting techniques as a way to get to interrogate Jonathan.. She was a retired top level police officer where she worked as a DNA profiler in the forensic specialist branch (her lifetime wish), and was rehired to lead the investigation of a human trafficking case from october last year. Since then they just kept her at the office since they found her so valuable with all her experience.. Well, she certainly has her methods.. they may be a little unethical, but as long as they work...

Then it's time for the main event, and Eivind has gone to wake up Walter and bring him upstairs. This is where the party really begins... ;)

Blow out the candles and make a wish! And feel free to ignore your sister in the background there, she's being stupid... :P

It's time for the big moment! Soon it will happen...

..oh oh... and look at grandma.. It doesn't look like she's there to celebrate her grandson.. she just got married, and now she's there giving flowers to her son-in-law! What is going on with the grandmothers in this town... please...

Not very popular with anyone, and grandpa came around the corner just in time to watch her get rejected, too.. somehow I guess he's not to surprised his ex-wife would do something like that... and now you see why she's an ex-wife...

Also, Walter didn't really feel comfortable in the clothes he ended up aging up in, so he went downstairs to his room to find the dresser and change his outfit into something more comfortable, before he went on to eat cake. ;)

The cake eating sequence always ends up being a bit of a mess, but everyone ends up getting a piece eventually, and Sofie is finally enjoying herself, too. Here she is in a conversation with Ivar about the fishing trip she had this morning.

Walter is probably the smartest of them all, avoiding all the mess around the dining table by immediately going for the sofa. ;)

Not all the guests, such as grandma Eirin or his uncle Jonathan, paid as much attention to Walter aging up as he thinks they should have, so he finds himself walking the round to inform them it's his birthday, so they can congratulate him too. ;)

Sofie is happy her brother Jonathan came to the party, and wants to talk to him, but... he walks away and Sofie is left alone..

"Why does everyone always leave me...?" she thinks, before bitterness takes hold for a while and she mutters a small curse at the world...

..but he's her brother, so why give up so easily? She gives it another shot and follows him inside where they have a friendly conversation about movies and rediscover that they share the good trait... and he tells her to do some cleaning.. just like the old days...

They inherited the good trait from their mom, Lucie, and yes, she is actually a good person.. but she's also very easily impressed and, well, easily swept off her feet by any sweet talking man with noble or sometimes less noble intentions.. Back in the day she had already made quite a lot of money on her medical career, and if you know Beau Andrews, you'll know that his ambition in life is to marry rich like the filthy, lazy gold digger that he is...

One of Walters uncles Ivar is providing some entertainment by playing a song called 'Mechanix', a song he claims he wrote when was working part time at a gas station and garage fixing cars back in the day (in spite of having zero handiness skill when he married Monica...). It was one of the hits, as he called it, from his old band (that he got kicked out of....) I guess he's gotten over the worst of the bitterness of his old band mates could just do something like that to him...

Inside grandma Lucie had joined Walter on the couch to play video games, while his aunt Helene had sat down next to them to enjoy a meal. While playing, Lucie decided to share the good news that she had just gotten married earlier on the same day...

Sofie heard what she said from the dining area and was not very impressed...

Kleopatra walks inside from the balcony where Ivar is still playing his old songs, to finally give her gift to Walter.

"Happy birthday, brother!"

Kleopatra had bought him a football to play with outside, and by football, I of course mean the type of ball used in the game called just that – football. A game where you use your foot to kick a ball in the direction of the opposing teams goal, and where it is illegal to pick up said ball with your hands, because that's not football... ;)

Ivar had finally stopped playing outside, the party was coming to an end and people were starting to find their way home. Bedtime was soon here for Walter as well, so he walked out on the balcony to find grandpa and ask him for a good night story.

Mom, dad and Kleopatra was already asleep as Walter walked past the gift from his mom in the hallway to show grandpa the way to his new room. Grandpa was happy and had all intentions to read for Walter, but then the bell tolled and he decided to go home instead..

He went back upstairs to ask his aunt Monica instead, but she was just about the leave, too. He considered for a second to ask grandma Lucie as she was now the last guest remaining, but figured it wasn't worth it. He was already much to tired after this day, and went straigth to bed..

Shortly thereafter grandma went home to, without even finishing the hot dog she had just started eating, and leaving all the plates for the parents to clean up by tomorrow morning.. and that marked the end of this party...

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...