Saturday, June 3, 2023

Chapter 10.4 - February 2022 part II: Future plans and past tense..

  ~~ Household: Kråke-Karlsen family ~~ 


Morten had just arrived home from Kleopatras birthday party, and Jonthan, Kathrine and Ingrid had also just returned home from hanging out somewhere and for some reason everyone was now hanging out in the garage. 

Jonathan is tired and goes to bed, but Morten goes to play king. Ingrid and Kathrine stay behind in the garage talking. Kathrine is feeling a little insecure and keeps questioning her daughter about her own romantic reputation, but she has nothing to worry about. Everyone knows that Kathrine has always been faithful to Jonathan.  

I swoop by the Reppe household to check up on them, and I immediately find myself in this scene right here... That's your pregnant vomiting sim for this episode... 

Everyone has gone to bed except Morten. He doesn't feel the least bit tired... «I am the King, I can do whatever I want!» he says.

When he is done playing king, he goes to his sisters bedroom to play computer games. Interesting how nobody wakes up from that..

He doesn't go to bed until 5 o'clock. Just enough time to get two hours of sleep before he has to get up again. ;)

Jonathan wakes up only 10 minutes later, and naturally goes into his daughters bedroom to read a book*.. of course.. which reminds me, how is construction of the new home going?

They got the outer walls up, so its making progress. Construction workers aren't here this early in the morning, of course. It's not going to be a big house by any means, but that is the point. Affordable housing for first timers. Even if Ingrid and her family could probably afford something much bigger.... spoiled little brat. ;)

Kathrine also wakes up to read a book «Hotel Diavolo» written by her father-in-law, Asgeir Karlsen. They have their own little office/reading space just behind their bedroom. A true family of bookworms...

Ingrid wakes up and ignores her dad being in her bedroom. She's used to it. She is almost considering moving into that home in the New Town Area, but just almost.

Morten goes downstairs to do his homework, just before school, and talks about how he wants to travel to Pico Pico Island, a volcanic island nation on the tectonic boundary that seperates the western and the eastern continents.

You're only saying that because you want to hang out with the movie stars and celebreties..

Pico Pico Island is a bit of a tropical paradise and a tax haven for rich people, a lot of famous movie stars, musicians and other wealthy people have residence there.

I'm going to be a wealthy writer one day, just like granddad, and then I'm going to move there.

I would be a night club owner. It would be the most exclusive night club on the entire island! It would be the place to see and be seen!

And I would hang out there with all my rich author friends!

Dream on kids, so far that's a bit off from your reality.. its still school and regular work for you...

«I'm going to be a winner one day...» Yeah, could be, but for now you're only polishing podiums... ;)

Jonathan and Kathrine get a little romantic, but then Kathrine asks Jonathan for a water balloon fight. Jonathan ignores that, and goes back to holding hands.

Kathrine has bought a new tree house.

It will be perfect for our new baby!

New baby? How can you say that? You're not even pregnant...

I'm thinking that with such a statement, she is going to initiate woohoo, but they just keep throwing that ball...


And go inside to read each their book... if you want a baby, you're gonna have to make one! ;)

Morten visits a friend from school, Lise Veronica Motor-Notesen.

Ingrid went to the bookstore to buy a book about logic, then she meets Tori Kimura (age: 70) and learn that they are both snobs...

Then the game notifies me that Lucie Karlsen (age: 66) has started dating Carlos Opsahl.. here they are flirting with each other outside «The Rook», the old home (now a museum) of world famous chess champion H.K.H. Høigaffel.

Lucie Karlsen is Jonathan and Sofies mother. The man with the blue tank top is Asgeir Karlsen (age: 69), her ex-husband. They live together now, but haven't been married since Sofie was just a toddler. Info-dump backstory in spoiler:

Lucie cheated on Asgeir with Beau Andrews secretly at work (she worked in the medical career at this point). Asgeir learned about it one night when his neighbour, Egil Kråkesen, had invited him over for barbecue and drinks...

These news made the situation pretty dire in the Karlsen home. It began with arguing, which escalated to yelling and screaming. And domestic violence. Lucie was the main aggressor there. Jonathan wasn't at home then, but Sofie was, and she still remembers it... as referenced earlier.

Asgeir divorced her shortly thereafter, and kicked her out of the house. Sofie grew up not knowing her own mother. Jonathan would often go fishing with his mom, his only way of meeting her. It is likely that this fueled his interest in fishing and gardening, which later gave him the wish to be a scientist.

Asgeir doesn't want to watch them flirting, and goes to play chess. Somewhere inside watching her flirt with others might still be painful for him. She was the love of his life once....
Carlos and Lucie exchange flowers.

Ingrid still plays ball with Tori.

Asgeir and Lucie plays chess together. The mood looks good, so they are still friends. Just don't look at Lucies concentrated face. They should be nowhere near getting physical with each other again now, one way or the other...

Jonathan and Kathrine watching the stars together. Jonathan was never to harmed by his parents troublesome relationship, atleast he hasn't shown any signs of it. He has always been romantic and good with his partner.

Ingrid was invited to a party over at Terje Hågensens house (Therapist Terje Hågensen is Psychiatrist Pia Holm-Fredriksens colleague at the mental hospital). Ingrid is of course checking her appearence in the mirror...

Other party guests: Ylajali Halvorsen, the crazy gnome obsessed lady, Darlene Bunch, and Ivar Motor-Notesen (Monicas husband).

Psychiatrist Pia discusses work and promotions with Therapist Terje (the party host).

Eirin Motorsen and Jared Frio is also there.

Ingrid talks to Ylajali about how much she likes to throw ball. Ivar says he finds Ingrid attractive and would like to get to know her better.

Ylajali is easily impressed and Ingrid is a snob. I didn't know these traits were incompatible with each other.

«Did you get any?» Ylajali asks Ivar.

«Oh, haha, I'm not that into fishing»

Monica is not going to like this if she finds out...

Eirin, Monicas mother, goes upstairs. She blocks what is going on, but in a bit of a strange way...

Ivar ignores Eirin and continues to flirt with Ylajali. You're playing a dangerous game, Ivar. Not in front of your mother-in-law!

She's going to tell Monica...

Yup, the rumor is spreading already. Everyone at the party now knows what is going on. Therapist Terje just gossiped about Ivars flirting to Psychiatrist Pia. Darlene Bunch heard everything that was being said.

Ivar gives flowers to Ylajali before going downstairs to watch tv. Eirin goes back to Ylajali and tries to influence her to give up the flirting with her daughters husband....

Ylajali may be insane, but she is not a fool. She understands what Eirin is trying to do, and counters it by trash talking her home and family. Eirin leaves the room to go downstairs. Ylajali follows to have a picture taken together with Ingrid.

While Ivar is at a party flirting with other women, Monica is at home reading a bedtime story for Morten.

Or.. maybe Eirin doesn't have her daughters best interest in mind, but rather has an agenda of her own...

Morten has gone home, and just asked Jonathan to read him a bed time story as well.

Both Ylajali and Eirin have some struggles.. Ylajali keeps seeing and hearing garden gnomes everywhere, when there are none.. Eirin is being taunted by voices and people in black coats telling her to do random things... She has learned to recognize them over the years and seperate them from reality, but they still bother her...

The party is dying out and people are leaving, as Ingrid takes a nap on a garden chair outside. Eventually she gets told to leave by Therapist Terje.


As she drives home, february turns to march, and it's time to say goodnight to the Sunset Valley residents for now.. ;)

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