Sunday, June 25, 2023

Chapter 16.1 - March 2023 - part III – Just a rainy day.

This is a slow 'inbetween' update where I decided to mostly just watch the family for a day while waiting for the next day where Lise Veronica will go to the school ball (if she behaves properly and her mother allows her to go, that is. ;) )


It was a rainy morning in Sunset Valley, and the family slept for well into the day since they stayed up so late last night waiting for Lise Veronica to come home..

Thomas the toddler-child was as usual the first one to wake up to do his morning routine of going into his sisters bedroom to play with the building blocks.

Ivar woke up next to feed him by the staircase, after trying three times, because he thought Thomas wanted to go downstairs. However, as most toddlers, he would just sit on top of the staircase looking down thinking it was a little to scary for him still...

Monica was having a few issues to when she woke up. In all the stress of yesterday night she had forgotten to take care of her own needs before going to bed..

..but it's nothing that can't be fixed, and after having done a very satisfying number one (you probably know the feeling!), mother and daughter go downstairs to have breakfast in their own way. Mom is being clever and eating the leftovers, but Lise Veronica insists on learning how to cook, so she goes to make her own serving. :P

Thomas wants some attention from his sister and asks her for a hug. Monica pays close attention to her daughters cooking..
    "Don't forget you got something in the oven...." Ivar vaguely suggests the idea to send Lise Veronica off to the LeFromage Art Boarding school..
    "I think what she needs is a good creative outlet, you know. Something that will take her mind off of doing pranks and other mischief..."

Due to the poor spring weather outside, the family pretty much decided to spend their day indoors in their pyjamas, with Monica and Lise Veronica watching tv and Ivar teaching his son about the notes of the xylophone.

Just the other day Ivar had also realized he had to buy a washing machine to go with the tumble drier, and well, he also finally became a victim of one of Lise Veronicas pranks..

Ivar is a pretty laid back guy, usually, so he didn't say much about the prank, and Monica wanted to make sure Lise Veronica knew how to use her phone to let her know where she was going if she wasn't coming home after school..

After spending a good few hours just watching tv, Monica decided she wanted to upgrade the newly bought washing machine to be more durable as well..

While Monica was out of the room, Lise Veronica complained to her father about what her mom just said about using her phone to let her know where she was going just the same moment her phone rang..

It was Kristina Reppe that called her, and wanted to invite her to the school ball. Lise Veronica accepted the invitaton, and it seems that was a good choice, as they were listed as old friends. ;) She also immediately afterwards wanted to give Kristina a gift.

A little later Monica gets an invitation, too. Kathrine Kråke-Karlsen was having a party and wanted her to come over.

Lise Veronica:
Don't stay up to late, mom...

Monica didn't listen much to her daughters remark, and off she went, out into the rainy sunset.. :P

Kathrine lives in this house by the beach on Sunnyside Boulevard 477. The house was built by her husband Jonathans parents Asgeir and Lucie Karlsen meant to be used as a cottage for them after they got insanely rich from their careers as a painter/writer (Asgeir) and a doctor (Lucie). However this was before their relationship went south and they divorced...

    The memory they both hold of their divorce. This is an actual memory, from early on in my game before I started taking screenshots. I still have this in my memory too, but it plays out more like a video...because I had never seen something like that in game before.. they had been fighting for quite a while before this event. She came home from work, and as soon as she stepped foot on the lot, he immediately stopped whatever he was about to do and ran out the door and divorced right then and there!     Later the house by the beach was then handed over to Jonathan when he became a young adult and was ready to move out on his own. This may in part also explain his younger sister Sofies grumpy demeanor... Well, that, and how she as a toddler overheard her parents violently arguing and then physically fighting each other in their library room while she was playing with her toys, shortly before their divorce..

    This might be Asgeirs memory after their most vicious fight in the library room while they were still married... a fight which he lost, by the way..

    Well, enough about the old wounds from the past... The first thing Monica does when she enters the party, is to go upstairs into Jonathan and Kathrines bedroom, where they have a small office as well, to find a book to read. They also have a pretty big bookshelf in the living room, so that should've been uneccesary, but you know.. sims. :P

    Amena was also at the party, talking enthusiastically about the garden she was going to have once her new home was finished. She was in Jonathan and Kathrines workout room along with Bebe Hart-Bunch, and their oldes daughter, Ingrid.

    Monicas mother Eirin was also there, in the kitchen talking to Morten about cartoons, before she walks into the living room to say hi to Monica and turn on some music.

    ..and back home, well, maybe Lise Veronica was right about the tv all along, because it looks like it broke, so Ivar and her had to resort to pillow fighting each other instead for entertainment...

Bebe Hart-Bunch had gone into the living room to entertain everyone with playing guitar (acoustic of course! She never touch an electric guitar, much to high tech...) Monica was still reading that book. It turns out it was a very thick book about some medicine related topic.. It was likely one of Kathrines books since she works at the hospital.

What is interesting, but typical, is that neither Kathrine nor Jonathan was actually at home when the party began, only their son Morten, until Jonathan came home a good while later.. Bebe was still playing guitar, and Monica was still reading that book. :P

    Back home Ivar had called for a repair person to come fix the tv, but it seems they have now discovered a past time that was much more fun than always watching tv... :P

    Monica finally put the book down to notice that her mom was in the room, and it looks like Kathrine had come home too.

    Bebe was still going strong and entertaining them with the guitar. I think the guy cheering on the left is Connor Frio, but I'm not entirely sure. The woman with the same hair as Bebe is not a clone of hers, but Ine Melhus. She was Asgeirs girlfriend for a while after the divorce, until he dumped because she was to childish, always playing with Jonathan and Sofies toys....

    Morten wants Eirin to read him a bedtime story, but as she approaches the bookshelf, she gets a little nervous about something that makes her forget what she was about to do, so he goes to ask his sister instead..

    ..but she forgets about it too, because she's much more excited about being invited to a party by her own mom. They talk about kids toys and shoes for a while, before Ingrid wants to take a selfie with her.

Kathrine is pregnant, and Ingrid just got a boyfriend, so there might be things on the way.

    "Look your best, mom!" And while they were taking a picture of themselves, all the other guests except Monica had gone home, so she now took over the guitar duties, playing totally out of tune and sync with the stereo..

    It was getting really late now, so Ivar put Thomas to bed before going to sleep, but Lise Veronica...?

Nope, she wasn't going to bed! Dad hadn't said anything, and mom was still out!

But she would probably go home soon, as Kathrine started to feel sick, said the party was over and told Monica and Ingrid to leave..

Monica wanted to talk to Ingrid about her career in politics, but Ingrid, the snob, didn't want to discuss politics with someone of lesser intelligence like Monica..

Argh! What's wrong with you youngsters! If you were my daughter... I'm not gonna take being called stupid all the time!

"I'm out of here..."

Lise Veronica.. it's 4 in the morning! Why aren't you in bed?

Lise Veronica:
I was just waiting for you, mom.. where have you been?

I've been over at Kathrines house, like I told you..

Lise Veronica:
But how come you can stay up so late, mom..?

Because I'm an adult. Now, do you want to go to that ball tomorrow?

Lise Veronica:
Yes of course, mom!

Then go to bed and get yourself some sleep! And don't forget to brush your teeth...

Lise Veronica:
Well ok then mom....

"Yawn... I think it's bedtime for me too now...good night..."

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...