Sunday, December 1, 2024

Chapter 18.5 - March 2024 - Plants, pranks, a "party" and prom ("The floor is yours...")

Lise Veronica was the first one to wake up this spring morning to feed her beloved pets. Petrucci the mini python, Kuoppala the krait and David the rat.. They were fully her responsibility.. Mom and dad still didn't know about the snakes she had smuggled into the house, and she could not have them find out either...


..but what if they did and all her pets got taken away? That would be the most horrible thing! She would die if she couldn't have her pets! She couldn't have that happen...

She had to guard her room intensely from now on! They could not – under any circumstance – be allowed to enter! Why would they take her animals away from her? Why can't they see how cute they are? Why are parents so cruel!?

..and they couldn't enter this floor to find that she had moved all her furniture out into the hallway to make room for her animals! This floor was hers now – they could not come up here! She had to keep them from walking up those stairs – she had to build traps for them somehow, she thought as she walked into the bathroom next door – a bathroom that now had to be completely hers, and hers alone..

She needed some way to figure out if anyone else – especially those of the parent kind - had been using this sink.. so she set up a trap..

..before going back out into the hallway to read a book.. and wait for the victim.. however, nobody showed up and it was probably for the better. Instead she was called downstairs by her mom to have breakfast with the rest of the family..

Monica tries to engage her daughter in talking about throwing baseball, but Lise Veronica isn't interested in talking much to her mom right now, still thinking about what would happen if they walked up the stairs and into her room to discover her snakes. Monica was eventually cool with the kitten, and then the rat, but she feared that snakes would be crossing the line...

..but then again, for how long could she keep her parents – and her mom in particular – from walking up those stairs and start questioning things? Maybe a bribe was in order.. She didn't know what type of seed she had just picked up the other day or if it was a valuable one, but it wouldn't hurt to gift it to her mom.. She herself had no interest in seeds, so what was she going to do with it? If she could make mom in a good mood, she may just be more forgiving a little later..

    Monica was happy to receive this gift from her daughter, and was excited to plant the seed to see what come out of it.. Gardening was such a relaxing activity, and something she had fond memories of when she used to help her own mother with her garden when she grew up.. She would really have liked to bond more with Lise Veronica while gardening, as she typically didn't show much interest in it, so getting this gift out of nowhere definately warmed a mothers heart...

..and Lise Veronica was excited to watch that teaching her little 'daughter' to use the cat litter box when she needed to relieve herself finally worked..

..and of course, to reinforce the behaviour this meant that little Pelsdott needed some positive attention for being such a good little kitty...



Lise Veronica didn't want to spend the entire day staying at home with mom and dad though, so she called up her friend Margrethe whom she still wanted to make friends with to meet up at the Blitzkrieg House, and she finally agreed to meet up... Of course, Margrethe being the son of a doctor and the towns mayor (and also a Leader of the Free World) comes from one of the richer families in town. That being said, she's not a snob like some other residents, she is actually quite a likeable person. She's also a couple years older and a person for Lise Veronica to look up to.


Monica was of course out in the garden to plant the seed her daughter had been so kind to give her, alongside some additional seeds for pear trees, because she wanted to give it a go to try and grow the perfect pear tree.

Ivar had unsuccessfully tried to invite Zelda Mae out for a game of bowling, but been rejected because she just wasn't interested right now... so instead he went over to his neighbours house again. Not because he wanted to hang out with Sofie, because he had no such desire anymore, but to do his son a favour to let him play with his cousin Walter, and perhaps his older cousin Kleopatra.

Sofie was, as usual, visibly grumpy over getting a visitor to their home.. again.. even if she had no issues with Ivar. She just didn't like to be bothered... and Ivar visiting did provide an opportunity to do what she didn't really want to do...

Thomas chose at first to hang out with cousin Kleopatra, who is significantly older than him (he is six years old and she is fourteen), and whom he barely knew, due to their age difference. Now that he is no longer a toddler they can finally get to know each other a little better.. and it may definately be useful to have an older relative at school to make the schoolyard feel a little safer...

At the Blitzkrieg House Margrethe was being given flowers by Morten, which she happily accepted... Her boyfriend Robert would probably not enjoy this very much, if he knew or found out...


..but Morten is just an innocent kid at 13 years old, probably just taking after his parents.. Margrethe at 15 years old, soon to turn 16, is much older, relatively speaking, so Morten isn't very threatening.. he's most of all just cute, and she's just playing along to not ruin his self esteem....


Thomas had gone into his cousin Walters room to play with his block toys, when he was approached by Walter, still wearing his costume, to play tag outside... but their playtime was cut short by one of the usual hailstorms, so instead they went back into Walters room for a pillow fight..

Something happened between Ivar and Sofie while I was observing the teenagers at the Blitzkrieg house which made Walter think of Ivar as a rude guest. Since I didn't see it, I don't know who is to blame, but given their past history, I'm guessing its Sofie who slipped up and did some flirtatious gesture towards Ivar.

Just like his last visit, Ivar had retreated into Kleopatras bedroom to read a book on her bed.. Maybe she should start locking the door to her room. He clearly doesn't know how to respect her privacy...

Kleopatra, who was upstairs playing video games with her mom, had also noticed what she referred to as Ivars rude behaviour, and brought it up with Sofie.


Sofie wasn't to happy about that, and became even less happy when Kleopatra began to talk negatively about cook books and making food.. it's not the kind of thing you say to your mother whom you should know really enjoys cooking, is a living Culinary Librarian and a Master Chef which owns and runs her own restaurant... ;)

"Don't you have some cleaning to do." Sofie replied with a brusque voice.


"I didn't mean what I said about food, mom.. I like cooking, too." Kleopatra tried to explain, fearing that if she continued to push the envolope Sofie would ban her from using the tv again... She probably wouldn't do it here, though, as it does take a little more than this for Sofie to punish her child, but sometimes a grumpy mother and a hot-headed teenage girl can be a pretty bad mix.. but the mother still always gets the final say...

At the Blitzkrieg House Lise Veronica had now abandoned her teenage buddies in the hallways and gone upstairs to play a game of table tennis with one of the retirees in town, River McIrish. The Blitzkrieg House was originally meant as a hangout for young adult rebels, but is open to anyone that feels or wants to feel a little rebellious, regardless of age...


Meanwhile in the northernmost room on the same floor Mortens mother Kathrine was flirting with her father-in-law and Sofies father Asgeir (see the family tree of Morten and Walter from just before they aged up for reference). Kathrines husband and Sofies brother Jonathan was standing in the same room as them, but not complain.. It looks like a little bit of flirtatious banter is just how they bond in the sim world..

Mortens family tree from before he aged up.

Walters family tree from before he aged up.

Anyway, after this flirtatious bonding, Kathrine heads back downstairs while Jonathan exits from the room to leave his father alone in there to think about what just happened, while he goes to play a round of table tennis with Lise Veronica...



At the same time Ivar had ran off to the New Town Area to one of the cheap starter homes for young adults that were built in the 1970s, because he just remembered he had been invited to a party by one of his new colleagues, Hans Ivar Nylenna. However, it wasn't much of a party. More like a tiny social get together on his lawn, with the two of them and Leighton Jolina-Sekemoto.


Shortly thererafter Monica received a phone call from Sofie to let her know that Ivar had left and that Walter was now hanging out at their place without his father, but she need not worry – he was in good hands. Aunt Sofie and uncle Eivind would do their best to look after him, no problem.


..and Lise Veronica wasn't done doing pranks, as she prepared another one on one of the couches at the rebel hangout, to the enjoyment of this elderly woman who used to be employed as one of the festival stand workers.


She most likely did the excact same thing in her youth... Something also tells me her job didn't pay her very well, or maybe she was just never that interested in money in the first place...


In the New Town area Hans Ivars party wasn't going all that well, when Margrethes father, 'The Prison Warden' Fredrik had showed up to belittle his intelligence...

    "What's up, man? I'm just tryin' to invite a few buddies over for a good time... what's your problem, dude?" Clearly those two are not cut from the same cloth...


Looks like today is the day where everybody wants to give Monica a phone call.. This time it was her other sister in law Helene asking if she wanted to come over to their place to hang out for a while.


Of course, why not. It's been to long since she've been visiting her brother. Helene can be a little annoying at times with her constant need to brag about her supposed status and physical objects, but other than that, she is an all around likeable person, living in this brick house with her husband and two children whilst making a living off of being an author of primarily childrens books, with a little bit of painting on the side.

Yeah, speaking of phones.. after she was invited inside it doesn't take long before Monica gets another phone call from her brother Eivind. He just wanted to remind her that her son Morten was still at their place, and that he was still in good hands, so she need not worry. I think Monica has some pretty good family members. ;)

In the meantime Lise Veronica had returned to their home to find everyone gone, but she didn't mind... however, she wasn't going to stay to long at the house, because tonight was another school ball, so she called her girlfriend Kristina to come over and get ready, but she couldn't show up because she had two more hours left of her shift at the day spa.. so she didn't have any time to dress up, but she would meet her at the school ball, though. After the conversation Lise Veronica gets a wish to move in with Kristina.. however, if that should happen, it won't be for a few years yet.. they're still much to young to move out on their own...

Lise Veronica had plenty of time to dress up, and when she was done there was still an hour more until the school ball would begin... and there was noone else in the house except her, little Pelsdott, David, Petrucci and Kuoppala.. and they were her trusted pets, they wouldn't say a word.. time to lay out a few more traps... on the couch, the kichen sink, the bathroom sink, the toilet and the couch on the other side as well, just to make sure... She' s such a sweet, sweet girl... ;)



Walking up the steps to enter the school ball Lise Veronica notices this other girl coming up the stairs after her, and keeps eyeing her all the way until she enters... She probably wouldn't do that if she entered with her girlfriend, but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and for now assume that it's just someone whom she wants to make better friends with.. or maybe she's jealous of the dress, I don't know..


..but it is very noticeable how she keeps looking in that direction, and doesn't look away or flinch, even after the other girl has noticed...


After Helene began to talk about her favourite topic – herself – Monica retreated into Helenes little writing den to be alone for a while and play some computer games on Helenes laptop...

..but she is quickly found by Helene who follows her into that room to talk about her writing. Of course Monica has to be interested in listening.. why else would she have walked into her tiny writing room?

The incident with Fredrik outside dampened the mood of Hans Ivars little get together, though Ivar tried to act as a mediator by talking to Fredrik about cartoons. I suppose it worked for a while as the group hung out outside his apartment, until he thanked them all for coming and they all left. Except for Ivar who went inside with him to read a book while he was cooking dinner and stayed behind to talk about writing and books in general, before thanking him for the invite and going home. Ivar knew what it was like to be a newcomer in town, and felt a little bad for Hans Ivar, so he wanted to make sure they guy was feeling ok before leaving to his own family.

Lise Veronica was having an interesting time at the school ball, judging from the pop up messages...
'Lise Veronica discovered a clear wardrobe mistake' – Oh dear! I wonder what that could be.... nothing if you ask me. Her outfit was, of course, absolutely perfect! ;)
'Lise Veronica plucked up the courage to ask the Sim she's in love with to dance. Unfortunately, the other Sim made an excuse and snuck away!' - She did what now? And what sim could that be? I don't like being left in the dark like this...
'Lise Veronica had planned to set a trap, but there were adults watching everywhere!' - That's probably for the better. She has most likely set enough traps for the day...
'Everyone looks amazing in suits and dresses! Lise Veronica couldn't stop staring!' - Yeah, we saw that already even before she had entered.. ;)
'What a fantastic evening! Lise Veronica won't forget this ball anytime soon.' - Good to know...

 'Lise Veronica begged everyone at school to vote for her as the prom queen! And it clearly paid off, because she won!' - Begged? Really? Have you no shame? :P
'Lise Veronica is rocking the dance floor! Yay!' - Alright, you have fun kid...
'Oh no! Lise Veronica saw someone wearing the same dress!' - No way! That's impossible! This never happens.. it can't be... what a disaster!
'Lise Veronica has to be home in an hour. If she's out after this, she might get caught by the police.' - She can't have that happening, she can't risk coming on bad terms with mom and dad...
'Prom is over. Make sure you go straight home or you might get in trouble with the law. Don't forget to check out your dance photos in the equipment list.' - Will try to remember that...

While Lise Veronica was at the prom, Monica and the others had made it out of Helenes little writing den to watch tv and play some video games downstairs. It was a little cramped in there, and they couldn't leave young Anton alone for to long..
Their son Bjørn-Yngve is also at the prom, and it makes Helene reminisce about her own youth and staying up late while trying to avoid being arrested and taken home by the police.. good times...

Back home Ivar had just finished a supper and done the dishes, which led to him discovering one of Lise Veronicas traps... he immediately knew who was behind it, as Morten would still be to young to make traps like that.. so he walked upstairs to read a book in the chair outside her room while waiting for her to come home...


Lise Veronica knew she didn't have the house to herself when she came back, given the puddle of water she had to step through to get to the refridgerator as she went to eat some leftover waffles before, hopefully, quietly sneaking up the stairs and into bed.. She didn't know which one of her parents it was who became the victim of her prank, but she hoped it was her father and not her mom.. and she hoped that she would get the time to clean it up before mom came home...

..but she didn't, because as soon as she had sat down to eat their backdoor opened and she was greeted with a friendly voice.. “Hi, are you home already? I was just out for a while visiting aunt Helene. Did the prom go well?”
    Lise Veronica froze for a while, hoping that her mom wouldn't notice the puddle on the floor, before a little hesitantly delivering an answer..
“I uh.. yes, mom, the prom went really well. I had lots of fun... they even crowned me as the prom queen..”

“That's wonderful! You look absolutely amazing! Is everything ok though? You sound a little... tense...? Is everything ok between you and Kristina?” Monica asked, being a little concerned since she mentioned that she and not them became the prom queens...
“No.. no, mom, I mean, yes mom, everythng is fine between us, we had a.. she was there and we had a good time...”

    “Alright” Monica replied, not really believing what she just said, it was clear that something was up, but she figured it was probably best to let it rest for a while. “It's getting late now and I'm really tired, so good night. See you again tomorrow.”
    “Ok, good night mom...” Well, that was lucky.. she walked straight past the water on the kitchen floor, but now she was worried that something was wrong between her and Kristina.. which was wrong, because there really wasn't..
Kristina had her valid excuses, she was just busy working at the day spa, which is why they couldn't go as a couple, but Kristina was there at the prom, eventually, even if she didn't have the time to go home and change in the meantime.. Of course, they couldn't both be the queens of the prom then, when Kristina was there in only her regular everyday clothes.. but Monica didn't know that...

Thomas came home just as she began to walk up the stairs, just in time for them catch a glimpse of each other and exchange a few words about where they've been and what they've been doing, before both of them walked up the stairs to go to bed..

Aside from their footsteps it was pretty quiet, so she assumed that both of her parents was now asleep, but she quickly realized that wasn't the case when she saw her father sitting in the chair reading a book as she walked up the second staircase to the top floor..
“Good evening Lise Veronica” he said as he put his book down and got up from the chair “How did the prom go? Had a good time?”

“Oh yes, I had a.. great time, I was crowned the prom queen again for the second time..” he replied, while shifting his eyes towards the furniture that was now out in the hallway..

“That's good to hear.. now, I see you have done some refurnishing up here. It must have been heavy to move those drawers out here all on your own?” he asked, wondering why she had done that and why she hadn't asked any of them for help..
“Oh, you mean the.. no, it wasn't really that heavy, I uhh.. I had Kristina over to help me move it...” she replied, though the last part was a lie. She had moved it all on her own by pulling it out from the wall, slowly, and then pushing it across the floor... the hardest part was getting over the doorstep, but with a little bit of lifting on either side she had managed..

“I just wanted to have a little more space in my room for...” she began, almost revealing the real reason why she had moved the furniture out in the hallway.. she paused for a while, scrambling for a reason that did not involve making space for snake terrariums... “..for umm.... sleepovers..” she continued. “You know, I would.. umm.. so that my friends don't have to sleep out in the hallway, that's all...”

“Fair enough. I suppose you can consider this floor to be mostly your own.. “

“Oh, thanks, dad. Can I really have this as my own floor?” she said with an almost ecstatic optimism in her voice. This was the best thing he could have said. If she could have this floor all to herself.. then her snakes would be safe!

Yeaah...we don't really need to go up here all that much.. except for when your mom wants to use the science station, that is.”Ivar replied, and Lise Veronicas joyful optimism faded a little..
Of course.. she shouldn't really have expected to have the entire floor to herself.. if it wasn't for her mom, and that
stupid nerdy science station... why did it have to be there? Why couldn't she just put it somewhere else? She couldn't ask for that, it would be to obvious.. now she could only hope that her mom would be just as accepting and foolish as her dad.. after all, she had just moved a piece of furniture around.. it's not like that's a crime now..

“Well, it's getting late now, it's time to go to bed...” Ivar said while turning around to go down the stairs to his and Monicas bedroom. “Good night Lise Veronica, see you in the morning.”
“God night dad...”

She dodged a potential bullet there, but how can long can this last? They are pretty much bound to figure this out at one point, that she's keeping those snakes in her room.. than her best bet is that her plan of asking for forgiveness rather than permission is going to work, or that maybe they'll be more accepting of it than she thinks they will be... because how does she really know what they're thinking? Maybe she's just making it all up... ;)


Good night.. ;)

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Chapter 18.6 - April 2024 - No class, no principles, no innocence.. (continued)

Go back to read the first half Lise Veronicas notes (continued): I didn't want to spend the afternoon at home, especially not when dad ...