Sunday, June 25, 2023

Chapter 16.1 - March 2023 - part IV – The school ball..

    It was a beatiful and sunny morning in Sunset Valley, with Ivar and Thomas being the first ones to get out of bed for some skill practice. Thomas continued with his habit of going into his sisters room to play with the toy building blocks, and Ivar chose to sharpen his mind outside with the chess table.

    ..and the ladies of the house slept until way past sunrise. ;)

But that was alright, because Thomas and Ivar enjoyed their time alone, man to man, just father and son. ;)


    This was the day of the school ball, so naturally planning what to wear was the first thing on Lise Veronicas mind when she woke up...


    She's not going to wear it until tonight, but she has to try it on anyway, and of course, also plan the make up, and just in general freshen up the face. ;)

    "Hmmm... yeah, I think this should do. Now I just have to wipe it off again.. I'm not gonna wear this make-up in front of mom and dad..."

Hmm, the growing season in Sunset Valley definately works a little different from what I'm used to. It's only spring time, but Monicas vegetables seem ripe for the picking already...

    Inside Ivar was playing his video games when Lise Veronica had something she wanted to ask him. Lise Veronica: Dad.. I was browsing on the school computers just the other day, and I came across this site where you can adopt cats and kittens.. and they had the cutest cat there. A little kitten called Pelsdott.. They had even posted videos of her, she was so cute. Can we adopt her, dad?

Pelsdott translates to Furball in english

Oh, sure.. why not? If you really want a cat, I think that can be fixed. Did they have a phone number?
Lise Veronica: Oh, yes, sure, I saved it on my phone.. can I make the call to adopt little Pelsdott?
Sure, go ahead.

Lise Veronica didn't hesitate to make the call, and she was happy to have asked dad and not mom. She wasn't really sure if mom would have said yes, and if she did, she would probably have a list of conditions that came with it.. Dad was much easier this way!

Lise Veronica then heads upstairs to take a shower to get ready for the school ball, and makes a strange face on the way...

Lise Veronica:
Haaaa, I'm going to get a cat!
Thomas (thinking):
My sister is weird...

Then a taxi parks outside, and out comes Kristina Reppe. Monica is still out working in the garden, so she goes over to her to talk.

Shortly thereafter another car stops on the road by their house. A woman that none of them have seen before walks out of the car and up to Monica to introduce herself.

Hi, I'm Guro Melbye from the animal shelter. I'm here with Pelsdott, the kitten you adopted. Was it you I talked to on the phone?

Oh! You've adopted a kitten!! Can I see it?? Where is it??

A kitten? Hmm, that must have been my daughter..

Will it um...? Does it scratch?

Monica was a little concerned about suddenly having a kitten in the house. She was worried about needing to use band aids..

Guro Melbye:
Oh, just be careful when you bathe it, and it should be alright..

Bathe it? Oh.. yes, of course..

Monica (thinking):
.. I think I'll leave the bathing to Lise Veronica.. While they are talking, a taxi is seen leaving in the background, leaving from Eivind (Monicas brother) and Sofies house just next door.

That's Kleopatra, their daughter and Lise Veronicas cousing, going to the school ball. Kristina notices the taxi, and who is sitting in it, and feels a little bad on Kleopatras behalf.

Kristina (thinking):
Poor Kleopatra, going alone to the school ball in a taxi.. maybe she couldn't get a date, or maybe she was stood up..

Then a car is heard honking outside their lot too, and whoa, that is some transportation! That can't have been cheap to rent...

Monica had walked inside and commanded Ivar to go out and pick up Pelsdott. She didn't want to touch the kitten, in case it would scratch or bite... Lise Veronica had heard the honking, and walked outside to talk to Kristina.

Lise Veronica:
I just adopted a kitten today! She's called Pelsdott, and she's just so cute and adorable!

That is so sweet! I saw the lady that came here and dropped her off! I saw the kitten too, it looked so cute!

We don't have a kitten at home, I never thought about that, but we have a baby! My little sister Emmy is the cutest baby ever!

Yeah.. that's all fine and dandy, but girls.. that limo keeps honking for you, why won't you get in?

Well, after much talking and goofing about, Lise Veronica finally figures out that she has to put on her dress and get inside the limo to go to the school ball..

Lise Veronica:
Are you coming Kristina? I think we have to go now, so we won't be late...

Oh, oh.. yes, of course.. the limo!

I guess it's a thing with sims that they sometimes are a little absent minded, even if they aren't.. that's when the powers above sometimes has to interfere and guide them a little, so that they get to do what they want to do..

..but they made it, just in time, and so the ball could begin...
..and then they leave us, and we won't get to follow them inside...

    With the kids at the school ball, Monica returned to working in her garden. It feels quite relaxing now, when she no longer believes her plants are wire tapped by the government..
    "I can't believe I used to think that... well, I'm glad I don't anymore.. Gardening is actually quite enjoyable.. I just hope the girls are behaving properly at the school ball!"

Oh, don't worry mom, I think the girls are doing just fine and enjoying themselves.... ;) And then someone popped a question...(here begin the pop-ups..)

Translation: Lise Veronica briefed with some smooth dancing steps when Kristina asked her if they should be together!
    Now.. I would prefer that anything that had to do with romantic relationships were left completely up to the sims, you know, to avoid things going wrong and violent break-ups, as seen in the past... or if it should happen anyway, it won't be my fault....but when a question like this shows up, I just can't say no... and since this was already their doing, because Kristina asked Lise Veronica to go to the ball.. I had her say yes, and they now got their first romance! And it just got better from there, no way this night could go wrong! ;)

    Translation: All of Lise Veronicas friends was envious with her! She just got crowned the ball queen! Careful, you might end up having a girl fight!

    Translation: Kristina convinced Lise Veronica that a meteorite was on it's way, and that they had to kiss as fast as possible. Lise Veronica decided to give in, and was positively surprised.

First kiss!
A sims first kiss can make them feel joy for a long time afterwards. + 40 mood. Time left: 24 hours.

Translation: Lise Veronica impresses Kristina with the chicken dance, there's no doubt about it! Kristina also began to dance it! This duo has chemistry!

Well, now we're getting silly here... :P

While Lise Veronica and Kristina really enjoyed themselves at the school ball, Ivar had to go out shopping for some new items for the latest member of the family..

..and the little pelsdott/furball was sleeping peacefully on the lawn. ;)

On the beach just below their house, Kristinas father Jarle Reppe was spreading some inappropriate gossip to Robert-Bråge (Ranveigs son and Lise Veronicas cousin).

I heard Olivia Frydenlund was caught red handed woohooing inside the town hall! He didn't excactly like what he heard...
"That's gross...." he replied... ..but back at the school ball things were going great for the remainder of the evening.

Monica went to check out the new toilet for the kitten, and it made her cry!

    I'm not sure how to explain that reaction, to be honest... does the kitten really scare you that much?
    "Poor cat.. having to relieve themselves in such a cheap litter box.... it's just a box with sand.. a cheap box with sand..."

Right.. well, umm, that's what cats are supposed to do, Monica... I don't think the cat really cares about the price tag on it... sorry not sorry, but I'm not feeling you here! ;)

Well, she didn't sob for long, of course, and was soon back to playing video games. Ivar thought it was bedtime for Thomas, and picked him up to put him to sleep.

Outside the school, the ball was now finished and the kids were leaving through the back door. Lise Veronica ran up to Kristina to give her a friendly hug before they would part ways for the night.

..but this made Kristina want to give Lise Veronica a cheesy comment..

You are as beautiful as the sky, the clouds and the sun...
Lise Veronica: Aww, hehe...

Lise Veronica:
Hey, Kristina! Look, there, on the wall! Isn't that a drop of water?
Lise Veronica: I think it's going to rain soon! Those beautiful clouds might just dump a real soaking!

* splash *
Kristina: Oh, I'll get you for this! Mom is not gonna like it if I come home soaked in these nice clothes!

This could have ended in them having a water balloon fight, but Lise Veronica gets distracted because Olivia Ursine decides to entertain everyone in front of the school with her guitar.

Margrethe and Kleopatra joins her watching, and Kristina sits down in the back to do her homework..

Then Lise Veronicas phone rings, and of course it's...

" Yes.. yes, mom, I'll be.. I'll be right home.. Yes, yes, mom..."

When the curfew is up and mom calls you gotta go home. ;)

Ivar and Thomas was already in bed, only Monica was up, waiting for her daughter. Monica: So, how did the ball go? Did you have fun?

Lise Veronica:
Oh yes, mom! We had a great time! They crowned me the queen of the ball, and we were like the celebrities of the ball! It was really great mom!

That sounds really great! Look, maybe, if you want to take your new friend Kristina to the movies one day, I can buy you the tickets.. if you promise to not do any pranks this week!

Lise Veronica:
That's cool, mom.. I think I'm done doing pranks now, and I think it's time I go to bed..

Lise Veronica:
I'll go brush my teeth now! Good night, mom!
Monica (thinking):
Oh, I'm so proud.. what a beutiful daughter, I didn't even have to tell her to go to bed this time!

Well, she forgot to take her make up off before going to bed, but that's not so important. ;) And now everyone in the family is sleeping peacefully... well, almost...

Good night. ;)

Bonus pictures:
Since Lise Veronica and Kristina was dressed up so nicely, a little photo shoot had to be arranged before the school ball could start.

Close up of their faces.

I experimented with adding some light, because I thought it was to dark with them standing in the shadow.

However, I ended up liking the darker pictures more anyway. Will try with a weaker light next time I do a photoshoot of sims. :P

Their prom picture.

For the next update(s) there will be more teenagers, as it will be Robert Bråges (Ranveig Motorsens son) turn to age up, and shortly thereafter also Bjørn-Yngve (Helene and Knuts son). They won't be going to a school ball yet though, because it has already happened while they were just to young for it.. :P

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(from the thread linked to above)

EDIT: Got it to work with NRaas Master Controller and Dreamer. I had both mods installed and finally realized I could use them to get the date to get in the limo. For anyone else that has this problem, here's what I did:

1. Paused the game.
2. City Hall->NRaas->Master Controller->Settings->Retain Dreams and Opportunities (set to true). (There's a warning about using this when switching between many households, but I only wanted to switch for a few minutes and then turn this off. This setting requires NRaas Dreamer AFAIK.)
3. Clicked on the date, NRaas->Master Controller->Make Active
4. Unpaused the game until the date's household was active, then paused again.
5. Canceled his current action (which was doing homework).
6. Queued him up to change into formal wear.
7. Clicked on the limo and chose Go To Prom.
8. Unpaused the game until he changed outfits and headed to the limo.
9. Clicked on another member of the family I was playing and chose NRaas->Make Active. Let the game play until my family was active again and the date was in the limo, which left for the prom immediately after he got in.
10. Paused the game, City Hall->NRaas->Master Controller->Settings->Retain Dreams and Opportunities (set to false).
11. Unpaused the game.

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...