Thursday, May 25, 2023

Chapter 9.1: Coming home. Monday December 13th 2021.

Since Oliver Freddy and Inge went to university in august, the Sunset Valley residents were left unwatched and unsupervised for most of august, not counting Eivind and Knuts birthday party, as well as the entire autumn, so who knows what oddities happened in town while they were away...

..but now it's almost mid december, and it's time for the university students to return home for christmas...

Oliver Freddys notes:

The first sign of home as we came back to Sunset Valley was the maximum security prison alongside dads home. Well, the prison is not a very inviting sight to behold, but atleast we knew we were home...

Ah, and there is the traditional old Prison Warden pub. I remember mom's stories about that place from back when she was a young adult still living in the New Town Area...that was before I was born, of course..

I'm going to have to ask mom about this, but I think her home back then was the first one on the right side of the road, right next to the library. And I think auntie Monica lived in the other red house on the left, just across the road from her.

Yep, that's right, that's how it was. And his uncles Eivind and Knut lived in the two green houses there. Then Sofie Karlsen, Helene Kråkesen and Kathrine Kråkesen, as were their names back then before they married, lived further up the road.

Sofie Motor-Karlsens old home on the left. Helene Kråke-Motorsens home to the right of hers, and across the road closest to our view and to the right is Kathrine Kråke-Karlsens old home. Just a little nostalgia for me about the times before I started posting the storyline to the forums... and didn't care to much about making unique looking homes. ;)

Anyway, enough reminiscing, lets get the students home!

Oliver Freddys notes:

Oh, it feels good to be back! I have missed this view! Even the sight of the old mental hospital to the right! The town hall and the art institute (the pink building to the left of the town hall) up front! And the old Sunset Valley castle and the Alto familys home on top of the hill to the right!

And finally I could see momma's home at Mosquite Cove at the end of the road. And her pink pick-up truck parked outside! Oh, mama, I'm coming home!

Oliver Freddy: Mama! Robert! I'm home!!


Ranveig's reaction is immediate. She is happy to see her son.

Ranveig: My sweet son is back! Oh, how much I have missed him!

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...


Robert Bråge is very curious and quickly starts to question Oliver Freddy about university, what he learned and if he did any interesting experiments.

And then he wants to play tag. It seems like such a long time ago since I checked up on this family, I can't remember if this was something they used to do or not, but I suppose it could have been.

And now I think I must jump to the Reppe family, to see if they are also as harmonious as this one! I switch to the family, and immediately freeze them to see where they are at.

Mom, Iselin Reppe, is in the living room watching the gardening channel. Gardening is one of her husbands main interests..

Dad, Jarle Reppe, is being enthusiastic to Inge about a cartoon he just read.

Little sister, Kristina (12 years old), is hungry and wants to go to the kitchen to eat a salad.

Shoot, I just missed that Jarle and Inge gave each other a hug because I followed little sister around. Uh, and who is that other guy there (with the green pants)? Looks like they have hired a baby sitter.

Then Iselin and Inge goes out into the dining room to play with the trick ball. Look at mom's face, it's so adorable. She hasn't played with her daughter since summer!

Photos of them up in the air doing tricks.

Oh, you're so sensitive, Inge! What is this? I hear a crying sound, but see a smile on your face.

Iselins notes:

Ever since my daughter became a young adult, she has always been so sensitive about almost every little thing, especially if she would win or lose at something. But she is so sweet, and I am so happy to have her home. I feel so much more calm and relaxed now.

Inges notes:

Oh, I was so happy to be home, I almost shed a tear in front of mom! Sometimes I get alot of feelings in me, and I can't really stop it! After playing ball in the dining room, mom wanted to stay up and watch tv with me. I felt I was getting tired, but I thought I could stay up for a little longer.


Iselin: Now I hope you remembered what I told you before you left about those parties at university!

Haha, this is just too great! Mom, relax.. Inge is a good girl! :)

 Inge doesn't answer her mom there, just gets up to go to bed.

 Well, the rest of the family was also getting tired shortly thereafter and decided to go to bed as well.

 The sisters are asleep, Inge with her dreams of being a writer.

Nighty night! :)

Previous (Inge and Oliver Freddy at university - Lake Onebega)

Previous (Knut and Eivinds birthday party - Sunset Valley)  | Next


Because Oliver Freddys looking back up there, I revisited some old videos I made from this save... and I thought I could share one of them for the viewers of this thread. Now, the videos I made was recorded before I started posting to this forum, and wasn't really intended to be shown to anyone.. so it's not top quality, and I had to re-edit to translate some text to english. 

Approximate time for this video in the story's time line would be around 2004-2005ish. It's also on vimeo, not youtube, so I can't embed it. The video begins with Helene Kråkesen in the New Town library working on a book.. and focuses mostly on the dating process of my second generation sims and Oliver Freddy when he was a toddler.





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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...