Friday, May 26, 2023

Chapter 9.2 - December 2021 - Strangeness before christmas...

The morning after Inges return the first thing on Iselins mind is to go for a drink. She was a little like this last time I checked up on this family too, and I had to persuade her several times to go eat instead... And after finishing the first drink, she goes straight for the second. Dare I suggest Inges mom has a drinking problem?

I also notice that she is unemployed now.. I'm pretty sure she had a job before Inge went to university.. so.. what came first? Was she fired because of her drinking... or did she start drinking because she got fired?

She wanted to get a job in the research career, so.. after a few drinks, she decided to take the car and go there.. I couldn't have that happened, so I made sure the car keys was handed over to Inge and had her order a taxi instead... You shouldn't be drinking for breakfast woman! Backseat for you!

Now, no more drinking in the morning and don't lose this job, or I'll send you to rehab!

Inges notes:

After I got home, I wanted to go to town hall and register as a freelance writer, so I went to town hall and got it done! 

Narrators voice:

The sink conveniently broke before Iselin had her first day at her new job. Atleast she hadn't been drinking, but she had a wish to drink..

Well, you're going to be walking straight past that bar, you're not having any! Maybe you should sell it...

Inges notes:

Now that I had taken a writing class and registered as a writer, I had no time to waste. I had to start writing! I decided to go for "A miner's heart"1) as a working title. I was imagining this story around a copper mine in the far northern mountains, and a young hard headed miner falling in love with one of the entertainers working at one of the gambling houses downtown...

Iselins notes:

I want to advance in my new job quickly, so immediately after I got home, I sent a friendly text to my new boss, Monica Motor-Notesen. She is Oliver Freddys aunt, and we were already friends, but I think it is not going to hurt to become even better friends!

Inges notes:

I wanted to practice my drawing skills, so I went to the Garage pub2) downtown and asked a few people if I could draw them.

Inge: I am very interested in improving my skills of drawing people, and you are such a beatiful woman. Do you mind posing for me?


Ylajali Halvorsen: Oh, you are so flattering! Sure, I would love to be drawn! But not today, maybe some other time! 3)

Inges notes:

Later I wanted to learn street art! I knew they were selling street art kits at the Blitzkrieg House, so I went there next to buy me one and get some practice! The Blitzkrieg House is Sunset Valleys rebel hangout.4)

 The young aspiring artist and writer Inge Reppe entering the Blitzkrieg House, with the Sunset Valley Art Association in the background...

Inge practicing her street art skills inside.

Oops Inge.. Ranveig is also there, and she is watching you..

Inges notes: 


When I was finished practicing I turned around and saw Ranveig there. She looked furious and let out a very discontent, almost animalistic, growl before staring me down, then turning on her heels and walking out of there without saying a word! Now I regret coming here... that was scary!

I think I could use a drink now..

Narrators voice:

She went downstairs for a drink, and once she was back upstairs, Ranveig was there sitting in a sofa as if waiting. They spotted each other..

But Inge is not talking to Ranveig. She turns around to go back downstairs for another drink. Ranveig follows Inge with her eyes. I don't know what's on her mind, because she has no thought bubble...

Uh oh, this doesn't bode well for the upcoming christmas party..

I don't know what's going on with Inge now, because she decided to pull an all nighter, brewing coffee to stay awake when she came home. Then making waffles for breakfast, ignoring the pancakes her dad made earlier before he headed off to work. Probably to tired to notice they were even there..

Well, however you choose to get by with your day...

Little sister Kristina wants to play tag. I'm surprised Inge has the energy to do that.

Inge grabs another coffee and mom Iselin is home for work, immeidately heading for the bar.

Iselin: After a hard day at work it's always good to unwind with a stiff one if you know what I mean..

Uh, no, not really... and I don't think you should be doing that.. (if only she could hear me..)

Inge: Whew, that coffee isn't working anymore, I'm gonna need to take a nap.

Well, I'm not surprised.. I just hope you all can stay sober and awake for the upcoming christmas holiday.. no more silly shenanigans now!

Inge: And now I will nap on this bed.

How about just.. tucking yourself under the sheets and sleep through the whole night, hm?


Inge: Aah, sometimes it's just good to stay up at night when everyone else is asleep..

Huh? You were never a night owl before, why now?

Inges personality traits: Couch potato, Handy, Family Oriented, Loser, sign of night owl!

Inge: ... I want to be like all the great artists and writers throughout history! They were all night owls! Kranz Frafka, Parcel Moust, Edward Wolffe and Mob Villain.. they all did their best works at night!

 Ok, maybe so.. but they were probably writing, too.. all you do right now is watch tv... and besides, you're not really a night owl...and I'm sure good writing can be done at any hour of the day.. Don't try to copy someone else, find your own rhythm...


And here's another 'night owl'. Just after Inge went to sleep, Iselin woke up to go eat... well, as long as you're not drinking, I'm ok with it..

You disappoint me.. -_-

Iselin:Whoohoo, I want to get naked!

What the..!? Well, that was unexpected...

 I swear, this family is just getting weirder...

 Iselin: That was a good shower!

Well, atleast you got your clothes on now.. and then morning comes, and the rest of the family (except Inge) wakes up.

Ranveig Motorsen is calling. Would Jarle like to talk? Well, of course he would.

Jarle: Oh, haha, don't worry about the dishes! I am sure we will manage!

That's an odd way to start a phone conversation, but I assume they must be talking about the upcoming christmas holiday party..

Jarle: Oh, haha, yes, we are very much looking forward to you coming over!

They just talk about the upcoming christmas party for the rest of the conversation.

 Later in the day Iselin keeps going to the bar to help herself again.. "
Just a small one..."

Seriously, what kind of example do you think this sets for your youngest daughter? Did you drink like that when Inge was growing up too? There is no doubt, you do have a drinking problem!


Kristina: Mom is drinking again. She makes me uncomfortable and she smells funny, I want to talk to dad

I don't blame you, little one.. now, where is dad?


Oh.. accidentally sneaking up on Inge while she is bathing.. hmm, and I guess their toilet is broken.

But neither him nor Inge got an embarrassed moodlet from it. He's just freaking out over the toilet. What a strange family..

Well, since you interrupted your daughters bathing for no good reason, I'll give you the task of fixing it..


Jarle: Ugh, that darn toilet.. I just went into the bathroom to fix it, I didn't know you were there..

Yup, blame the toilet..

Jarle: I think I could need a drink after this..

What? Not you too. Well, it's friday evening, so I guess one drink can't hurt.. you haven't been drinking anything before now.

After a while Kristina, Jarle and Iselin go to bed, Inge stays up watching tv, until she gets a weird idea.

Inge: I'm going to the hospital!

At 3 in the night.. why?

Inge: I need inspiration.. for my book writing!

O.. kay, well, as you please.. what did you figure out?

 Inge: Of course the hospital doors are closed at night. I couldn't go inside. I'm going home.

Well, gee.. that was a waste! Well.. have a good night and sleep well... tomorrow is christmas eve...

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1) This is a reference to The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck #8 - King of the Klondike. I've been a Don Rosa fan ever since I read the cartoons as a kid. ;)

2) The Garage pub is based on Garage Pub, Bergen, Norway. It was once a pub for rockers to hang out..

3) Ylajali is also the name of a character from Knut Hamsuns novel, "Sult", meaning hunger.. so it's a little funny that first time she gets introduced, she is hungry. ;) 

4) "The Blitzkrieg House" is based on "Blitzhuset" (The Blitz House), Oslo, Norway. To quote the wikipedia article, it's an "anarchist, communist and socialist self-managed social centre".

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...