Sunday, May 28, 2023

Chapter 9.3 - December 2021 - Christmas in the Reppe house.

A normal christmas morning in the Reppe house. The kitchen sink was broken from the night before, but Jarle just fixed it. Iselin (with a hangover..) is mopping the floor. Kristina is doing dishes after breakfast. Inge is still in bed. Now you must get the house ready and clean for christmas eve!

And just to room for the gift giving.. and to make sure everything goes according to plan without anything weird happening,  Jarle had taken action to temporarily get rid of this thing right here... (He didn't sell it, he just  put it in a locked room upstairs... out of sight.. out of reach...)


I am happy to see that it worked. I have arranged witnessed a few of these parties without gifts, because "there was not enough room" or something to that effect.. now, let the peace descend on this magical night and let everyone be merry...

Ranveig Motorsen is calling. Does Inge want to talk? Yes, but.. shouldn't she soon be arriving for the christmas party?

Well, yes, here she is just outside with Oliver Freddy.. at the excact same time.. and she is not on the phone. As this does not make sense, lets pretend the phone call never happened...

Now, Ranveig has another son, Robert Bråge, and he was also invited. Where is he?

I don't know where he has been, but he is on his bike with his tuxedo on, so I guess he's on his way too.

Yep, he made it, even though he's not looking very happy for some reason.

And Jarle in his usual fashion complains to Inge about there being to many people on the lot... but it's christmas.. so he's gonna have to deal with that for today.. his daughter is more understanding of how he feels than I am.. ;)

What's wrong Ranveig? You look troubled by something. Everything ok at home?

"Oh.. yeah, everything is just fine.. I just.. huh?.. I just thought I heard something, but I guess it was just.. nothing.. like usual..."

 You don't sound fine to me...

..but whatever it was that bugged her seemed to have passed a little later, as she went outside to throw ball with Robert Bråge. Jarle also went outside to play tag with Kristina to pass the time while waiting to open the presents...

..but that only lasted so long, before Inge got a little impatient. ;)

Inge: Hey everyone! Aren't we going to open these presents?

..then everyone tried to gather in the dining room to watch the opening of the presents which resulted in some ruckus and a misunderstanding on behalf of the narrator which led to the room being emptied of a few chairs.. well, in spite of this, everyone still found themselves a place to sit eventually, and the gift opening process could soon begin...

Inge: Haha, tow sow weeb

Inge: Haha, me and Oliver Freddy is going to get engaged!

Jarle: Geets geets, bargossow

Jarle: Well, then I hope he knows how to use a garden tool!

Inge: Turk, enbowdah hill!

Inge: Oh yes, he knows how to play around with the toys quite a bit...

Wait, wait, are you having an inappropriate conversation? There are kids present!


"You have a very nice home, Jarle" Ranveig says with a brusque voice, wanting to change the topic.

Jarle: Yeah, all it needs is a swimming pool, and it would be perfect. Oh, I really wish I had a swimming pool.

Ranveig just stares blankly ahead..

Meanwhile, everyone had missed that Kristina already opened her present.

Kristina: Haha, a dollhouse! Perfect gift! Inge, your turn!

 Inge: Ooh, I wonder what I could be getting! Is it a toy?

Ranveig: A toy, hmmmph...

Clearly, this is not a good day for Ranveig.. she is making all kinds of disgruntled faces...


Inge: Wow, a gaming console! Just what I wanted, thanks everyone!

A perfect gift for the couch potato...


Oliver Freddys turn. He's looking scared, as if the pile of gifts is hiding something dangerous... though he eventually braves it to open his gift...

Dare not look.. but he was happy about the chessboard he got.


Then it is Jarles turn, looking at the pile of gifts with excitement.

Jarle: A scented candle! Perfect! Ooh, I'm gonna light that up in the bedroom tonight!

Iselin: Close your ears, Kristina! This is not for you to hear!

Then it was Ranveigs turn to open her present. Can we get a smile on your face, please?


Oh yes, finally a sign of happiness! Now what did you get?

Oh, a chess board. Well, she has one already.. she is already a chess champion, just like her father.

And then it is Iselins turn. What could she be getting? 


A fishing picture! Perfect for her that loves fishing. Her lifetime wish is to have a perfect aquarium.

Kristina: Hoohoo, haha! I get to open another one!1)

Huh? Ok, but what about Robert? Where is he by the way?

Oh, he has just located the toy box in the living room.. I was starting to get worried he had gone home..

Kristina got a snow bear.. and then it's Inges turn again.. ok, I think I won't show it all from now on, but just summarize their gifts at the end. I thought they would only go for one round.

Well, she got another gaming console.. so now she has two. And now the pile of gifts is gone. So.. Kristina and Inge got two gifts each, and Robert Bråge didn't get any! That's not.. fair, is it? Huh? Sims Santa is harsh... maybe Robert has been a bad kid this year..

Iselin: There is something about Ranveig that I just can't understand...

Inge: Ooh, I hope Ranveig is not to mad at me for the graffiti I did at the Blitzkrieg House..

Inge: But I am so happy that Oliver Freddy is here, though, that makes up for it!

Iselin: Ooh, that Oliver Freddy is such a sweet boy! That was a good catch by my daughter, I could almost devour him myself!

Iselin: Mmm, what a sweet looking boy...

Oliver Freddy: I am worried about mom. She hasn't quite been herself since I came back..

Then Oliver Freddy and Inge went upstairs to play ping pong. No juice, because there isn't any available on the lot.. christmas eve is, has always been, and shall always be a joyous family event!

Then Ranveig thinks it has been enough partying for a while, and decides to go home. I think she enjoyed herself in spite of not looking to happy all the time.

I think this is a smile. Lets just say it is a smile.

Oliver Freddy thinks its enough too, and leaves shortly thereafter, consuming an imaginary fly on the way out. Everyone thought the party was superb, and Iselin now has a reputation around town of someone that knows how to throw a good party. Well, it couldn't have been better!

Kristina plays around in her tree house for a while, before going to sleep in it.

Inge spends the rest of the night watching the food channel on tv.

Jarle has lit the scented candle and dampened the lights in the bedroom...

..and with that I think we shall say goodnight... ;) ....and return to the family a little later in January.. when it is time for Oliver Freddy and Inge to go back for their second semester at university!

 In the meantime you can go to the town of Sprottenham and the Chitrakaar-Bråheim family and hang around as you wait for me to put up the december and christmas updates! Should be up during the next couple of days.. ;)

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...