Saturday, April 29, 2023

Chapter 8.2 - Double Birthday Party

 Saturday 21st August 2021
Today is the day for Knut and Eivinds 35th birthday and their passage onto the adult life stage. Their birthday falls on a saturday this year, perfect for a great party!

 Ah, and what better way to start your birthday then waking up to a screaming toddler at 4:30 in the morning? But one can always feed him and change his diaper. And go back to sleep..

This is perhaps a cruel trick on my part, but whenever my sims have kids I always put the baby/toddlers crib in the same room as the parents bed (if room). The wellbeing of the offspring has a higher priority than the wellbeing of the parents. If you choose to have kids, prepare to face the consequences... no mercy. :P

After this Bjørn-Yngve woke up and had a quick breakfast downstairs before retreating to Helenes writing den to play chess. Admittedly its getting a bit boring with how many of my sims seem to be so interested in playing chess... but they like what they like...

Knut woke up and decided to make peanut butter and jelly.

Helene woke up with the phone ringing. Madison van Watson called her and wanted to talk about... fish.

Helene: Morning Madison.. whats up?

A mumbling voice is heard through the phone.

Helene: Oh wow.. you've been up fishing all night? Did you get any?

 Helene: Awesome, thats good! I'm sure you could make a fine buck from selling that!

 Helene: Oh thanks for asking. Yeah, my books are doing alright. I'm making some money, but I'm not getting rich yet.

 Helene: "Guests will arrive in an hour, gotta make sure I look my best!"

Yeah, if you're a snob its important to be keeping up appearances... but trust me, you're fine!

Eivind: "My party is coming up soon, maybe I should be a good host and prepare some soup"

Soup? No, you can do better than that...

Sometimes I take the liberty and direct them to do something, because they do not always have the best ideas...

Eivind: Ok, boss, I'll make burgers then.

First guests have arrived. The party has begun. Helene talking to her older sister Kathrine:
Helene: Hi sis, how is your medical career going? Did you get that pay raise you were hoping for? Knut is doing really well in his politcal career. He's making loads of cash!


Kathrine: That's good to hear! I did get that pay raise, but it wasn't as good as I had hoped.

Helene: Ah, I see. I'm still waiting for Knut to take a hint and buy me that expensive diamond ring I have been looking at.

Kathrine: Oh sis, you're always so demanding! You would need to be almost a celebrity to make that kind of money!

I agree!

Helene: That could be, but I am sure Knut is going to be a top star in politics! He is on to really big things!

Don't run off with your mouth now.. you know just as well as I do that Knut has no such ambition...

Happy birthday Knut! Ah, one never gets used to aging up. I know, its always a little terrifying each time.. probably even more so when it happens in such leaps and bounds...

Now that wasn't so bad, huh? Now it's your brothers turn!

Happy birthday Eivind!

His outfit didn't change after he aged up, he still looks just the same.

So many people in there, this is actually incredibly noisy.. can't even hear the stereo.. :P

Knut has the loner personality trait and agrees with me.

Knut: The invitation said formal clothing, Ranveig. Formal clothing, not your fitness wear! Do I really need to spell it out for you, you're insane! You know that? Insane!

Wow, pot calling the kettle black here.. this is not how you make your party guests feel welcomed.

This one hurts, I can tell, coming from your own brother, no less...yet Ranveig finds the strength to be nice. Or maybe she's being sarcastic...
Ranveig: Oh, Knut.. you were always the brains of the family. I have always admired you for being such a genius.

Ranveig: What a doofus... why is that guy my brother?

That question should go to your parents, not me...

Eivind: I'm feeling much better over here watching tv, where there is not so many people.

I'm not going to say anything about that. Atleast you're not being rude like your brother.

Helene thinks to herself: I am so happy that mom (Frida Kråkesen) could come over and enjoy herself.

Helene and Knuts son Anton got hungry and wasn't to shy to let everyone know..

Knut: Sorry folks, its time to feed the little man!

Monica: Has any of you tried the new lunch coffee over at Hogan's Diner? It's really great stuff!

Eivind: No I haven't tried that yet, but I have heard a lot of good things about it. I'm sure its great.
Frida (talking to Sofie): Have you heard about Helenes latest book, Romletomle? Its getting a little mixed reviews. The Diraciff Writers Magazine gave it only a 52 % rating!

Sofie: Well, I think you should clean out your own dirty dishes before doing someone elses.. the few books you wrote got pretty mixed reviews as well!

Frida turns away and doesn't answer.

Egil to Frida (Helenes parents): Who has the smoothest, fastest and most expensive cars in Sunset Valley, huh? Thats good old Egil, alright!

 Egil to Ingrid (his grandchild): Have you seen grandmas bike? It is the best of the best, a super expensive Yokoshimoto Wasp, the gold and aluminum model! And who bought that for her? Me, of course!

Helene to Eivind: We have so much in common! I think we should get to know each other a little better!

Oh no you don't.. you're married to one of the twin brothers, you can't have them both! Sofie is not going to like that if she hears it...Reminder: Knut is married to Helene. Eivind is married to Sofie.

Eivind thinks: There seems to be an invisible magnet that just keeps pulling us together!
(Eivind had the magnet thought bubble here, but I was to slow to catch it on screenshot.)

What!? NO, you did NOT just think that! I object! However, as much as this annoyed me, I did not intervene, and luckily it sorted itself out, because... 
Helene: And I have the best most awesome car in town!
...of Helenes tendency to brag. (Just like her father..) Eivind yawns, and Monica in the background doesn't look to impressed either.... No one likes an excessive braggart!

 Haha, bad move, Helene! Bad move!

And just so you know, Sofie has been standing there listening to you all along... and she is not looking very amused. Sofie is very wary of this kind of thing, and looks down on anyone cheating on their signficant other.. She knows what it can lead to, something she learnt from very early on in her life...

Eirin just switched to her swimwear right in front of Ingmar. The way she looks at him makes me guess she might be hoping for something. Do you think the swimwear will help? Ah, you're so cute! :P Reminder: Eirin and Ingmar are the parents of Ranveig, Monica, Knut and Eivind.

Helene, you must know that trick doesn't work.. No one finds your car impressive and nobody really cares... Eivind is still not impressed...

Ingmar just insulted Eivinds house, and Ranveig feels its time to step in between. Monica wants to back off from her father and brother fighting. Well, its 2:30 in the night. Maybe its time to end this party before things start to get out of hand.

 Yeah, I think this party is over. Time to round up and send everyone home!

 Helene (to Monica and everyone): Thank you for coming and for making this such a great party! But I think its time to go home now everyone! Thank you so much for coming!

Monica: The pleasure is on my side! Such a great party for my brothers! Thank you for hosting the party!

And that was it for now for the Kråke-Motorsen family and the twin brothers birthday party!

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

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