Monday, October 9, 2023

Chapter 17.7 – December 2023: part I –Family, friends and neighbours.

December is here, and it's the time of year again for the students to return after having spent another semester filling up their brains with knowledge.. and other things. ;) It's quite the journey to go back and forth like that by car twice a year, but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end..


Now, usually going there the journey isn't typically very perilious. Atleast no more than any other journey by car, but this time they got a bit of a jump scare when the driver suddenly had to slam on the brakes as a wild horse came running out in the road right in front of them.. they were pretty close to getting a horse in through their windshield! Luckily it didn't end up that way, and after stopping to get a necessary breather after this dramatic near-incident, they could continue driving.. and after several more hours in the car they could finally see the place that they both knew and loved so well..

Good old Sunset Valley. Welcome back, students!


As Inge was the one driving on this very last leg of their journey, she turned left to drive up the hill to her parents home. Still a bit shaken, thinking the worst about how it could have ended, they unpacked their luggage from the car to walk inside for the night.. Oliver Freddy figured it was to late by now to go home to his moms house, as she was likely to be asleep, so he walked into the house with her to spend the night there...


Inge just had to walk in to say hi to the latest addition to the Reppe family, her youngest sister Emily. Last time Inge saw her, when she was home for the summer holiday, Emily was just a baby, lying in the crib, and already she had learnt to speak her first words and was very close to being able to walk all on her own..

        "Oh, what a big girl you've become..."


"Don't tell mom and dad I woke you up, but I just had to see you... now go to sleep again my little darling.." 


-- II --

Next morning in the Motorsen household, Ranveig was up early after having made breakfast for herself, and her teenage son Robert who was still in bed...

Eventually after he had gotten out of bed, he wanted to sit down by the computer to continue writing his romance kiosk literature novel, but Ranveig wouldn't immediately let him.. She was a little grumpy, because the following evening before going to bed, he had planted another trap on the computer for her.. Fooled again, it seems..


She had to let him sit down and write after a while anyway. She hoped one day he would stop pulling those pranks – in general he was a pretty nice and well-behaved boy. In general, that is. She had to think.. he didn't do it to cause harm, but she still didn't appreciate it very much.. It was a pretty nasty jump scare, and she thought it was embarassing for a woman her age to be so scared of something popping on a computer.. She was just happy he was still asleep when she turned it on, and that noone was there to witness just how she shrieked at the computer..


While this was going, over at the Reppe house Inge had gotten out of bed to play some ping pong upstairs with her dad, and Iselin was hiding behind the doorway to the kitchen, watching with pride as Emmy took her first steps all on her own, and finally mastered the art of walking.. well, atleast as much as a 1-year old toddler can do. ;)


Of course, learning how to walk for the first time can be exhausting, so she has to be excused for needing to take a little nap on the couch. Oliver Freddy is also up now, reading a book alongside Emmy. Now it's only the teenager of this house – Kristina, who is still in bed sleeping.. I guess sometimes being as teenager can be exhausting too...




While Robert was downstairs pondering about how to write kissing scenes, Ranveig was upstairs relaxing with a book when a message had found it's way to her found. She heard it's beeping sound there from somewhere underneath the cushion. She had left her phone on the cushion before she started reading, and somehow it must have slipped down underneath.. She had to search a bit to find it, but when she did, she was happy to see a message from her son. ;)


Of course he had to let her know they had arrived safely. Ranveig didn't worry as much as she used to, maybe it was the medication, or maybe she had finally managed to settle with the thought that her firstborn periodically leaving the nest to seek an education for himself.. Whatever the cause, it was a bliss, compared to her previous neurotic thoughts about everything that could go wrong on the way.. Oliver Freddy found it best to not message his mom about the near-accident with the horse... He was at Inges place, and everything was good...

Breakfast time for Inge, with mom and dad exchanging sweet words to each other in the background. There were no regrets on the decision they made to move to Sunset Valley. It was a radical change in their lives, but it was worth it, and much needed...

Robert Bråge had sent in a couple more chapters on his novel, and was awared 16 simoleons by the publisher. That was enough writing for today, so he called his friend Otto to hangout by the old fishermans huts. Robert wanted to spend some time there, hoping to catch a few fish and get some fresh air..


-- III --


It was raining ever so slightly though, as it had done all the way since last night. Otto wasn't to keen on spending time outside getting soaked, so the boys agreed to go inside one of the cabins and watch some tv while waiting it out.


Ranveig had just received a party invitation from Jamie Jolina-Sekemoto. She lived just down the street, and they were no more than distant friends, but still, since Jamie threw a party, she thought she should atleast send an invitation out to all the neighbours. Then it would be up to them if they wanted to show up or not. Ranveig wasn't usually a big fan of these parties.. to many people, but since she had her day off and no plans, and both of her sons out of the house, she didn't want to turn down the invitation and decided to go.

No need to use the car when it's this close, even if its raining.

Jamie, who is retired from her medical career, lives in this house with her husband Leighton Jolina-Sekemoto and her stepson Sam Sekemoto.

Sam is one of the local painters in town, which is a little disappointing to his father.. He had hoped for his son to become either a police man, fire fighter or even an astronaut, but none of these things were anything for Sam. No way, he was much to scared of heights to become an astronaut, that would be insane.. and being a police man or a fire fighter was out of the question too for a man that would almost faint at the thought of having to slide down a fireman's pole or fighting off a criminal... No, that wasn't Sam, not at all..

Leighton has the brave personality trait, but his son Sam has somehow turned out the complete opposite, being both a coward and neurotic.. the neurotic trait could stem from his grandma Yumi ( (deceased), but as not enough is known about the rest of their family, who knows where the cowardice comes from...



Aside from Leightons son Sam, Jolinas party is a bit of an elderly party, with the other guests being Ayesha Ansari, Asgeir Karlsen and Vegard Nielsen (standing in the background).

Ranveig wants to show her gratitude and give a present to Jamie for inviting her, so she quickly wraps up one of the books in her inventory, one that was written by Asgeir Karlsen, Sunset Valleys very own top selling author. Interestingly Jamie and Leighton still have one of those landline phones, though it has probably been out of service for quite a while by now... such an ancient relic of the past! Kids nowadays probably wouldn't even know how to use one.. ;)

Jamie was very excited about the present and wanted to yahoo Ranveig directly to the face, but that was a little to much for Ranveig, who would oftentimes prefer her own solitude over such excessive and extraverted socializing...


Over at the Reppe household, Kristina had finally woken up from her teenage slumber to go downstairs to have some.. lunch. Choosing to start her day in a healthy manner by eating a simple salad.


Inge was upstairs in her bedroom talking to Oliver Freddy about how excited she was to see how much her sister Emmy had grown just over the last 5-6 months. It's so incredible! Inge can't wait for the day when she will have a little one, or several little ones, of her own just like that...

Downstairs watching tv. Sleeping in didn't do wonders for Kristina, as she appears to go through some mood swings. However, if we didn't know from her thoughts, there would be no way to tell as she's really good at not letting it show. Kristina is such a well behaved girl most of the time. She must be experiencing the same inner turmoil as every other teenager, but always shows up being friendly and with a smile on her face.


The meanest thing she did was almost flirting with Oliver Freddy upstairs in her sisters bedroom a little later, however she changed her mind shortly before doing it.. I'm pretty sure this action could not be performed as it would.. violate some laws of the universe here.. Granted, Kristina just had a little bit of relationship trouble with her own girlfriend earlier, though that has been resolved, and.. well, she is a teenager, so maybe this is her way of dealing with it and acting inappropriate..


She didn't actually flirt with him, but still had to talk about things like watching the stars together and going on dates.. Oliver Freddy found this a little odd, and wanted to do an inkblot test on her, like he often did on Inge too, whenever there was something he didn't quite understand..

        "Oh yeah, that one looks like one of the shopping carts from the grocery store! It's always my job to make sure they're all stacked in place before closing time!"


    "And that one looks like my girlfriend, Lise Veronica! She has a rat in her bedroom! It's kinda gross!"

Later Oliver Freddy had gone downstairs to read another book, thinking about science, and Jarle was getting fed up for the nth time about his daughter sitting inside watching tv to much.... she remembered what he always what he used to say when she was of the age where parents wanted to see their young ones out climbing trees..

        "When I was your age.." and all that. She'd heard it many times before.. It took a while for him to realize why she preferred the tv instead of "going to the playground"... It had to come to pushes and shoves and coming home with bruises and a wounded knee before he understood why she didn't want to "climb the trees with the other kids..". It had nothing to do with the trees.

        He still had to complain about them having a tv in the house, though.. why they had to waste so much time watching that square box, when they could do something much more meaningful, such as spending time outdoors watering plants for instance..


Over by the fishermans huts Robert Bråge was getting a little impatient too, as the rain had no plans of holding up.. so he decided to go out and try his luck for a while anyway..


He was out of luck, though. The fish didn't appear to want to bite, or maybe he should use a different bait.. Even though he got his love for the outdoors from his father, he wasn't born with a fishing rod in his hand, so figuring out what bait to use and how to reel the fish in didn't come automatically. It's gonna take some time to learn properly..


Inge and Jarle had secretly gone upstairs to play a little juice pong.. not telling Iselin where they went, or what they were up to. She shouldn't be doing that.. it was better that she could keep herself busy downstairs caring for Emmy instead..

-- IV --


Having had no luck with the fish, Robert called a taxi to take them to the Hermansen Lot to play some arcade games. Once there however, Otto was getting a little tired, so he called for his own taxi to go home, leaving Robert to himself..


Calling his girlfriend Margrethe to come hang out didn't work either. He couldn't understand why she didn't want to come over.. it was two hours left of the towns curfew!

Plenty of time to have some fun before needing to go home, but she still thought it was to late to come over..

Not the best, but solo gaming was alright to for a while.


Over at Jamies house the guests had now left and Jamie was asleep. Only Leighton and Sam was still up. Ranveig was contemplating going home too, having a slight hope that the weather would let up, if only for a few minutes so she could make the walk..


At the Reppe household Inge looked like she was up to something.. Emmy was enjoying her new skill and walking around exploring.. "Maybe mommy has something interesting hidden in these kithcen drawers...". Oliver Freddy, Iselin and Kristina was in the living room watching tv, and Jarle had decided it was best for him to get some sleep...

Inge however, thought she could use the megaphone for something at home too... possibly a little late payback for the time he 'accidentally' walked in on her while she was taking a bath..


The rain wasn't letting up, so there was no more reason for Ranveig to sit around and wait, she had to go home at one point.. She didn't mind Oliver Freddy being out, but she thought that Robert might need a reminder that his curfew was soon up...


Oliver Freddy thought it was time to go home now too, but before leaving Inge wanted to watch the stars with him.. because now the rain had finally pulled away on it's journey northwards and the skies were clear again..


Ranveig was already in bed by the time Robert had made it home to have his evening meal. She was content receiving a reply that he would be on his way soon. Her 'old self' would not have, she would've gotten anxious and stayed up waiting, possibly even going to fetch him herself if he didn't return quickly enough..

Robert was just about to take the last bite before going to bed when Oliver Freddy finally came back home. It was just enough for a quick hello from Robert, before he went to bed. Not because he hadn't missed his brother, but because it had been a very long day already.. for all of them.. so it was time to get some rest before getting ready for christmas...


Good night. ;)


Previous (Lake Onebega) | Previous (Sunset Valley) | Next 

Other happenings:

Bjørn-Yngve Kråkesen-Motorsen is now in a relationship with Heidi Osnes.

Therapist Terje Hågensen is now in a relationship with Sam Sekemoto.

 Elfrid Osnes gave birth to a little boy called Josef.


Monika Morris got married to Vegard Nielsen.

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...