Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Chapter 17.7 – December 2023: part III – What does the future hold..?

During the following days before the christmas party Margrethe wanted to get her act together after having misbehaved a little, so she thought she'd make amends by helping out by cleaning up some around the house..

    Nobody had figured out who it was that egged the house downtown, especially not her parents.. and even if they had, they would've been kind enough to forgive her for it this one time.. even though they both had experience from the prison system, they believed more in rehabilitation than strict punishment and that everyone (mostly...) would be deserving of a second chance. Compared to some of the cases they knew about, egging someones house was pretty much as innocent as it got, and if they had known about it, she would have been let off the hook with no more than a warning..

    Pia was now no longer directly employed by the prison system, but was still heavily involved with it, in both treating and rehabilitating the inmates as a part of the process to prepare them for a continued life on the outside.. and she was herself getting a little impatient about her own career progress and how long it had been since her last promotion...

Fredrik had a day off from the office today, and wanted to spend it wisely hanging out downtown maintaining his contact and popularity with the local population. He thought both things were important as both the towns mayor and as a prison warden, to be visible and to know what moves around town...


Speaking of politics, his colleague at the town hall, Ingrid Kråkesen-Karlsen had finally been promoted to ballot counter after having been polishing the podiums for four years now... Congratulations. ;)


Margrethes class had just been on an excursion at the theatre and Margrethe was now weighing her options in regards to her future career with her mom.. she had great fun at the theatre and got to try many different instruments, and she now wondered whether she should pursue a career in music, or if she should continue to practice painting? Or maybe she should do like her half-brother and go to university and become a scientist?


Or should she do like her mom and become a doctor? Pia would no doubt be very enthusiastic if her daughter would choose that path, but she would not force her to do it.. ;)


..but she had to chip in that few things were as rewarding in life as being successfully able to rehabilitate a former criminal, or even better, just keeping people away from pursuing a life of crime in total...


Margrethe had called Robert Bråge to go out on a date earlier, which he had declined, saying he was unsure if he could leave work. He had still declined her once more when she called him after his work hours, which made her have some concerns about their relationship.. She called him up once more later in the evening, because she had to atleast talk to him.. She was starting to worry now that some rumours might be spreading about her behaviour during the past days, and that this was why he didn't appear to want to hang out with him anymore...

She had to relieve her conscience afterwards by donating some money to people with Simlish as a second language, as well as doing a few more chores around the house..

Later in the evening Pia had invited over ambulance driver Anfinn Knoph, one of her colleagues from the hospital, over for a visit. Margrethe sought the opportunity to inquire him a little bit about the medical career, as well as ask him about her reputation around town.. unfortunately he had to say that people had noticed how she had been publicly flirting and hanging around both Otto and Morten, and she was now found to be a little indecent...


This was definately bad news! If he knew about it, then surely Robert must also know! She didn't know if it would be a good idea or not, but she quickly sent him another message to apologize for any rumour he might have heard.. Her parents had, afterall, taught her to be honest and not a liar, so what could she do, other than to admit guilt and try to make the best of the situation..

She received no reply, and she was tempted to send him another message again, because she really hoped he would be able to forgive her for what she had done..

Anfinn put two and two together and understood what the little girl was doing, and adviced her to give it some time. There was no guarantuee that Robert would accept her apology, but he told her that it in this situation it was best not to put to much pressure on him and let him make the decision on what he wanted to do next...


She hoped to hear from him before the upcoming christmas party, or she was worried it would be awkward.. what if he wanted to break up with her instead..? On christmas eve.. in front of everyone in her family? That would definately have been the worst christmas EVER... It would've been so embarassing..

Oh well, be that as it may.. but.. still... let's hope for the best.. Good night.. ;)



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