Monday, October 16, 2023

Chapter 17.7 – December 2023: part II – Recipe for an omelette..

- I – The Holmesen-Fredriksen family -


Early next morning Oliver Freddys half sister Margrethe woke up with a grumpy and mischievous mood. I – the Narrator – haven't spent time in this household since her birthday two years ago when she became a teenager, and I think it's due time now. During her visit to Lise Veronicas house earlier this year, she was such a neat and nice girl, one could be fooled to believe she didn't have a bad bone in her.. I certainly did. Maybe now we will find out otherwise..

Margrethe and her family live in this funkis styled building in the upper part of town. Not called so because it's necessarily the better part of town, because it isn't, it is, you know, literally just the upper part of town.. elevation and all that.. So.. their house sits there in all it's pointy and square glory, wedged in between the local prison and the pub of the area, "The Prison Warden Pub.


She doesn't live there alone, of course.. she's got parents. They're currently sleeping, but they are her father "The Prison Warden" and mayor of the town, Fredrik Holmesen-Fredriksen, and her mother, "The Psychiatrist", Pia Holmesen-Fredriksen. Her father moved to the town as a young, young adult in the early 2000s.

    Fredrik Fredriksen was only 18 years old back then, fresh out of his parents home, but what he lacked in apparent experience and knowledge of the world he more than weighed up for with his bravery and ambition... He had applied for a job as a prison officer at the local prison, while simultaneously working on his political career.. It was also during his first years in town he had a brief encounter with a local woman called Ranveig, which some nine months later resulted in a baby boy being born at the hospital late on one particularly exhausting night..

    Their relationship didn't last very long and they broke up soon after, before any of them knew she was pregnant... Fast forward to some years later, Fredrik had already excelled in his careers, being promoted to prison officer specialist (rank 4 of the prison career)*

    This was around the time when he noticed a beautiful young woman that had just moved to town to work as a forensic psychiatrist at the prison.. At this point he had made enough money in his career to have built the house they currently live in, but she was still living in one of the poorly maintained homes in "The New Town" area.. but anyway, he couldn't help but notice this girl, and lucky for him, he had the bravery to do something about it. ;)

    They ended up as a couple, she moved into his house, got pregnant and out came.. this..


..this little girl they called Margrethe, and who, some 15 years later would wake up grumpy and with stomach pains for no apparent reason, and as a result wanted to get back at the world by planting a prank in the bathroom sink..


Then it's a quick round of breakfast and finishing up the last bit of homework just in time for the school bus honks to pick up her up.. Of all the kids in town, Margrethe has the longest way to school, and is one of the few kids there that would actually need a school bus.. but the school bus system has been decided on a national level, that every kid should have access to a school bus, even if they live right next door to the school. It's not mandatory to use it, though, and on good days, even Margrethe may go to school by bike. However, today did not look like such a day..


Mom and dad also has to leave the house to go to work. Her father now adminsters both the town and the prison from the town hall, and her mother seeks to become a world renowned (brain) surgeon, but isn't quite there yet. She currently works as a doctor at the hospital in town, from where she also adminsters the local mental hospital, located on 'Little Black Marys Hill', which they all have to drive past on their way downtown.

Margrethe gets a good view of it everyday on the school bus. The mental hospitals A block and B block can be seen to the right, along with the old 'Therapists home' in the front. The hospital buildings are old as it was built in the 1800s, and so they are on the list of protected buildings which means that their exterior can't be altered. The interior as well as the hospital practice, have been modernized several times since then, though.... and as for why the hill has it's name, well.. that's a story for another day.. maybe..   It's one that goes even further back, all the way to the fall of the Dark Ages...

- II – Townies -


Now that everyone for this chapters main household is at either school or work, it's time to check up on some other townies and see what they're up too..


Inge spends the day indoors, doing tricks with her trick ball and becoming increasingly impatient with the thought of.. babies!!

Her boyfriend Oliver Freddy (and Margrethes half-brother) has spent the day working as an assistant for his aunt Monica at the Landgraab Research Facility.

His mother Ranveig spent her day inside in peace and quiet reading a book.

Jamie Jolina-Sekemoto tried some roller skating with a local maid.

Bibi Sayed went relaxing in the winter festivals hot tub. They're not getting ice skating rinks and snowboard ramps in Sunset Valley. It would all melt away to quickly to keep cool...

The two 'original elders' Asgeir and Lucie Karlsen was spotted at the New Town Library, thinking about the books or all the dust that has been collected on them....


    - III – Sometimes you just have to break some eggs...


School was done for today, and people were enjoying their time on the winter festival in the park right across the street, but Margrethe had no intention of joining them – or going home to her house with the school bus...


She hitched a taxi instead and told the driver to wait outside the grocery store for a while... she just needed to get something quick, before she told the driver to turn around and stop by the first residential building she saw... The taxi driver told her good luck before slowly driving off, whistling a tune to herself.. She had been there herself once when she was younger, and knew what Margrethe was up to...

Oh my, whoeever lives there is probably gonna have to spend some time cleaning up that glass door.. ;) Margrethe was lucky though, that nobody actually discovered what she did, and she was able to leave the crime scene without being spotted..


Monika Morris-Nielsen was out raking up the leaves in her garden, but didn't appear to see or hear anything... but if there's anyone that's gonna be a witness, it would have to be her.. in case rumour should spread, atleast we'll know the source.. ;)


After having successfully evaded being caught egging someones house, she went to the park to try her luck on the skating rink for a while, before she sent a message to Morten Kråkesen-Karlsen asking if he wanted to hang out.

Her father was just home from work, feeling good about donating money to his favourite charity to help people out of poverty. Anything he could, he thought, to prevent people from becoming so desperate they felt that resorting to crime was the only way out.. Though he also believed in punishment and rehabilitation for wrongdoers, he always thought, together with his wife, that it would be better to get to them before it got to that point... They are both of the belief that most people are good, and will choose to stay away from crime if given a choice. Most people, that is...

Helping people in need has always been important to both of them, and it's just one of many things that works as a glue in their relationship, possibly making it the most solid one there is in this town.. these two are as close to inseperable as it gets...


After work he wanted to take his wife out to watch a movie at the theatre, and hmm.. he's got a new car since last time. Not to strange since it's two years ago, and these guys are wealthy... they could probably get a new car once a month... but still, that's an interesting ride there, looks pretty fit for a prison warden to have...


As the parents make their way downtown, Morten shows up at the park. After some initial greetings and conversations, Margrethe moves on to flirt with him.. Not the most appropriate thing to do, as she is already in a relationship with Robert.. and even has Roberts friend Otto as her romantic interest. Morten is not someone who she is romantically interested in though, so I don't know what kind of games she's playing here..


She's being a little mischievous I suppose, because as Morten wants to sit down and do his homework, she walks towards the toilets in the background.. Not because she needs to go, but to plant a trap in another sink again.. much to this paparazzis amusement..

Now why the paparazzi would choose to hang around inside the womens bathroom, I don't know, but that's just how it is. ;)

Margrethe isn't only out to do mischief though, and satisfied with planting another trap, she joins Morten outside to do her homework..

By the theatre Pia and Fredrik had just finished watching their romantic drama movie, when another one just seemed to happen outside as Ingrids boyfriend Hogne Nielsen asked Victoria Andrews to watch the evening sky together..


It's wrong, but looks kind of cute.. kind of, but it doesn't end there, because when they're done Hogne is approached by Ine Melhus who begins flirting with him..


..and this is where it gets intritcate...Ine Melhus is the ex-girlfriend of Ingrids grandfather, Asgeir Karlsen... She was his girlfriend for a short while after his wife cheated on him with Victorias ex-husband, Beau Andrews...

..but that's not enough.. I don't know why this Hogne guy is seemingly so irresistible, because next he is approached by Maria Rodriguez that also begins flirting with him..


They know how to create chaos.. while all this and more went on outside the theatre, Margrethe had finished her homework and was in a taxi to go home before dark.. 


- IV – Rejection and replacements...


Another one also in a taxi on her way home is Kristina, Inges younger sister, who just got fired from her job at the grocery store.. She was absolutely devastated as she watched the store through the window of the taxi.. this was her first job, and she was so happy to have it...


Once home Margrethe wants to invite her boyfriend, Robert Bråge, over for a visit, but doesn't get the response she's hoping for.. she told him no last time he wanted to invite her over, so is this some kind of payback?


Since he told her no, she goes for the second best thing.. her romantic interest, and Robert Bråges best friend (for now...), Otto.. and his answer is much more positive.. fortunately, or unfortunately....


..but it's obvious who she has most feelings for though, because even after getting a positive response from Otto, she still has to shed a few tears after being turned down by her boyfriend...


..sadness turns to happiness quickly enough after she has opened the door to let Otto in, and she's quick to seize the opportunity to flirt with him..


Of course, she has learnt from hearing her dad talk about his job the importance of being charismatic, and that sometimes you just have to 'flirt' a little to get ahead..


After watching the drama both in and out of the theatre, Pia and Fredrik had gone to eat the Bistro before heading home.. Good old memories. This is the exact same spot where Fredrik proposed to Pia some 16 years ago.. ;)


Once home Pia asks her daughter how her day has been, but Margrethe appears to only listen with half an ear, her eyes being fixed on Otto instead...


So Pia then moves on to welcomes him to their house, and talk to him for a while... she wants to get to know the boys her daughter brings home...


Kristina was pretty devastated at the loss of her job at the grocery store, but has now began to heal and mend from it by getting a new job at the Day Spa instead.. good luck with that. Hope you can do better as a receptionist than selling groceries!

Margrethe is just about to ask Otto to sleep over, they have a guest room ready and everything, but is just a little to late before he excuses himself to go home to his own mom.. He probably shouldn't be messing with his best friends girlfriend! It's pretty late now anyway, and it's almost bedtime for both kids and adults alike..


Pia has already gone to bed, and Margrethe is on her way. It's only Fredrik that wants to spend some time on the computer before bedtime – playing games, not working this time for a change....

Margrethe hasn't decided on a lifetime wish yet. I think she's potentially a bit of an artistic type, but we'll see. It doesn't seem likely that she would want to follow in her fathers footsteps and take over the role as a Prison Warden or seek a career in politics. If she's going to take after one of her parents, it's more likely she'll do like her mom and become a doctor, but it's all still out in the open for now. Good night. ;) 


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Bonus video:

Sunset Valley Episode 4. 

Another old video that was never meant to be shown to anyone. ;) I estimate this one to be around 2006-2007 on the timeline. This little video continues from the previous ones, episode 2 and 3, and deals more with the dating process of the second generation sims. Now with some proposals and marriages, also for a pair of newcomers to town.. the dating process of Margrethes parents is also covered in this video from four minutes and 18 seconds in...


* Footnote: Obviously there is no prison career in game, nor is there a mod that I know of that simulates this. This is all story telling. Because you know, sometimes I do that... whether a mod exists for it or not. Keep that in mind....

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