Friday, October 20, 2023

Chapter 17.7 – December 2023: part IV – An alien for christmas...

I want an alien for Christmas
Bring me an alien this year
I want a little green guy
About three feet high
With seventeen eyes
Who knows how to fly
I want an alien for Christmas this year

"I want an alien for Christmas" – Fountains of Wayne.

Hooray! The morning of Christmas Eve is finally here! Time for everyone to relax, spend time indoors with their family and nice warm drinks and watch everyones favorite reruns of old christmas classics!


Or umm... spend your morning on the computer working, because you're a darn work-a-holic that just can't put your job down.. Well, Fredrik is definately a busy man... it takes a lot of time to run both a town and a prison, that's for sure. Always something to catch up on, some report from a meeting to read and decisions to be made... but don't feel bad for him, because he loves it. However, even a work-a-holic needs to spend some time with his family, and there will be plenty of time for that later today...


Pia became the unlucky victim of what was left of her daughters pranks, but being so kind and forgiving as she is she was willing to overlook this one as well. She just went on with her business, washing her hands and mopping up the water that was spilled all over the floor like this was nothing. She knew her daugher well enough to know that she was a good person, and that she was pretty disciplined and dutiful most of the time..


She let her have this one. Having a minor in psychology, she understood very well the effect the hormones could have on the brain and the emotional regulation systems during the teenage years. She didn't want to incite her daughter to become rebellious by scolding her to much...


..and since this was Christmas morning, she also found some time to donate money to the poor who couldn't afford to celebrate christmas properly. This family had more than enough of money to live life excactly how they wanted, as well as securing their daughters future almost no matter what she wanted to do, so she saw no point in hoarding just for the sake of having a lot of money.. Watcher bless this cute little family! ;)


..and of course, it's always the usual modern and effective routine of spreading even more holiday cheer by posting the best christmas wishes to peoples social media profiles, each and everyone with a uniquely selected Yuletide image to go with it..

- II – Visiting Olivia -

After having helped mom and dad decorate the house in and out with the same decorations as last year ("no.. that reindeer doesn't go there...") Margrethe wanted to spend some time hanging out with Olivia this christmas forenoon, so it was time to head out the door again and leave the parents with what was left of the preparations..

..she just hoped they hadn't noticed it was her that egged their house some days earlier. She didn't really mean it.. She was usually a good girl she told herself, she just had this strange, unexplainable urge in her to do some mischief..


She felt relieved when no word was said of the incident and she was welcomed inside by Olivias mother Claire and their childish, but amusing friend Zelda whom they shared their flat with. The room had a pleasant aroma of insense and myrrh and there was still some christmas tea left on the kitchen counter if she wanted any. 

    They had just finished a long christmas breakfast with homemade meat rolls, smoked salmon, homemade breakfast buns and homemade christmas herring in all it's variants and of course, christmas liver paté (they bought the last one at the store and it's not really any different from the ordinary liver paté, except this one has christmas slapped all over it and is a little more expensive, but it's ok.. it has the spirit and that's what counts!).... and Margrethe had arrived just in time to watch the traditional rerun of everyones favourite christmas cartoon on tv.. Same procedure as every year..


One of the best things about christmas (or any other holiday for that matter..) is that her daughter gets time off from school.. Claire never saw the point of going to school and having the kids trapped inside this building for several hours each day, when it would've been much better for them to be outside and learning more practical skills...

Claire is a little disappointed her daughter never shared her love of fishing and spending time outdoors. If she would've had her way, Olivia would've been homeschooled, but Olivia has always objected to this, because she knew what that would mean.... Olivia keeps silent during her moms tirade. She finds it embarrassing how her mom always has to drone on and on about the same thing all the time.. If Claire would've listened more to what Olivia thinks, she would've known that her daughter doesn't think school is all that bad.. except geography, because geography sucks!

One of Olivias favourites in school is science, biology and chemistry in particular. She can't wait to become a young adult and leave her mom's claws and move out on her own.. maybe she'll apply for a job at the research center, or go to university first. She's not quite sure, but it's probably gonna be one of those.. than mom can sit there alone with Zelda and bicker about how useless the education system is!


Margrethe isn't to interested in science herself, but she thinks it's a pretty cool idea for her friend. She's got her half-brother Oliver Freddy, and he' studying at university. She's not sure excactly what he's doing there, but she knows it's something really advanced, like studying and doing samples of rocks or something. She's pretty sure something like that would be really interesting to Olivia, and thinks it would be really cool if she would go to university.


Margrethes visit can't last forever though. She has to go home to mom and dad at one point, and her mom makes sure she knows by messaging her ever so kindly. They've spent all day decorating the house, and Margrethe must say goodbye to her friend and come home now to pick her outfit and get dressed for their christmas party this evening...

- III – Christmas Eve -

"Go upstairs now and put on your outfit.. the guests should arrive any minute now..."

Margrethe had to spend her time wisely to choose the best outfit she could. It had to be something christmassy, yet stylish, to impress both her mom and her boyfriend.. especially her boyfriend. She had to do everything she could now to treat him well and give a good impression of herself again, after having messed up earlier... She ended up being pretty happy and satisfied with her result, and had to give off a little christmas cheer when she saw herself in the mirrors. She was impressed at just how classy, yet christmaslike she thought she looked! Perfect, and just in time for the guests to start showing up!


Fredrik was just about to do some last minute laundry cleaning when the doorbell rang and he had walk out to welcome the guests.. Oliver Freddy wasn't to excited to finally see his father again.. 

    Ever since he found a new woman in Pia, he had become increasingly absent in his life, and even more so after they got married and got their first (and so far only) child in Margrethe.. no doubt this had left some feelings of bitterness and resentment in him, watching his mother struggle with raising both him and his brother all alone.. and all both of them ever saw of their fathers were the monthly paycheck.. Sure enough, they came in handy, but money is a poor replacement for a father figure..


Inge and her family was happy to see him though, here exemplified by her sister Kristinas reaction. It's not everyday they would get invited to a christmas party over at the mayors residence, and how awesome isn't it to have such a high ranking figure now as a part of your own family.


For family oriented girls like Inge and Kristina this couldn't have been better, but their mom Iselin was also excited to get the opportunity to mingle with a man of his stature.. she was definately cheerful enough..

..and then there's Ranveig, poor Ranveig. It turns out that after all these years, she still has feelings for her ex..


Romantic relationships is a difficult thing... Margrethe wasn't sure how she should adress the issue she felt was between them, and began talking in circles, using the weather as metaphors.. though these past few days had been a little rainier, she hoped they were moving towards sunnier days..

Robert wasn't sure what she was on about.. she was starting to act like an alien again... he felt she was playing some weird kind of game with him again, just like she did this summer when he had invited her to the school ball.. why did she have to be this confusing?

'Girls', he thought, 'why can't they just say what they mean....?'

He was more on board when she said that if the skies would clear, that later tonight.. maybe.. they would watch the moon and the stars together.. Still a little weird, but atleast this was something more tangible in a way.. of course he would do that.. If that's what she wanted, she could've just said it..

Pia and Fredrik were being good hosts, preparing warm drinks and serving the food, and soon it would be time for everyone to sit down and enjoy a nice christmas meal.. the first one of several. There wasn't going to be a shortage of food for this evening! As is usual, everyone had brought a small meal of their own, and in addition Fredrik had in advance ordered a real Christmas buffet from the Corsican Bistro downtown..

The good old christmas tunes played on the stereo in the background as, well, almost everyone sat down to enjoy their meal. Pia wanted to make sure everyone enjoyed the evening, and well.. even on Christmas eve, she couldn't stop thinking about her job and when she was gonna get her next promotion..

Oliver Freddy had found his place on the couch next to his mom playing video games (with the sound off, because she knew how much Jarle hated to have his peace be disturbed by any sound coming from the tv apparatus...)


It was only Inge who chose to eat in private.. even though there would have been space for her on the couch next to her boyfriend..

She eventually returned to the others and as usual she had to shed a few tears again at the beauty of having everyone in the family gathered for Christmas eve.. and Kristina was being dutiful, serving the family in her own way by gathering the dishes after their meal..


Then when she had made sure that everyones belly was full and well and then some, the host also sat down to eat finally.. and unfortunately it's clear that Iselins exuberant mood on this magical evening stems from a little more than just the joy of spending time with family and loved ones.. she's had a taste of that juice again.. just a little sip couldn't hurt, right.... everything is by the normal... yeah...

..and Margrethe.. she's had her thoughts on that mistletoe all evening.. and a special someone who she wants to kiss right there underneath it.. Robert still thinks she's a bit of a mystery, and wonders if he can use any of this for his romance novel that he's currently writing... ;)

Jarle watches the kids, and thinks they're pretty cute.. it reminds him of his younger days, before he met his current wife.. he sends a quick nod in Roberts direction.. 'You got this one, boy...'


Robert wasn't sure what the nod was for, but he understood it eventually when she led him to the mistletoe.. She felt really nervous about this.. asking him for a kiss in front of everyone.. why did mom and dad need to hang the mistletoe here, in the living room of all places...? 

    Right now she would've wished for it to hang somewhere a little more private.. but at the same time there would be the most powerful way right now on this evening to let him now that it was him that she really wanted... then later she could back at her parents for not hanging up the mistletoe somewhere else, such as the bathroom or the laundry room downstairs...

She could feel the lump in her stomach, and how her heart raced and how it was everything all at once when they kissed.. it was nerve-racking, it was good, it was weird, it was awfully embarrassing, it was wonderful.. it made her cheeks tingle and she was one hundred percent sure her face was indistinguishable from her jacket right now, and that everyone in the room could tell and that she had just made herself into the laughing stock of this Christmas party..

It was awful! But it was so good! It was terrible! She loved and hated every moment of it! She loved it for the kiss, but hated it because she felt all the eyes of the universe was on her... when that couldn't have been further from the truth, because everyone else was more occupied with their own things.. She was gonna get back at mom and dad for this for sure...


Ranveig was proud of both her boys, as she always had been, and her mothers heart felt warmed by knowing that now both of them had found love.. She had eventually overcome the feeling that Inge was a threat that would take her beloved son away and settled with the thought of Oliver Freddy being in a relationship with her, and she knew Margrethe was a sweet girl.. even if she was the daughter of her ex, she felt content that both of her sons would be in good hands.. and that she had to let go of them both at one point.. It would be difficult, her sons meant the world to her, but there would be no other way..

There would be no other way.. and one day Oliver Freddy and Inge would get married. Inge would make sure of that..

That... was still a lot for Ranveig to hear, and she felt the need to retreat downstairs and strum a few notes to herself on the guitar that was standing there down in the hallway..

Pia had a keen and observant eye, which was necessary when from having previously worked in a prison, and had picked up on the cues that something had been going on between Margrethe and Robert, and was happy now that they had resolved their 'fighting'..

Margrethe had no response to her moms comment and pretended to not hear what she said... they hadn't been fighting... it was just.. it was.. nothing... just a few misunderstandings, that's all..


The evening was soon coming to an end, but Inge wanted one last dance with her boyfriend before leaving. Oliver Freddy was impressed with how clean and tidy this house was... it was rare to find a house this neat!


After Inge and her family had left, Robert wanted to know more about his brothers thoughts about getting married.. was it true what heard, was he and Inge really going to marry?


Margrethe, only hearing snippets of their conversation over the sounds from the tv, heard the words 'wedding' and 'marriage', and it made her panic a little bit.. was he talking about them?? Was he thinking about getting married already? She was only 15, she was much to young to get married! Was this how it was..? Now that they had kissed under the mistletoe in front of everyone... they would now all think that they would get married!? Did he really mean that!?


"No way that can be... I don't think mom would allow it.. I need to get a little closer to hear what they're talking about.."

..but before she got that close Oliver Freddy and Ranveig had already left the party, and now it was just Robert remaining as the only guest... and the conversation had shifted to the joy of cooking and preparing meals for others.. not what she was interested in hearing...

So she might as well just do the Christmas smustle... Robert is just about to ask her to dance with him, but at the very last minute he remembers his mom and instead says goodbye for the night. Margrethe concludes it's probably best not to share what she thought she heard earlier about marriage.. she thinks she has probably made enough of a fool of herself as is already..

With all the guests of the house (and Margrethe upstairs filling her already stuffed stomach with another meal from the buffet table) Pia wants to use the opportunity to grab a kiss from her husband underneath a special decoration that Margrethe never noticed in privacy downstairs...


Merry Christmas! ;)


Pia is now just about ready to go bed, but apparently Margrethe had some other plans.. a bag of surpises, didn't know she had a megaphone in her possession. Must've been hanging out with the rebel crowd at the Blitzkrieg house, there's no other way she could've gotten one..

Pia is usually not the one to get angry with her daughter, but when she heard her shouting in the megaphone downstairs.. the reaction was immediate. It was bedtime now, damnit! She had to stop and count to ten before calling for her daughter.. and later find a way to confiscate that megaphone! No shouting like that in the house after bedtime!


She had to restrain herself to stick to her beliefs that one comes a long way with parental guidance through care and love and gave her daughter a friendly hug and a reminder not to be so noisy so late in the evening, before telling her to go and get some sleep...

Margrethe realized that her mom was right and that using the megaphone at this hour indoors probably wasn't the best idea and chose to listen and go to bed.. it was only Fredrik that had to cram in a little more work on his laptop before he would do the same...


Goodnight.. ;)



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Chapter 17.7 – December 2023: part III – What does the future hold..?

During the following days before the christmas party Margrethe wanted to get her act together after having misbehaved a little, so she thought she'd make amends by helping out by cleaning up some around the house..

    Nobody had figured out who it was that egged the house downtown, especially not her parents.. and even if they had, they would've been kind enough to forgive her for it this one time.. even though they both had experience from the prison system, they believed more in rehabilitation than strict punishment and that everyone (mostly...) would be deserving of a second chance. Compared to some of the cases they knew about, egging someones house was pretty much as innocent as it got, and if they had known about it, she would have been let off the hook with no more than a warning..

    Pia was now no longer directly employed by the prison system, but was still heavily involved with it, in both treating and rehabilitating the inmates as a part of the process to prepare them for a continued life on the outside.. and she was herself getting a little impatient about her own career progress and how long it had been since her last promotion...

Fredrik had a day off from the office today, and wanted to spend it wisely hanging out downtown maintaining his contact and popularity with the local population. He thought both things were important as both the towns mayor and as a prison warden, to be visible and to know what moves around town...


Speaking of politics, his colleague at the town hall, Ingrid Kråkesen-Karlsen had finally been promoted to ballot counter after having been polishing the podiums for four years now... Congratulations. ;)


Margrethes class had just been on an excursion at the theatre and Margrethe was now weighing her options in regards to her future career with her mom.. she had great fun at the theatre and got to try many different instruments, and she now wondered whether she should pursue a career in music, or if she should continue to practice painting? Or maybe she should do like her half-brother and go to university and become a scientist?


Or should she do like her mom and become a doctor? Pia would no doubt be very enthusiastic if her daughter would choose that path, but she would not force her to do it.. ;)


..but she had to chip in that few things were as rewarding in life as being successfully able to rehabilitate a former criminal, or even better, just keeping people away from pursuing a life of crime in total...


Margrethe had called Robert Bråge to go out on a date earlier, which he had declined, saying he was unsure if he could leave work. He had still declined her once more when she called him after his work hours, which made her have some concerns about their relationship.. She called him up once more later in the evening, because she had to atleast talk to him.. She was starting to worry now that some rumours might be spreading about her behaviour during the past days, and that this was why he didn't appear to want to hang out with him anymore...

She had to relieve her conscience afterwards by donating some money to people with Simlish as a second language, as well as doing a few more chores around the house..

Later in the evening Pia had invited over ambulance driver Anfinn Knoph, one of her colleagues from the hospital, over for a visit. Margrethe sought the opportunity to inquire him a little bit about the medical career, as well as ask him about her reputation around town.. unfortunately he had to say that people had noticed how she had been publicly flirting and hanging around both Otto and Morten, and she was now found to be a little indecent...


This was definately bad news! If he knew about it, then surely Robert must also know! She didn't know if it would be a good idea or not, but she quickly sent him another message to apologize for any rumour he might have heard.. Her parents had, afterall, taught her to be honest and not a liar, so what could she do, other than to admit guilt and try to make the best of the situation..

She received no reply, and she was tempted to send him another message again, because she really hoped he would be able to forgive her for what she had done..

Anfinn put two and two together and understood what the little girl was doing, and adviced her to give it some time. There was no guarantuee that Robert would accept her apology, but he told her that it in this situation it was best not to put to much pressure on him and let him make the decision on what he wanted to do next...


She hoped to hear from him before the upcoming christmas party, or she was worried it would be awkward.. what if he wanted to break up with her instead..? On christmas eve.. in front of everyone in her family? That would definately have been the worst christmas EVER... It would've been so embarassing..

Oh well, be that as it may.. but.. still... let's hope for the best.. Good night.. ;)



Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...