Saturday, July 1, 2023

Chapter 17.1 - June 2023: I must be in love with an alien... part I

                                            The Kelly Family – Fell in love with an alien

...and hello Sunset Valley. The town showed itself from its more rainy side as the students arrived from the mountains..

It takes a while to drive from the lake to Sunset Valley, and since it was so late and Ranveig and Robert Bråge was likely already in bed, Inge invited Oliver Freddy to spend the night at her and her parents house. Now that it looked like it was raining more than ever they just had to sit outside and watch the clouds drift by for a while before getting inside...

Inge happily greeted her sister Kristina as she walked into their old bedroom to go to sleep in her old bed.

The guest bed was occupied by Inges mom Iselin taking a nap for some reason, so Oliver Freddy had to make do temporarily with the couch in the living room downstairs. This made it look like there had been a recent fight between Inges parents, but I guess not, because as soon as they woke up everything looked just fine as they kept repeatedly flirting with each other and exchanging flowers...

Or maybe this was just their way of making up, I don't know. It's hard to tell what happened when I seemingly land right in the middle of something. ;)

The Reppe family is probably the most family oriented family, because when they youngest one Emmy is in need of something, they all queue up to help out. Yes, even Jarle did eventually, even though he's not in this picture. He will often sit in the bedroom reading right next to Emmy, which is just really good parenting. ;) Now that I made sure that Iselin can no longer drink since I locked away the juice bar, that baby should have a pretty good upbringing..

Oh, wait.. well, ok, you can have that one I guess, just don't do that to often.. or I'll act like a repo man and take that one away too...

Now that Jarle and Iselin aren't using the beds anymore, Oliver Freddy has gone upstairs to sleep, but then Inge wakes up to watch tv on the couch and just sit up in the middle of the night drinking coffee.. She's not really a night owl, but acts like one often anyway when left completely to her own control.

Inges notes:

Sometimes when I'm at home at my parents house especially I just wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep no matter how hard I try.. It's a little hard to relax in this house, so.. and I figure there's no use in lying there staring at the ceiling waiting, so I might as well just get up to watch some tv and have a coffee.. you know..?

Narrators notes:

Well, not really, but ok...

Over at the Motorsen house there is another one that got up early to watch tv as Ranveig has sat down on her chair in the hallway upstairs to watch old morning reruns of her favorite romance tv-show for the nth time... Everything is by the usual here..

Eventually Robert Bråge woke up and they went downstairs to have a nice breakfast of french toast leftovers before Robert Bråge sat down by the computer to continue writing his science fiction novel, "A train through time". Ranveig sent Oliver Freddy a message wanting to know where he was since she hadnt heard from him and since he didn't come home last night.

It's unlikely that Oliver Freddy would be reading this message since he was still asleep in the guest bed over at Inges parents house. :P

Like Oliver Freddy earlier, Ranveig had made sure to buy a tumble drier for her home without thinking that a laundry machine might also be useful, so when the dirty clothes piled up she still had no choice but to pay a visit to the local laundromat...

Over at the laundromat she meets up with Hogne Nielsen, Ingrids boyfriend, to talk fondly about her favorite tv shows.. Her favorite scenes are of course the ones where everyone gets married and lives happily ever after.. a stark contrast to her own life...

This Hogne Nielsen guy, if I am to be honest, I never liked him since I first saw him and it annoys me that he is Ingrids boyfriend, however I will let fate run its course... Of course, once he learnt about Ranveigs favorite tv shows, he put two and two together and probably thought this was a good chance to take advantage of the single mother, and immediately began flirting with her and handing her flowers.. Romance, finally! Of course Ranveig got weak in the knees for a moment there and couldn't immediately say no..

It has always been a sore spot for Ranveig to watch her younger sister and brothers get married and have successfull romantic relationships (atleast from the outside perspective), when she, as the oldest sister hasn't even been married...

Ranveig knew that accepting flirtatious behaviour from him probably wasn't the best idea, not just because he was much younger than her, but also because he was still coupled with Ingrid.. She found an excuse to put him aside when she received a reply from Oliver Freddy that their journey home had gone by without hassle and that he was all well and good over at Inges house. The perfect message at the right time to put the anxious mothers heart at ease, and so she could push Hogne aside for a while and foucs on picking up her clean clothes and get out of there...

Back at the house Robert Bråge had just finished his first novel at 150 pages long and received the title "Amateur writer" from the local business association. Not bad at all for a 13 year old. :P Being who he is, he wanted to spend the rest of the day outdoors and so he called his friend Margrethe to hang out at the park.

After finishing her laundry, Ranveig wanted to get pumped so she ran down the road to the gym to do some strength training by the stereo on the second floor. Ingrids father Jonathan is seen working out in the background to the right.

His wife Kathrine (5 months pregnant) may have been working out too, as she was seen leaving the gym in her fitness wear.

People were enjoying this nice day out in the park when Robert Bråge met up with Margrethe to discuss the latest issue of his favorite cartoon. His aunt Monica and his cousin Lise Veronica is seen on the swings in the background.


Over at Inges parents house, Inge and Kristina was still walking around in their sleepwear when Tori Kimura came over to visit to sit down and watch tv. :P

At the park Margrethe had began flirting with Robert and what was initially just a friendly meeting became a date...

Robert then thought it would be a good idea to take his now date over to go bowling, and then later perhaps watch a movie... ;)

..or maybe they should go to the prom tonight, as Margrethe asked Robert to slow dance to the pop music that was playing over the speakers and told him she didn't have anyone to go with for prom to night. I didn't know there was a prom night again.. it looks like they like their prom nights in the Sim world. Of course Robert took the hint and asked her to go with him, though her reply was a little strange... :P

"It might happen that I get abducted by aliens before the ball, and then it might happen that I won't come. I would like to go with you, but remember that this can happen at any time."

I'll interpret that as a maybe... ;) This left Robert a little confused though...

".. aliens? What!? Now she's just trying to play games with me.. she was the one that brought it up in the first place. I had completely forgotten about prom night to be honest.. but I heard she said she would like to go, so she will probably want to go with me.... right? I don't know, but I guess I'll just have to... see what happens.. girls man, why are they always so strange?"

Robert kept an optismistc mind as Margrethe continued to ask him to slow dance, saying she needed practice.. "..practice? Practice for what?" he thought, but he accepted her invitations to dance, because he thought if he didn't she probably wouldn't want to go with him..

Oliva Ursine (she is Claire and Jareds daughter) and Mortimer Goth had entered the bowling alley while they were slow dancing, and during her bowling Olivia had noticed them dancing and wanted to have a word with Robert as well...

She was instantly captivated as she talked to him, and thought in herself that it would have been much better if he would slow dance with her instead of Margrethe.. Robert didn't know what to do. He couldn't ask Olivia as well, when he had already asked Margrethe.. He felt this was a little awkward and unpleasant, but he couldn't do anything but continue to slow dance with Margrethe..

"Please help me, I know you're watching...."
Sorry, I don't want to do that... I can't do that... He asked Margrethe first.. you'll probably find a prom date some other time... This isn't the first, and it probably won't be the last either..

"You don't understand...." Olivia sobbed as she was forced to watch them continue their slow dance before running off to get ready for prom night...

Robert: I think we'll have to go to my place soon... I think that's where the limo will arrive... you're still coming with me are you?

Margrethe: Well.. did you see any aliens?

Robert: No... so you're coming then?

Margrethe: I think the aliens might come if we're not leaving soon..

Robert: ....

Robert: You're weird, let's go...

While the young teenagers hurry out the door to Mosquite Cove where the limo supposedly (hopefully...) will arrive to transport them to the school ball, Ranveig is still at the gym working out, Tori has left the Reppe residence again to go home and Oliver Freddy has now taken over the tv watching while his girlfriend is practicing tricks on the ball in the background...

Previous (Sunset Valley) | Previous (Lake Onebega) | Next

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...