Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Chapter 4 - Amena Alnuman

One of them is Amena Alnuman who lives close to the edge of the road in the New Town area. Amena was born and raised in the city of Almoravid in Genaro Molokai. From before she has a degree in art from Almoravid State University, not because she is interested in art, but solely to satisfy her strict parents. Since she moved to Sunset Valley, she went to therapy for a while with Psychiatrist Pia Holm-Fredriksen, before she found herself a job at the police station and that is the job she currently holds She has already reached level three of the police career.

Sunset Valley, Monday 19th July 2021.

Picture: Amena outside her home, on the way to work on monday morning.

Amenas notes:
As a police woman it is important to stay fit, so after work I went to the downtown fitness centre to pump some iron.

But she remembers everything.

Tuesday, 20th July 2021.

I was not in a good mood when I woke up this morning, and my muscles had begun to ache from yesterdays workout. It is probably for the better if I keep to myself at work today, so my mood does not spoil anyone elses day.

I was feeling even worse after work, so I wanted to text Asgeir to invite him over. Maybe that will cheer me up.

Asgeir is nice to talk to sometimes, because he is one of the few people in town that understands what it is like to wake up feeling grumpy in the morning, but when he starts to talk about him being an author and writing books.. well, thats when he begins to bore me.
She does not want to remember.

Wednesday, 21st July 2021.

There is a small park just above the trailer park that I sometimes go to for a little peace and quiet. It is not the nicest park around. The ground is kind of soggy there, but it is an ok spot to get a decent view of the town.

I wonder what they were thinking when they built that trailer park, though, because no roads lead there. The trailers have a nice location on the hillside, but it does look a little bit like they were just dumped there and no one bothered to relocate them. Surprisingly, maybe, there are also some people living there. I have seen them run up and down the slope, but I have never really met any of them.
And she has not heard from her brother since then.

Thursday, 22nd July 2021

I woke up feeling grumpy again this morning. The cheap salad I had for breakfast wasn't really helping. I locked myself up in the office and spent the day doing paperwork. I didn't feel like talking to anyone at work today. Abdul Ghulam was friendly enough to send me an invitation to a party over at his place. When I got home I took on my nicest dress before making dinner, hoping it would set me in the mood for a party later.

And so are both of her parents.

At Abdul's party:

Deng was at the party as well, and I told him excactly how stupid I think his idea to be a painter and writer really is. What nonsense, he is going to end up poor and starving, I am sure. He is such an idiot, he should try to get a real job like me.

And then he had the guts to make fun of MY career choice, but that guy shouldn't be talking. Not only is he a good for nothing pretend-to-be-a-writer-and-painter, but he is also a criminal. I can't wait for the day when I can finally arrest him for something, and send his rear end to jail where he belongs!

Amena: This is you Deng! This is what you're like!

Amena: "Oooh, I am going to be a writer! And I am going to write the best books! And sell millions of copies! And make millions of simoleons! OooOoooOOh!"

Amena: Ha! You will never sell a single book! You're going to jail! Ha!

Amenas notes:

Good thing I told him, maybe that will make him think and shape up a little. What a deadbeat. And boy can he be boring when he starts talking, because sometimes he just talks and talks without listening and keeps sharing all these facts about things I really couldn't care less about. Such as fishing.. apparently he thinks he knows about some secret fishing spot or something...I didn't know he cared so much about the outdoors...

And of course, I couldn't leave without telling Abdul just excactly how boring I thought his party was!

And that stupid grey shirt he is wearing! He has the fashion sense of a back alley chain link fence! Dress up a little, you moth eaten scobberlotcher!

And then he got mad and told me harshly to go home, and that he would not consider inviting me over ever again! As if I care!

Friday, 23rd July 2021

Amenas notes:

Even though I think Deng is an idiot, I woke up today with a desire to find out if he had any money, or atleast if there was anything behind his words and he actually has potential to get rich somewhere down the road. I thought I should pay him a visit later, but I also got an invitation to a party over at Leighton Sekemoto's house.

I had been there at a party once before around Halloween last year. I dressed up in a tiger costume, and I remember it as a good time. The invitation made me pretty excited, I just hope Jared Frio won't be there this time, though. He was not a bad kisser and made me feel pretty special, but I later learned that it was typical of him to go around trying to kiss everyone and that there wasn't anything more to it then that. I do not like that man.
Home is gone.

Luckily, he wasn't there. I sat at the kitchen table playing computer games on my laptop for a while, before watching a film on tv with a woman I haven't met before. It was the first time I have seen someone be so excited about watching tv. I figured she must be a pretty special case, like so many others in this town.

Ranveig Motorsen: I heard this movie got pretty good ratings in the newspapers. Do you also like to watch movies?

Amena: Yeah... sometimes when I am at home and have nothing better to do, but I would rather just sit and surf the web, honestly.

Our conversation got interrupted by a phone call from Arlo Bunch. He called me only to complain about doing dishes by hand because his dishwasher was broken. What a boring guy. Like I care about broken dishwashers.

There was this one guy there called Christoffer Steel. I only briefly talked to him before Leighton said the party was over. This Christoffer guy may be old, but that does not have to be a bad thing. I wonder if he has any money.

Saturday, 24th July 2021

Today I put on my finest dress and ran over to Dengs house. After I rang the doorbell, I could hear a female voice from inside. Another woman visiting that moron, who can that be?

When he let me inside, I saw a woman standing in his kitchen wearing a purple sweater. Though I am not interested in Deng as a person in any way, I must admit it saddened me to see her there.

Anyway, I did not get the impression from his home that he has any more money then me.
In fact, he probably has less, so a visit here is futile.

So I mocked his desire to be a writer again and headed out of there. I'll probably be luckier in the park downtown.

There was some guy there from the army or something that started talking to me. Now, I don't like people in uniforms, and there is a reason for that. They are the scum of the earth in my opinion. Complete garbage, so I quickly ended that conversation and walked away.
Things can never return to what they used to be
After that I went roller skating and a friendly old lady wanted to teach me how to a pirouette. It didn't go that well in the beginning.

I lost balance and made us both fall almost immediately, but after a few rounds I started to get the hang of this roller skating thing. After I got a little better, I got some more help from a young woman that introduced herself as Olivia Ursine. She was really good, and I was almost envious of the way she did pirouettes. She eventually taught me how to do it as well.

On the skating rink I met this guy called Magnus Tong. I wanted to find out if he was rich, so I asked him what his job was.
It turns out he was one of those military guys as well, so I left him for a hot dog. In fact, I left him for many hot dogs, as many as I could eat, and to go with that I even won an entire weeks supply of hot dogs!

Sunday, 25th July 2021

Today I invited Prison Warden Fredrik Holm-Fredriksen over for a visit. I have heard some talk about him being well off. Also, he does run the prison locking bad people up, so he should be an interesting person to talk to.

As soon as he sat down in that chair and we started talking, I knew immediately that I wanted to kiss him. Not because he is attractive, because I find him to be only so-so, but he does have money. I tried several times, but my attempts at flirting with him didn't lead anywhere, he just turned his face away and kept saying he was married.

I guess I will have to look elsewhere, so I told him to leave and visited Christoffer Steels house instead. Christoffer Steel had a nice enough house (not counting the rotten fish in a fish bowl... disgusting...), but not a lot of money. So no luck there either, but since I was already at his house I had to stay and talk for a while before going home.

For the next chapter I will introduce the Reppe family and there will be another birthday party.

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...