Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Chapter 17.2 – July 2023: Satellites and Astronauts

 This morning Ranveig was awake early, resting on her bed and watching the romance channel as usual.. this particular show was entertaining, she thought, but not very realistic.. as far as she know..


"Haha, this is so stupid! That's not how love works... Living happily ever after until death do us part! That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard..."


For someone that so obviously appears to have given up on love, she sure enjoys tormenting herself by watching these sappy shows on tv...

The boys are still sleeping, with Robert Bråge dreaming of maybe at one point joining the journalism career. He certainly has been inspired by something or someone to begin writing, though unlike his mom, he has chosen to go with fiction, for now..


Ranveig eventually got tired of watching tv when she realized that all that would be on for the rest of the day were old reruns.. that she had already seen a thousand times before.. Maybe if she would fiddle around for a while she could figure out a way to upgrade the tv to take in more channels.. or at the very least boost the quality of the ones already present.. somehow...

Robert Bråge wakes up to greet his brother, still sleeping in bed. ;)


This was a happy time for Robert, having been just recently crowned the king of the school ball, and experiencing his first romance with Margrethe. He just had to let out a cheer for himself after finishing his morning bath. ;)

And yeah, since last month, after finishing his first novel in the science fiction genre, he also had a thirst to improve his writing skills, as well as earn more in royalties. So.. inspired by his most recent experiences, he sat down by his moms computer to write a teen romance novel. He pondered for a while what title to give it, but ended up choosing to call it "Right, but wrong" for some reason. :P

Ranveig was happy to have successfully upgraded the tv after a good while of tinkering with the screw driver, and even increasing her handiness skill by two points, from 7 to 9. She was close to mastering it now. ;)


Another thing Ranveig was good at (and proud of) was cooking, as she went downstairs to say good morning to her son and prepare a meal of vegetarian dim sum.. of course, when it comes to skills, it always helps to be an adult and to have already lived a life and fulfilled all your goals... ;)

Now that her sons are getting older too, who knows, but there might come a time when Ranveig no longer has anything left to strive for.. but still, for know, she still wants to make sure that also her youngest son gets raised good, as good as she can...

Scientific experiments again was the first thing on Oliver Freddys mind this forenoon. Can't call it morning anymore. ;) Of course, he needed some extra sleep after having been at a pub with his girlfriend just yesterday. ;)


The best thing he could do then, was to start off his day with a long and relaxing bubble bath... :P


..and speaking of his girlfriend, where is she at? Well, Inge is at home showing off her skills on the trick ball to her younger sister. Kristina is proud of, and looks up to Inge, and one day (atleast for now) she wants to do just what she does, and go to university to get a degree in something as well. She hasn't figured out excactly what yet, but then again, she's only fourteen so she has plenty of time left to figure it out before then. :P


The parents were upstairs playing pong, luckily without the juice, so things seemed alright in this home.

Just down the street Ingrid is spotted walking downtown from her new house. Yes, because without informing anyone, especially not her parents, she has now sold the house they had built for her, and moved in to the old Rynkestjert estate..

    Photo: The old house of Agnes Rynkestjert, Redwood Street 230.

It's not that long ago she just bought a new car, too, yet she is walking.. hmm, maybe she's been overspending a little and now is in need of saving gas money. ;)

Photo: Redwood Street 180.

Also, a little further up the road Amena and Georges new home seems to finally be finished. It has the most essential of furniture, and so is ready for them to move in, but also leaving plenty of space and opportunity for personalization. ;)

Anyway, I follow Ingrid and see she is headed to the park to practice football for a while. Though, before doing so, she spots Ahmed standing by the side and decides to say hi to him and walk over to hand him some flowers..


Foul game, there young lady! ;) She's already in a relationship with Hogne Nielsen, but then again.. she's still young, and just maybe she thinks its good to have a few other options ready... well, that's on her.. Ahmed doesn't mind, he's happy to have a young attractive woman come over and hand him flowers either way.. ;)

I take it she's not being very serious as she doesn't hang around him for to long and quickly goes to do what she really came there for...

Robert thought it was enough writing for today, as he had just increased his skill in writing to level 4. His language was still a little to flowery if you ask me, but I think it may still work well for what he is going for with his little novel here. The publisher seemed to like it, rewarding him with an adequate sum of simoleons for the job.

He didn't want to spend the rest of the day indoors, so he called up his friend from school, Otto Hillestad, to go hang out at the park.


In a similar fashion, after having browsed through the channels of her newly upgraded tv, Ranveig decided it was time to get some work out to not be a total couch potato, and went outside to get pumped. ;)

Now, a park downtown isn't nature the way nature intended itself to be, but Robert loves it nonetheless – the mostly clean air, the grass and the 'free' flowing water of the centerpiece fountain. Absolutely beautiful. :P

A hint of wildlife was present to, as in the background some protesters had also gathered in front of the town hall to shout out their disdain for whatever cause would be most relevant these days..

Ingrid is still out, enjoying the nature and getting a little more workout too, as I just catch her jogging past. I follow her again to see where she's going while Robert wait to meet up with his friend..


She appears to take aim directly for the protesters chanting 'No more astronauts!' and 'Stop sending our tax money into space!'.
    Ingrid finds herself in part agreeing with the protesters – she thinks the money will be better spent on helping the poor and on better healthcare for people with chronic illnesses – but doesn't want to say it out loud yet, seeing as this is her workplace and she doesn't want to do anything that might hurt her career..

..and in part she feels like she is the one being protested against, even though she shares their point of view. Sometimes in politics to get ahead it might be necessary to fight the occasional battle that isn't your own.. unless you want to polish podiums forever..

So she tries to cheer up the angry crowd a bit, by going for the university slogan cheer instead.. to no effect, because the protesters are really fed up and angry.. 'Boo! Cut the funding! No more austronaut programs!' they keep on chanting..

Robert has outer space on his mind too, but for a different reason, as he reveals to his friend his desire to discover a star and name it after Margrethe...


It's funny how this works, because just as he is having this conversation a notification show up that Margrethe just improved her athletic skills to level 4. Immediately this doesn't make to much sense as she is hanging out by the arcade, the local nerd hangout.. though, since her father in the back there is in his fitness wear, maybe this is a compromise between them – 'If I take you to the gym to workout, we can go to the arcade afterwards'. She must have gotten a workout somehow, and I don't think it was from the arcade game.. but everyones playstyle is different, so who knows. ;)

Oliver Freddy had finished his relaxing bath and was now going deep into science.. He had a few rocks he wanted to examine. Maybe this one could be a space rock – a piece of a meteor, just like the one grandma has on her balcony? Well, it proved to be just a regular piece of iron, and so far it didn't appear to have any traceable outer space origins. He got an interesting sample from it though, which he hoped would be useful for later – and if you really think about it, aren't all rocks space rocks anyway? :P


After he had succesfully collected his sample, his girlfriend Inge called him. After a lengthy conversation about their usual topics such as art, the future, getting a job and having children, Oliver Freddy decided he wanted to go outside and head to the park as well..

Ranveig was still busy working out as he ran through the door..

At the park he thought it was a good idea to try to impress Hank Wan-Goddard with his trick ball skills.. The eating contest competitors are Madison van Watson and Frida Kråkesen.

Otto showed off his nerdy side, talking about computers. Perhaps not the best topic for an outdoors enthusiast, but Robert wanted to become best friends for life with him, so he listened patiently. Besides, computers are useful for writing... :P


Helene Kråke-Motorsen had taken her son Anton to the park. Grandma Frida follows them and they join up at the skating rink. Well, minus Anton because he's to young to go skating yet...

Robert has wanted to go skating all the time since he entered the park, so naturally he would join them too, and Otto has got some nice pirouette skills there.

The Reppe family had gone swimming in one of the more hidden, but still public, pools in town where both of the Reppe sisters increased their skill in sports.


After walking their rounds on the skating rink both Otto and Robert have the same idea to go play chess with Narcissa Vatos, but Otto is just a few seconds ahead of Robert and beats him to it. ;)


So he goes to practice on his own instead.. but fear not, his brother is there to save the day. ;)


Solo chess practice turns into a match (death match?) between the brothers, and it turns out it could be a pretty even one too, as they are both on level 8 in logic skill..  They don't have any official chess rating though, unlike their mom with a rating of more than 2800 and owner of the title of Chess Grand Master...


Roberts face when he realizes he has won and can put his brother in check mate. ;)


Ranveig just maxed out her athletic skill, another mission accomplished. Can she say that she is a super woman by now? ;)

Ingrid is home in her new house to make dinner, and I see from the rotten juice pack on the counter that she's still sloppy with the cleaning..


..but the most shocking thing is the rotten birthday cake in her dining room! It's sitting there right next to a book titled 'Tragedies and masterpieces'..I didn't even know birthday cakes could go bad, because they always seem to last for quite a while.. so this one must be really old.. Some birthday party must have been celebrated here, and for whatever reason whoever hosted it never cleaned up afterwards.. nobody even took a piece of the cake... hmm...
                                            ....together in death, my love....


Then I get a notification that Ingrids old home has a new owner in Ylajali Halvorsen, as she too has managed to scrape together enough money to move out of the trailer park on the hillside... The picture shows her as she just entered the building of the old Sunset Valley Art Association.


After playing chess for a few more rounds, the brothers get hungry and go to deal with it in each their way. Robert is still feeling competitive and goes for a hot dog eating contest, while Oliver Freddy takes a more chill route and sits down on a park bench with an ice cream.

Take it from the professionals, always save up enough hunger before entering an eating contest if winning is your aim. ;)


Oliver Freddy gets tired and decides to call it a night to head home, but Robert Bråge really enjoys his time in the park, and wants to go fishing for a while, catching two goldfish of average quality and one minnow of excellent quality.

Ranveig has finished working out and spent her evening with a long relaxing bath and then watching more tv as she is waiting for her sons to come home.


It's almost past Roberts curfew and she gets a little anxious, so she sends him a message saying she wants him to come home soon...

..but Robert ignores his mom's message, thinking it's no problem to stay out a little longer and goes to practice some football when.. sirens are heard behind him.

He still thinks it was worth it being apprehended by the police, and hopes his mom will was only 15 minutes past his curfew anyway! That's nothing!

Ranveig did not agree! She had just gone to bed, and was not very happy about waking up again to police sirens from outside...

"That DOES IT! You are GROUNDED young man! Don't even THINK about leaving the house!"

Wow, I must say.. Ranveig is really harsh here, as she grounds him for what is effectively two months! Two months for 15 minutes!


Robert rolls his eyes at his mom, thinking that's just way to much.. he was just out fishing, what harm could that be doing!? ..but this is still Ranveigs house he is living in, she is the boss, she makes the rules, and he can't do anything but go to bed.. for now..


Good night. ;)

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Satelites and austronauts...
Tell me there are greater things ahead...

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

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