Monday, July 3, 2023

Chapter 17.1 - June 2023: I must be in love with an alien... part II

Margrethe and Robert had some time to kill watching tv while waiting for the limo to arrive. The narrator had some doubts of whether or not this would work, when they after a good hour of watching tv suddenly get up and put on their finest clothing and run out the door to go to the school ball...

They're looking quite nice, I must say, though the weather is not as it just started to hail.. so I hope the limo is nearby...

Turns out it isn't, because they run.. and they run.. and once they approach the school it looks like there is no limo waiting for them, and that they're going to run all the way.. Sounds like the prom is getting started in there already, because I can hear the bass from inside, but they keep runnin'.. and runnin', runnin', and runnin', runnin'....

Then I see the limo... it's parked between Lise Veronica and Kleopatras house... The limo driver must have completely misunderstood the directions...

"Well, there are so many similar last names around town.. it's no wonder I get confused.. You expect me to know the difference between the Motorsen household, the Motor-Notesen household and the Motor-Karlsen household? Give me a break..."
Yeah, I kinda do.... that's your job.. your ride may be as smooth as a limousine, but you're not excactly ahead of the curves... now shut up and drive! ;)

Now imagine if they hadn't found the limo, or if there hadn't been one there at all.. then they might have been left to stand out in the hail instead.. one can only hope then that Margrethe would have been so kind to let Robert stand under her umbrella a little bit too... ;)

Luckily it didn't go that way, and they all got the prom this time too, and even if the weather outside was a drab, inside the sun would probably be shining, so they could all shine together and have a good time. ;) So now, everybody, let's get it started.. just don't get st... don't get stupid... ;)

With her youngest son now on his first date and prom night Ranveig decided to go upstairs to relax in the sauna after her workout, from where she could enjoy a nice view of the surrounding trees and the backyard of the laundromat. :P

..and the prom night begin the pop ups again. And just like last time, when the same question was popped by Kristina to Lise Veronica, I just can't make myself say no, so now there is another teenage couple in town! :P

..and something tells me this night is going to go down excactly like last time, just with a different couple. ;) Makes me wonder if a prom night could ever go wrong..? This is only my second one, so I wouldn't know...

Romance happened elsewhere to, as Inge shyly stole a kiss from Oliver Freddy, much to her mothers amusement. ;)

It's saturday night and the kids aren't the only one that should enjoy a night out, so Ranveig invites her sister Monica out to eat at the Corsican Bistro while Oliver Freddy and Inge called for a taxi to take them to the Garage pub downtown for some pizza and drinks..

Meanwhile Robert Bråge was having a splendid time at the prom.. Chemistry is not just found at the bar when the mixologist is doing their thing.. :P But in general its always the same, one thing reacting to another with sometimes mixed results.. the results look good here, though.. :P

Oliver Freddy ordered the pizza, but well, sometimes it can be difficult to understand the concept of enjoying a meal together as he went to eat his piece by the bar at the concert venue in the basement..

Inge was left alone to eat her piece upstairs right next to Lisa Bunch that was finding some love for the night with Hank Goddard-Wan...

Monica thanked Ranveig for the invitiation, but said she would rather be home since her daughter was at the prom...There would be plenty of other opportunities for them to dine out, and when Ranveig got to think about it, she agreed..

"Monica has a point.. with our kids at the prom it's probably best to stay home waiting for them for when they come home, or in case something else should happen..."

Well, that's what she s.. thought, but by the time Robert Bråge came home from a successful night at the prom she was already in bed. A big meal after several hours of strength workout at the gym and a hot sauna bath would probably make anyone struggle to keep awake.. :P

Robert Bråge is a nice kid and followed his moms example shortly thereafter, and this leaves only Inge and Oliver Freddy still up enjoying their own little slow dance over at the pub.

Both of them had several thoughts about babies and children this night, and the scene looked as romantic as slow dancing at the local rock pub can be, which gave me hopes of a.. hmm.. happy ending.. :P

Oh, this time was certainly one for romance, because while they were still slow dancing I got a message that Amena had just been on a date with Marty Keaton! My initial thought is good news, but.. on second thought, should you be doing that, Amena? ;) Marty is married to Justine, and Justine is a colleague of Amena in the police force.... hmm.....

This does remind me though that I should check up on Amena and George and how the building of their new house is going, however I think I'll save that for the next update since it's already getting a little late here. ;)

Back at the pub I do think it looks like the night is going to end well when Inge asks Oliver Freddy to watch the stars, but then..

..Inge gets a seemingly random impulse and runs out the door and heads back home just like that...

The pub was far from closing, so this leaves me and Oliver Freddy both a little confused.. what was that? Did she suddenly get 'cold feet'? That was certainly an abrupt and unexpected ending to an otherwise perfect night..Oh well, not much left for Oliver Freddy to do now but head back home as well.. Women! Why are they so strange? ;) Maybe she suddenly got afraid they would get abducted by aliens...

So umm.. yeah, good night. ;) See you next time...

The prom gang:

Like last time when there was a prom, I'm gonna have the teenagers pose a little. ;)

Margrethe and Robert Bråge before entering the prom.

The prom couples. Lise Veronica and Kristina to the left. Margrethe and Robert Bråge to the right.

The teenagers that haven't gotten a prom date so far. Left to right: Kleopatra, Bjørn-Yngve and Olivia.

All of them. :P

Margrethe and Robert Bråges prom photo.

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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...