Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Chapter 17.6 – November 2023: part II – Storslagent! Nei, legendarisk er ordet! (Continued)

This a continuation of Chapter 17.6 - November 2023: part II - Storslagent! Nei, legendarisk er ordet! (Click the link to go back and read the first half of this chapter).

So after a bit of waiting for everyone to decide on what to eat and for the chefs inside to finish their food, out they came and were ready find a seat.. Margrethe had gone for a simple sandwish, but Kristina and Lise Veronice had chosen a little more expensive meals for themselves..


Of course that didn't go by unnoticed and Margrethe was quick to tell them they would not be splitting that bill! ;) They should learn to be a little more frugal, she thought.. It wasn't always necessary to buy the most expensive thing they could find on the menu...


After they had finished eating and everyones belly was full, Lise Veronica wanted to check out something.. She had heard that the area near the back entrance of the restaurant might have something interesting to find..

        "What now?" Margrethe wondered "It's just a back entrance.. what are you expecting to find? More food..? I don't like spending to much money, but I'm not going dumspter diving if that's what you think.. I thought we just ate!"
        "No no, we're not going dumpster diving, I promise.. I think there's something else there I want to check out.."

"Look at it! Isn't it cute!" Lise Veronica said, bending over a small rodent that scurried around on the grass right next to the back entrance of the restaurant..

    "Ew, no! It's a rat! That's disgusting!" Margrethe said, not really liking this very much..."I can almost feel it crawling on me, this is gross!"


"No, come look at him! He's so cute! I want to take him home!" Lise Veronica said, bending down to pick up the rat and put it in her pocket.

    "If you say so... I know my parents would kill me if I came home with a rat! Especially my mom, she would probably want me to desanitize the entire house afterwards just for even considering it..." Margrethe said, thinking about how her mom always brings home those bottles of hand disinfection from the hospital and places them all over the house...

Kristina doesn't mind though, she finds it charming how Lise Veronica has such a love for the animals. If she can be that fond of animals, she might also be the perfect partner to raise a big family one day...

Margrethe is getting a little impatient with the turtle doves now though, and wants to head over to the arcade to prove that she can beat them there too..

"I'm going to the arcade" she says as she begins to walk away from them "..are you coming or not?"


At the arcade Kristina got some second thoughts about the rat too. She heard the rats squeaks and chirps coming from Lise Veronicas pocket right behind to her in the taxi, and started to feel like it could jump out and start crawling all over her any minute..

Even the taxi driver had wondered what the sound was, to which Lise Veronica was quick to state that it was just an injured bird she had found and that she wanted to take home to care for.. The taxi driver wasn't to happy about having animals in her taxi, but accepted it as it was an injured bird after all..

She did find it a little strange though that she wanted her to drive them to the arcade and not to a house, to which Lise Veronica had replied that she lived just down the road from the arcade and that they walk to the house from there, since her parents didn't give her all that much for her weekly allowance..

Her living down the road from the arcade was true, but the allowance thing was not.. how else would they be able to compete over who could get the best score on the arcade machines? :P


Well, it turns out Margrethe wasn't as good at playing arcade games as she was at bowling, seeing as how she had to accept being beaten by both Kristina and Lise Veronica. Then the arcade games all of a sudden weren't really all that funny anymore and she excused herself saying she had to go to work.. I don't know what her after school job is, but work at this hour on a saturday night? She did tell them she had a lot of fun though, and that they could call her anytime if they wanted to do something fun or crazy...

She makes sure to give Kristina a good hug before taking off, to make it clear that she is leaving on good terms. Kristina and Lise Veronica stay behind to spend more simoleons on the arcade games, since they had so much fun doing it, regardless of who got the most points. They weren't as competitive against each other after Margrethe had left..


However, it was getting pretty late eventually and Monica sent a message to her daughter to remind her that she should probably be getting home soon.. Keeping the incident at the Blitzkrieg house in her memory – where Lise Veronica had lied to her about being over at her cousins house – she didn't want her daughter to be out and about somewhere on a saturday night..


"Oh.. I got a message from mom. I think I have to go home, or she will come pick me up..."


"I have to hurry... are you coming?" Lise Veronica had wanted to ask Kristina to come over to her house to sleep over , but this happened a little to abruptly. They had so much fun playing the arcade games, they hadn't at all noticed how much time had passed, and now she was worried her mom would come pick her up and give her a scolding like last time, so she didn't find the time to ask properly..

        "No, I think I have to go home to my own mom.. I didn't know it was this late!" Kristina replied, feeling a little sad already that she had disappointed her parents.. "I'll uh.. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

When Lise Veronica came in through the door at home (walking carefully with the rat in the pocket, hoping it would keep quiet..), her parents were still up playing video games. Monica was really happy her daughter was so quick to come home for a change...

Lise Veronica carefully sat down on the couch, with the rat still in the pocket, and began to talk abouter mom's job.. specifically, talking about how interesting she thought some of the scientific experiments she did there was... and if she could join her at work one day to see the rats..


"Rats?" Monica wondered "We're not doing experiments on rats... Our current project is on plants, you know? Like I told you earlier... why do you think we're doing experiments on rats?"

"Because I just found one that looks like it escaped!" Lise Veronica said, fetching the rat out of her pocket.


"You did what!?" Monica said in disbelief, before looking at the rat Lise Veronica held in her hand.. "That's not ours, we don't have rats at the lab. Where did you find that one?"

        "It was just behind the Corsican Bistro, mom! It's so cute so I had to take it with me! Can I keep it? Can I!?"


"Well I don't know.. " Monica sighed "...alright, I guess you can keep it for now, but if I see it running around the house chewing on stuff, you're setting it free immediately! Is that understood? Rats should really be outside..."

"Thanks alot mom! I promise I'll take good care of it, and that it won't be running around anywhere!"

        "Well, we'll see about that.. now go to bed before I change my mind!" Monica said with a stern voice. Lise Veronica was just excited she got to keep the rat, so this time she was more than happy to listen to her mom and go upstairs..


..and put the rat in its cage and feed it, because of course she had one ready for it already! let's hope Monica won't regret allowing a rodent into the house and that everything will work out alright...and that's how the night ended, with the teenagers thinking it was a magnificent day! Only magnificent? No, legenday is the word!

            Good night. ;)

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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Chapter 17.6 – November 2023: part II – Storslagent! Nei, legendarisk er ordet!

Well, so it didn't end up being the slumber party that Lise Veronica may have hoped for last night, thanks to her weird dad reading that book on her bed, and Margrethe getting tired and wanting to go to sleep early, but I think the girls have enjoyed their time together anyway. And getting a good nights sleep is also, well.. good. :P

The house was peaceful and quiet when Thomas woke up to venture out into the hallway outside his, and his parents bedroom. He was still a little to scared of heights to walk down the stairs, but he wouldn't need to as he could find most things he needed on this floor. The first door to the right is Lise Veronicas old bedroom, now turned into a playroom for him, and the second door to the right is a bathroom.

Of course, he walks straight past his playroom to find the bathroom. He knows mom and dad doesn't like him playing around in the toilet, so he makes sure to do it while they're still asleep.. There's just something about playing around with water that is so much more alluring than the regular kids toys that once used to belong to his sister..


..but her dares not to play with it for to long, because mom and dad could wake up any moment now... Satisfied with getting his hands wet and dirty from the toilet he decides to play it safe for the rest of the morning and walk back to his playroom to mess around with the building blocks instead..

Yawn... the next one (of the humans) to wake up is Margrethe, carefully crawling out of the sleeping back and rolling it back together as silently as she can to not wake up Lise Veronica who is still sleeping in her bed..

She watches Lise Veronica sleeping as she carefully tiptoed her way out of the room to head downstair. She walked towards the kitchen feeling a little hungry, but thought it was probably best to wait until everyone else was up before she found something to eat. She didn't want to feel like she was stealing food, even though she would probably have been welcome to take a bite. Well, that, and the kitten was there being so cute, so she had to stop and let it sniff her hand for a while.

After that she walks over to the dining table, but it's not to eat. Instead she finds the book Lise Veronica wanted to read the night before and puts it back in the bookshelf.. She didn't have to do that. This isn't her home and it isn't her responsibility to clean up after them, but she did so anyway...

When Lise Veronica wakes up the first thing she does is to take a glance at the prom photo of her and Kristina... It was the best, most exciting evening of her life so far.. Everything was perfect then.. 

Everyone in the family sat down to have their breakfast finally, after Ivar had a little quarrel with Thomas because he didn't want to eat, but instead go out and splash and play in the puddles of water outside.. They asked Margrethe if she wanted to join, but she said she was alright and that she was still full from the pumpkin pie yesterday..

Instead she puts the video game down to walk upstairs and make the parents bed! I wasn't expecting that, I thought she would be a little rude and relax on it instead, but no, she didn't..

I haven't spent to much time in Margrethes home since she became a teenager, so I don't really know how she does it at home, but it looks like her parents have somehow taught her to be good and help around the house as much as possible – apparently even when she is only visiting a friend. I suppose this could relate to her father being the prison warden of the local prison in town, and that he has really done his best to keep her in line and disciplined.. She probably knows from him what staying out of line can lead to, and as such it looks like she will do anything to stay well behaved and keep things tidy.. let's just hope this doesn't backfire in a few years..

It's not until after she has made all the beds in the house, also the one in Lise Veronicas room, that she sits down to eat breakfast.. In the meantime Lise Veronica has had some time to think while taking a shower, and decides to try again to send another friendly message to Kristina..

While they're watching tv after breakfast Lise Veronica directly shares her concerns with her mom about the relationship.. is it really going to break? What should she do? Monicas suggestion is a straightforward one, as she in part thinks her daughter is making a bit of a mountain out of a molehill..

She suggests she tries to call her again, and invite her over to do something simple, such as throwing ball. They can all hang out, she thinks, the three of them – Lise Veronica, Margrethe and Kristina. That would make it into a friend group, and there would be no pressure to 'have a date' or be particularly romantic..

Lise Veronica is still a little hesitant to her moms idea. What if she doesn't want to? What if she says no? She wants to think about it.. just a little more..

That's when Margrethe, who has overheard anything from the kitchen doing dishes, walks over to Lise Veronica to give her an encouraging hug. She probably won't say no, she says, and even if she does, we can always go out and do something fun together...

Lise Veronica then agrees to make the call. She's still a little nervous about it, but Margrethe is there, doing her best to reassure her that she will have her back in this situation.. ;)

Kristinas answer this time is positive, but short and to the point. "It's good. I'll be there in a few."


Then comes the anxious moment of waiting.. Lise Veronica sits down to watch tv again with her mom, while Margrethe goes back to the kitchen and begins to clean their sink, of all things.. with a sponge, luckily, and not a toothbrush like some kind of prison punishment, but still.. nobody there told her to do that, she does it all on her own accord.. it's almost as if she's programmed to do house cleaning without thinking...


When the doorbell finally rings, both Lise Veronica and Monica immediately jump out of their chairs. Monica cheers loudly, because she feels pretty certain that the teenagers will get over it and sort everything out. Lise Veronica is a little more anxious still, though.

Kristina is invited in, but doesn't immediately appear very interested in talking, as she walks directly over to the bookshelf to pick up a childrens book to read..

That doesn't help with Lise Veronica feeling of being a little nervous, but after a while of just.. looking at Kristina as she reads, she finally manages to find a little bit of courage by mentioning that she had a really good time at Morten's birthday party just last month.... which is true, up until a certain point..


..before she admits to being 'so sorry about what happened at the end of the party, she felt like she could die', which is probably also true, all things considered.. Kristina, who was up until now unaware that Lise Veronica felt this way, finds her honesty comforting and reassuring and then admits to having followed her to the house that night.... because she was angry...

...but when the taxi stopped outside and she saw the lights on inside and realized that, of course, Lise Veronicas parents would probably also be inside, she got a little scared and didn't dare to knock on the door to confront her, so... instead she told the taxi driver to just take her home..


The girls both realize that they've been a little dumb, and that.. phew.. it was good to get it out and settled, after all.. ;)

Kristina then steers the conversation over to talking about her own sister, how she has gone to university to study art, how she wants to be a writer, and of course, her boyfriend there studying science, who is also Lise Veronicas cousin and Margrethes half brother.. hey, Sunset Valley is a pretty small town, you know...


Everything seems good, until Margrethe comes walking down the stairs and into the living room after having conviently gone upstairs before Kristina was let in. Kristina wasn't expecting that, and becomes a little anxious again..

    "What? Where did she come from..? ..and why is she in her sleepwear?"

Of course, Kristina knows that Margrethe is Lise Veronicas best friend, and that it's all they are, nothing more, but still.. she wasn't prepared to have her show up like this seemingly out of the blue.. and whatever it was Margrethe did up there, she could of course have been a little more tactful and put on her everyday clothes before venturing downstairs again, but..


Lise Veronica walks over to Margrethe and suggests all three of them go somewhere to hangout, since they're already gathered, and of course, since this is a saturday with no school. ;) Margrethe wants to go watch a movie, but Lise Veronica, remembering her moms suggestion of throwing ball, thinks they should do something a little more active, and instead suggests they go to the bowling alley. Just throwing a ball inbetween each other is a little dull, but bowling with a group of friends is always fun. ;)


So.. finally Margrethe gets dressed (which makes Kristina feel a little more comfortable again), and off to the bowling alley they go! The bowling alley is located just below the grocery store and down across the road from the Corsican Bistro, but Lise Veronica knows a shortcut to get there across the grass, so she leads the way for the other girls to get there.

..and wouldn't you know, as soon as they arrive there comes Kristinas family too, to hangout. Like I said, Sunset Valley is a small town..

Well, anyway.. Kristinas parents stay behind flirting with each other, and young Emmy takes her first steps as the girls go to do what they came there for. Margrethe is the oldest of them and has gone bowling a few times before, so she begins the first round. This is Lise Veronicas first time, so she is a little confused on what to do...

She fumbles around a bit at first, but Kristina makes sure to cheer her on and encourage her once she figures out how to pick up the ball. :P


She is really happy that she manages to knock over as many as five pins already on her first throw. ;)


The girls take their turns as they keep on bowling, and even though Margrethe is more experienced, she still falls on her face every now and then. :P 



After they have finished bowling, Kristina takes the courage to ask Lise Veronica for a slow dance, while Margrethe goes to buy herself something to eat.. however, the barista (to the left) has been drinking on the job and is just completely useless...

A line even forms as Ingrid, who also arrived to go bowling, decides to get a snack too, so eventually the barista is dismissed and unfortunately the café remains closed for the rest of the day...

The bar is still open, so it's still possible to both get something to eat and drink...


Iselin and Jarle are proud that Emmy learned to walk all on her own. ;) Lise Veronica and Kristina have been doing great as they have been both repeatedly flirting with each other.

Of course Kristina also has to congratulate her little sister with learning her first essential life skill, and play with her for a while. ;)


"Next thing you know, she'll be running on treadmills..." Lise Veronica says out loud, though I'm not sure to whom she says it. :P Now, Eirn which is her grandma, is being a little inappropriate as she hands flowers to Kristinas father.. Small town again...


Jarle appreciates the flowers, how can he not, she's just so charming... but it's not very popular with anyone, including Ingmar, Eirins husband playing the bass all the way to the left there...


Lise Veronica thinks they're being dumb.. After the trouble she just had with Kristina, what are they thinking? Her grandma should not be giving flowers to her girlfriends dad.. and he shouldn't be accepting them! Adults think they're so smart, but they're not...

"We're not going to be like them, we're much smarter."

"Indeed we are..."


Then Margrethe feeling very confident since she won the bowling game, has to brag about her arcade gaming skills..

"Oh.. are you sure about that?" Lise Veronica asks in a slightly mocking tone. "The arcade is just on the other side of the park, you know..

"I'm absolutely positive! We'll go there and I'll show you!" Margrethe says

        "..but I think I'm gonna have something to eat first. I don't know what was up with that barista, he was acting really strange and didn't look like he wanted to do his job at all.."

        "Yeah, didn't you smell it? He smelled like super-juice... Just like what's in the keg in the basement of the Blitzkrieg house..." Lise Veronica said, almost suggesting that they should go to the Blitzkrieg house and eat from the cafeteria there, but then.. she remembered how angry mom got last time she went there, so she suggested they go to the Corsican Bistro instead.. Afterall that was almost just across the road.

Continue reading.


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Chapter 18.1 - January 2024 - Family, lessons and a staircase

 Christmas is now over as we return to the old Mosquito Cove and Ranveig Motorsens house on this rainy january morning... there is something...